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Releases: vuetifyjs/vuetify


12 Sep 01:37
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v0.15.5 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • Fixed a bug where v-select with the autocomplete prop would not properly focus when tabbed to


11 Sep 23:10
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v0.15.4 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • aff6327 Fixed a bug where v-parallax with the jumbotron prop was not scaling correctly
  • 1ae41e6 Fixed a bug where v-carousel could not have the cycle prop disabled by default
  • c544b40 Fixed improper spelling of the threshold prop on v-toolbar
  • #1680 Fixed a bug where v-menu didn't always properly re-position on window size change
  • #1343 Fixed a bug where using the prepend-icon and append-icon props in form inputs that were disabled were not being styled properly
  • #1519 Fixed a bug where list-group's activator was not having its icon styled properly when active
  • #1609 Fixed a bug where v-expansion-panel-content with the lazy prop was not displaying animation properly
  • #1662 Fixed a bug where v-select with the autocomplete and clearable prop would not clear the search value if you clicked clear before blurring the element after making a selection
  • #1683 Fixed a bug where v-text-field was not working properly with decimals
  • #1682 Fixed a bug where v-text-field was firing events willy nilly
  • #1642 Fixed a bug where v-edit-dialog was being constantly re-opened after saving when using Firefox

Things we added

  • #1648 Added explicit browser-autocomplete prop that will let you set the autocomplete property on the internal input when using v-select with the autocomplete prop

Things we changed

  • 4f1f590 Removed !important declaration on typography title classes for font-weight only

Things you fixed


10 Sep 20:32
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v0.15.3 Pre-release

Hurricane Irma Release Party

Even though this release is a PATCH, it does contain some additional functionality that could technically belong in a MINOR release. v-select was garbage for so many situations and use-cases. It lacked the general functionality that you would expect to just work out of the box, so I went off on a tangent. Numerous new props that support asynchronous items have been added along with the much awaited tagging option, and even search debouncing. I would like to thank our new moderator @jacekkarczmarczyk for really being a big help with localization issues in v-date-picker. It should now be much easier to work with if your native language/locale isn't mine ;)

As always, this release has also been accompanied by some documentation improvements and updates. While still not perfect, there is still a lot planned to bring to the community in the coming months. There will only be 1 more MINOR release before version 1.0 and I'd like to thank everyone for your constant support and help with making this the best UI framework for Vue.

If Vuetify has helped you make something amazing, please considering supporting/backing the project. This helps me provide compensation to the dev team for their countless hours of hard work and support, as well as putting money back into Vuetify to make it even better.

One final note, we now have a DIAMOND level sponsor, LMAX Exchange. I'd like to thank them for their support and you can now see their logo on the documentation navigation drawer.

Things we added

  • 33c3ef6 Added jumbotron and hide-controls props to v-parallax. Added the material spec image fade for images.
  • #1112 v-stepper now accepts dynamic steps
  • #1183 Added ability to clear all form components
  • Added new props to v-select, cache-items, tags, search-debounce documentation

Things we fixed

  • #1537 Fixed a bug where dragging a v-btn with the href or to prop while clicking very fast would cause the ripples to persist
  • #1585 Fixed a bug where v-expansion-panel was focusable even without the prop
  • #1592 Fixed a bug where v-select did not work properly with dynamic items
  • #1597 Fixed a bug where v-btn inside of v-btn-toggle was not styled properly when selected
  • #1600 Fixed a bug where the counter prop could not be disabled on v-text-field
  • #1603 Fixed a bug where long labels were not displayed properly on v-slider
  • #1604 Fixed a bug where a v-menu inside of a v-toolbar-items did not have the proper height on Safari browsers
  • #1608 Fixed a bug where the detachable mixin (v-menu/v-dialog) was throwing errors with vue-virtual-scroller
  • #1631 Fixed a regression of the overlay used on v-dialog and v-sidebar in certain conditions could create 2 overlays instead of just 1
  • #1640 Removed the ability for a disabled v-tabs-item to still be tabbed to
  • 29f1ca3 Fixed a bug where v-radio inside of v-radio-group was not tab target-table
  • d9b159a Fixed a bug where the origin prop was not working properly on components that can have custom transitions
  • cba4286 Fixed a bug where a v-snackbar with an initial value of true would not timeout

Things we changed

  • Numerous QoL grid tweaks

Things you added

  • #1616 Added the lazy prop to v-expansion-panel-content
  • #1598 Added ability for v-btn to accept the value prop

Things you fixed

  • #1581 #1601 Fixed a bug where v-form was not properly validating nested inputs and much more! (thanks @KaelWD)
  • #1590 Fixed a bug where v-select with a tabindex was not overriding the default (thanks @Phlow2001)
  • #1641 Fixed a bug where v-text-field with the box and solo prop were not working well with the append-icon and prepend-icon props (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1647 Fixed a bug where the disabled prop was not properly being applied to v-radio (thanks @KaelWD)
  • #1649 Fixed a bug where v-date-picker was not properly handling internationalization in the title (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1651 Fixed a bug that month names in v-date-picker with localization was not displaying properly (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)


03 Sep 00:28
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v0.15.2 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • bcbed18 62535c1 Fixed a bug where importing VGrid with a-la-carte was not properly importing the styles
  • #1563 Fixed a bug where v-text-field was not properly aligned within v-toolbar
  • #1574 Fixed a bug where when not using v-tabs-content, v-tabs would not properly emit model changes
  • #1571 Fixed a bug where a recent changes with #1545 introduced a bug when using v-model on v-form
  • #1570 Removed border declared on v-tabs-items

Things we changed

  • #1575 When using a component that utilizes an overlay, the home and end keys were prevented in order to not allow scrolling. While this is ideal, it causes issues when trying to use home or end from within a v-text-field or v-select with the autocomplete|editable prop. Due to this, the checks for home and end have been removed from overlayable.js

Things you added

  • Added accessibility improvements to v-data-table and v-select along with numerous tests (thanks @Phlow)
  • #1566 Added testing for the new vuetify breakpoint object. (thanks @cb109)

Things you fixed

  • #1507 Fixed a bug where selection-control components v-radio|v-checkbox|v-switch were not changing model when their label was clicked (thanks @ckaczor)
  • #1526 Fixed a bug where the text-field input had the improper styles when the readonly attribute was used (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1549 Fixed a bug where when using a v-time-picker with the no-title prop that you could not go back to selecting hours (thanks @haggys22)


02 Sep 02:10
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v0.15.1 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • v-carousel and v-btn-toggle had improperly assigned stylus variables
  • Added new test for v-select


02 Sep 00:27
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v0.15.0 Pre-release

Take what you want, I don't care

Seriously, take whatever you want, Vuetify now supports a la carte. It has been a very large effort with hundreds of dev hours and I cannot wait for you to get your hands on it. In light of the large changes, we are doing a beta release to make sure there is nothing critical breaking in applications. Big shoutout to @nekosaur and @mfferreira for all their effort that they've put into this patch, from writing tests (100+), to helping restructure the entire repository to be compatible for single component exporting. Also, a big thanks to all of the community members that have provided constructive feedback and PR's.

Things I potentially broke

I realized today that the grid system was fundamentally broken for applying the proper gutters between flex items. I also realized that some of the baseline functionality of flex-box was not actually available to the developer. In light of this, I made a few tweaks that could potentially break your layout depending on your current setup. Some of the new features are:

  1. Ability to set display through helper classes d-{flex|inline-flex|block|inline-block}
  2. Can now properly nest v-layout and v-flex
  3. Only 1 v-container element is needed in order to specify the spacing between all children grid components
  4. v-container no longer has a gutter by default. This means that if you were relying on it to give row spacing between elements, you will need to specifically designate the grid-list property on the container.
  5. The documentation for grids have been significantly improved providing more examples and use-cases.
  6. breaking removed row-{size}|column-{size} because it was redundant. If you want to assign a column layout, you can do so with the already existing functionality

Upgrade Guide

  • v-tabs - Remove all slot designations from children, wrap all v-tabs-content in a single v-tabs-items
  • If you were relying on explicit declaration of the v-ripple prop on route-link implementing components, v-btn|v-list-tile|v-tabs-item etc...You will now need to manually declare the ripple effect using the ripple Boolean prop
  • The counter and required props on all accepting form components, v-text-field|v-select etc, do not trigger errors based upon the counter or required conditions not being met. The required prop now only adds the asterisk after the label and the counter prop functions pretty much the same. We now fully support vuelidate and vee-validate out of the box, but also have included a built in v-form component that can manage all of your validation needs. For more information, visit the documentation page.
  • v-flex no longer has padding by default. If you relied on this for your spacing, you now need to move to grid-lists. Simply add grid-list-{xs through xl} to the surrounding v-container to have the gutters applied.


Cleaned up numerous sections, added new examples for grid and text-fields


Things we added

  • New v-form component
  • New v-bottom-sheet component
  • New v-avatar component
  • 4 new tests for v-select to accommodate the new process
  • #454 v-text-field now supports the Material Design box design
  • #974 Added new global object to determine the current break-point. Can be accessed by
  • new from beta.5 #1545 v-form can now be submitted when pressing enter
    this.$vuetify.breakpoint. It can be used like this: :class="{ 'pa-3': $vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly }"

Things we fixed

  • #1309 Fixed a bug where certain input types (time, date, etc) were being overlapped by the label when empty and not focused
  • #1319 Fixed a bug where v-date-picker would select the wrong week day in certain locales
  • #1330 Fixed background hover when mousing over v-data-table rows
  • #1331 Fixed a bug where v-time-picker was setting the improper time period
  • #1333 Fixed a bug where v-text-field was propagating input events to v-navigation-drawer
  • #1352 Fixed a bug where a v-list-tile with multiple v-list-tile-action's or v-list-tile-avatar's would only apply styles to the next sibling element
  • #1357, #1359 Fixed a bug where the active-class prop was not properly applying the active class (doh!)
  • #1368 Fixed a bug where v-toolbar-side-icon was not working with directives
  • #1373 Fixed a bug where the .native modifier was still needed when applying @ events on v-select
  • #1374 Fixed a bug where v-list-tile's would not properly display as active when not inside of a v-list-group
  • #1375 Fixed a bug where Typography headers were not changing color with theme
  • #1377 Fixed a bug where v-select with the auto prop was not aligning the selected item over the selected value text
  • #1393 Fixed a bug where v-text-field would cause an error when referencing the internal input
  • #1397 Fixed a bug where v-edit-dialog was not properly changing theme when its parent v-data-table was set to dark
  • #1403 Fixed a bug that disallowed deselecting an option in v-btn-toggle when using the mandatory prop even if it was not the only selection
  • #1405 Fixed improper padding on v-toolbar
  • #1409 Fixed a bug where when evaluating older years in certain locales, that the v-date-picker would show the improper months
  • #1419 Fixed improper applying of opacity on disabled v-btn's
  • ddf74aa Fixed a bug where user bound @click events would be overwritten for all route-link implementing components
  • fd93077 Fixed a bug where certain heading helper classes were trying to apply a non-existent line-height and letter-spacing
  • 23eb7b3 Fixed a bug where v-menu was not properly applying the origin prop for its transition
  • 8f34860 0b6c130 Greatly improved search functionality, async items and searching async items for v-select
  • #1483 Fixed a bug where Edge was not able to iterate the node list throwing an error when searching
  • #1489 Fixed missing v-tooltip style declarations
  • #1494 Fixed v-btn using the disabled prop in v-toolbar not being styled properly
  • #1487 Disabled animation of v-icon when opening v-expansion-panel. This is a rendering issue and we will revisit it at a later time
  • #1484 Fixed a bug where when searching in v-select with the autocomplete prop, and then selecting an item, the wrong item would be selected
  • #1493 Fixed a bug where $vuetify.breakpoint.value would be undefined at runtime
  • df42a69 Fixed a bug where v-icon inside of a v-btn with the icon prop was not receiving the proper disabled styles
  • #1482 Fixed a bug where v-text-field would cause a horizontal scroll in a v-dialog when focused on Edge
  • #1462 Fixed a few styles and updated documentation examples for v-toolbar with a inner v-tabs
  • df85e48 Fixed a bug where v-select could be tab targeted when using the disabled prop
  • 283c5c5 Fixed a bug where it was possible to vertically overflow v-list-tile-title and v-list-tile-sub-title
  • 4016342 Fixed a rendering issue with v-expansion-panel using the popout prop
  • ee052a3 Fixed a bug where v-select WITHOUT the autocomplete prop would not work
  • #1495 Fixed/improved logic for determining if a select is overflowed
  • #1504 Fixed v-badge not working
  • #1506 Fixed a bug where when using a v-btn as the activator for v-menu inside of v-toolbar was not styled correctly
  • #1382 Fixed a bug where v-select did not work properly with the placeholder prop
  • #1511 Fixed bug where v-toolbar was not merged properly and didn't scroll off screen when using the scroll-off-screen prop
  • #1510 Fixed a bug where v-time-picker was not properly setting the background color to the middle circle element
  • #1517 Fixed a bug where v-icon was not properly inheriting colors
  • e483aa2 Fixed a bug where the line-height was not set properly for v-list-tile-title and v-list-tile-sub-title
  • new from beta.5 #1544 Fixed a bug where external pagination was not properly syncing with v-data-table
  • new from beta.5 #1541 #1522 Fixed a bug with v-text-field using the multi-line prop where the label was not properly positioned when resizing
  • new from beta.5 #1552 Fixed a bug with v-slider where when its model was shared, values outside of its min and max could be set
  • new from beta.5 #1556 Fixed a bug where a v-stepper with an a label that had wrapping text was not properly vertically aligned with its corresponding step icon
  • new from beta.5 #1550 Fixed a bug where v-select with the editable or autocomplete prop was not properly reacting to outside model changes

Things we changed

  • breaking Refactored v-tabs to be a little more intuitive. No longer needs to designate slots, now requires a v-tabs-items component around v-tabs-content
  • breaking The v-ripple directive is no longer automatically applied to all route-link mixin implementing components
  • breaking The v-text-field props counter and required no longer automatically apply any validation but are instead purely cosmetic. You will need to set...
Read more


31 Aug 03:21
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v0.15.0-beta.5 Pre-release


Cleaned up numerous sections, added new examples for grid and text-fields

Things I potentially broke

I realized today that the grid system was fundamentally broken for applying the proper gutters between flex items. I also realized that some of the baseline functionality of flex-box was not actually available to the developer. In light of this, I made a few tweaks that could potentially break your layout depending on your current setup. Some of the new features are:

  1. Ability to set display through helper classes d-{flex|inline-flex|block|inline-block}
  2. Can now properly nest v-layout and v-flex
  3. Only 1 v-container element is needed in order to specify the spacing between all children grid components
  4. v-container no longer has a gutter by default. This means that if you were relying on it to give row spacing between elements, you will need to specifically designate the grid-list property on the container.
  5. The documentation for grids have been significantly improved providing more examples and use-cases.

Things we fixed

  • #1382 Fixed a bug where v-select did not work properly with the placeholder prop
  • #1511 Fixed bug where v-toolbar was not merged properly and didn't scroll off screen when using the scroll-off-screen prop
  • #1510 Fixed a bug where v-time-picker was not properly setting the background color to the middle circle element
  • #1517 Fixed a bug where v-icon was not properly inheriting colors
  • e483aa2 Fixed a bug where the line-height was not set properly for v-list-tile-title and v-list-tile-sub-title

Things you fixed

#1515 Fixed a bug where disabled dates on v-date-picker where not receiving the proper styles


27 Aug 21:21
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v0.15.0-beta.3 Pre-release

Things we added

  • 4 new tests for v-select to accommodate the new process

Things we fixed

  • 8f34860 0b6c130 Greatly improved search functionality, async items and searching async items for v-select
  • #1483 Fixed a bug where Edge was not able to iterate the node list throwing an error when searching
  • #1489 Fixed missing v-tooltip style declarations
  • #1494 Fixed v-btn using the disabled prop in v-toolbar not being styled properly
  • #1487 Disabled animation of v-icon when opening v-expansion-panel. This is a rendering issue and we will revisit it at a later time
  • #1484 Fixed a bug where when searching in v-select with the autocomplete prop, and then selecting an item, the wrong item would be selected
  • #1493 Fixed a bug where $vuetify.breakpoint.value would be undefined at runtime
  • df42a69 Fixed a bug where v-icon inside of a v-btn with the icon prop was not receiving the proper disabled styles
  • #1482 Fixed a bug where v-text-field would cause a horizontal scroll in a v-dialog when focused on Edge
  • #1462 Fixed a few styles and updated documentation examples for v-toolbar with a inner v-tabs

Things we changed

Things you fixed


26 Aug 21:39
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v0.15.0-beta.2 Pre-release

Things nekosaur broke

  • Fixed Vuetify binding for direct template use (binding to window)


26 Aug 21:20
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v0.15.0-beta.1 Pre-release

Take what you want, I don't care

Seriously, take whatever you want, Vuetify now supports a la carte. It has been a very large effort with hundreds of dev hours and I cannot wait for you to get your hands on it. In light of the large changes, we are doing a beta release to make sure there is nothing critical breaking in applications. Big shoutout to @nekosaur and @mfferreira for all their effort that they've put into this patch, from writing tests (100+), to helping restructure the entire repository to be compatible for single component exporting. Also, a big thanks to all of the community members that have provided constructive feedback and PR's.

Accompanying this release will be an update to in order for you to browse through all of the new features and functionality. Keep in mind, that they are still a work in progress and should not have documentation based issues raised (such as missing text or links). However, for the beta release, I encourage you to report bugs that you find. When doing so, please ensure to follow the provided boilerplate as it will help the team better establish triage for bugs so that we can get 0.15 fully released asap.

Things we added

  • New v-form component
  • New v-bottom-sheet component
  • New v-avatar component
  • #454 v-text-field now supports the Material Design box design
  • #974 Added new global object to determine the current break-point. Can be accessed by this.$vuetify.breakpoint. It can be used like this: :class="{ 'pa-3': $vuetify.breakpoint.xsOnly }"

Things we fixed

  • #1309 Fixed a bug where certain input types (time, date, etc) were being overlapped by the label when empty and not focused
  • #1319 Fixed a bug where v-date-picker would select the wrong week day in certain locales
  • #1330 Fixed background hover when mousing over v-data-table rows
  • #1331 Fixed a bug where v-time-picker was setting the improper time period
  • #1333 Fixed a bug where v-text-field was propagating input events to v-navigation-drawer
  • #1352 Fixed a bug where a v-list-tile with multiple v-list-tile-action's or v-list-tile-avatar's would only apply styles to the next sibling element
  • #1357, #1359 Fixed a bug where the active-class prop was not properly applying the active class (doh!)
  • #1368 Fixed a bug where v-toolbar-side-icon was not working with directives
  • #1373 Fixed a bug where the .native modifier was still needed when applying @ events on v-select
  • #1374 Fixed a bug where v-list-tile's would not properly display as active when not inside of a v-list-group
  • #1375 Fixed a bug where Typography headers were not changing color with theme
  • #1377 Fixed a bug where v-select with the auto prop was not aligning the selected item over the selected value text
  • #1393 Fixed a bug where v-text-field would cause an error when referencing the internal input
  • #1397 Fixed a bug where v-edit-dialog was not properly changing theme when its parent v-data-table was set to dark
  • #1403 Fixed a bug that disallowed deselecting an option in v-btn-toggle when using the mandatory prop even if it was not the only selection
  • #1405 Fixed improper padding on v-toolbar
  • #1409 Fixed a bug where when evaluating older years in certain locales, that the v-date-picker would show the improper months
  • #1419 Fixed improper applying of opacity on disabled v-btn's
  • ddf74aa Fixed a bug where user bound @click events would be overwritten for all route-link implementing components
  • fd93077 Fixed a bug where certain heading helper classes were trying to apply a non-existent line-height and letter-spacing
  • 23eb7b3 Fixed a bug where v-menu was not properly applying the origin prop for its transition

Things we changed

  • breaking Refactored v-tabs to be a little more intuitive. No longer needs to designate slots, now requires a v-tabs-items component around v-tabs-content
  • breaking The v-ripple directive is no longer automatically applied to all route-link mixin implementing components
  • breaking The v-text-field props counter and required no longer automatically apply any validation but are instead purely cosmetic. You will need to set up validation rules for these using either the built-in rules prop or external libraries.
  • Improved v-select and v-menu performance by up to 33%. Now has more intuitive keyboard navigation and search feel
  • Improved v-edit-dialog styles
  • Added label slot to all form components
  • Added babel-polyfill to dev build to allow for testing in ie
  • #1417 Added more finite control over the visible length of v-pagination and improve mobile support
  • 1523c37 Removed the ability to tab to disabled form components
  • breaking b4c7c6a v-layout will no longer apply negative margins when not inside of a v-container
  • #1166 #1376 Added dark theme to v-expansion-panel and a target-able class on its content

Things you added

  • A big shoutout to @Phlow2001 , @jacekkarczmarczyk and the countless others that helped add numerous tests throughout the framework
  • #1289 Added prop to all form components that allows the defining of the toggle-keys (thanks @ckaczor)

Things you fixed

  • #548 Fixed a bug where when a v-carousel was cycling through images and the focused tab changed, after a period if time, when returning to the tab, the carousel would show a black screen (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1258 Fixed a bug where when using v-text-field with a type of number would cause the label to not work properly if the input was given a valid but incomplete number, such as 0. (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1350 Fixed a bug where v-progress-circular with the indeterminate prop did not work properly on IE11 (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)
  • #1355 Fixed a bug where the border was not displaying properly on v-navigation-drawer when using the right prop (thanks @squarebeard)
  • #1356 Fixed a bug where v-select did not properly update when the multiple prop was dynamically changed (thanks @squarebeard)
  • #1407 Fixed a bug in v-slider with a shared v-model and using the min prop (thanks @jacekkarczmarczyk)

Things you changed

  • #1273 Added new prop filter for defining the function used for filtering v-select items (thanks @vanhoavn)
    #1342 Removed css blur on overlay (thanks @c4software)

Upgrade Guide

  • Coming soon