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Releases: vuetifyjs/vuetify


17 Jul 16:29
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v0.14.2 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • 00508de Fixed import path for v-system-bar


16 Jul 21:05
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v0.14.1 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • #1011 Forgot to remove async declaration in file that would cause menu to not work without babel-polyfill


16 Jul 16:45
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v0.14.0 Pre-release

The band of misfits

With the release of Vue@2.4, the team has implemented some of its new functionality to address certain aspects that were a sore spot for many developers. All components will now emit all bound events, meaning there is no longer a need to use .native.

Components such as v-text-field and v-list-tile, will now accept all standard HTML attributes such as spell-check or download. Previously they needed explicit prop declarations for each attribute. As always, a big thanks to the team and awesome community that enables us to do what we do.

If you enjoy this project and would like to support the future development of new features and functionality, please consider donating through Paypal or Patreon.

Deprecated functionality

  • The router prop is no longer needed. For router links, use the to prop, for anchor links, use the href prop.

Things we added

  • All implicit events should no longer require .native to catch the event
  • All implicit attrs should now be bound and attached to the proper element, i.e. v-text-field and v-list-tile
  • #931 Added touch support for multiple components: v-carousel, v-tabs, v-date-picker, v-navigation-drawer
  • #812 Fixed with logic updates from Vue@2.4
  • #901 When v-navigation-drawer is in mini-variant mode, list-group children will be hidden
  • #845 v-tooltip directive can now be disabled in the same manner that v-badge
  • #912 Added the ability to get a vertically/horizontally centered content area by using prop full-height on v-list-container
  • d0f81a6 Added support for dot notation in item-text and item-value props on v-select
  • #975 Added emitted events for previous and next for v-pagination

Things we fixed

  • abc7c29 The hover overlay for all buttons has been fixed
  • 0003e9b Fixed regression of #929
  • 91c146d Fixed a bug where static classes were not being passed properly in v-list-tile-action
  • 0966d36 Fixed mobile break point logic in v-navigation-drawer that was triggering 1px too soon
  • #928 Fixed a bug where stepper icons with an error status had a blue background
  • #930 Fixed a bug where an active state was not being applied to v-btn in v-toolbar
  • #934 Theme colors now properly affect v-navigation-drawer icons
  • #933 Fixed a bug where inline style binding was not applying on v-card
  • #932 Fixed a bug where v-navigation-drawer with the permanent prop was overlapping content
  • #947 Fixed a bug where if v-btn was not a direct child of v-bottom-navigation, it would not receive the proper styling
  • #954 Fixed a bug where the overlay scrim for v-dialog would persist if destroyed immediately after creation
  • #949 Fixed a bug where v-btn-toggle would not allow unselection of all options, even without the mandatory prop
  • #958 Fixed a bug where v-btn would not properly disable when then the diabled prop was used on a router-link
  • #956 Fixed a bug where v-text-field with the full-width prop has a misaligned label
  • #961 v-time-picker will now properly update the period AM/PM when the value is changed externally
  • #966 Fixed a bug where v-data-table could display the improper order on a larger data-sets
  • #833 Fixed with Vue@2.4 release upgrades
  • #828 Fixed initial entry animation for v-menu on Safari
  • #905 #894 #822 Added better locale support for v-date-picker
  • #986 #987 Fixed a bug where the next page was still clickable when All was selected from the pagination dropdown in v-data-table

Things we broke

  • All .native declarations need to be removed, @click.native="fn" -> @click="fn"
  • v-carousel's transition prop now expects the transition name as opposed to the transition component name

Things you fixed

  • #945 added missing display break point helper classes (thanks @tdmichaelis)
  • #868 Custom components can now be used in the scoped items slot in v-data-table (thanks @stephane )
  • #998 Fixed missing key for v-carousel items (thanks @loduis)


08 Jul 18:38
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v0.13.1 Pre-release

Things we are deprecating

  • c81496e The router prop for all components implementing route-link mixin (v-list-tile, v-btn, etc) will no longer be needed in 0.14. As such, we are deprecating it now with a warning message to inform you of the upcoming change. Your application will still work as normal

Things we (potentially) broke

This was not meant to be a breaking change, but does reflect a mistake on the dev team's part for consistency when using custom transitions on components through the provided transition prop. Before, it used the tag provided and generated an element. Now, it will instead properly use the prop for designating the transition name. Only affects v-menu and v-dialog

  • #892 Fixed a bug where v-menu and v-dialog where using transition for the actual component as opposed to the name

Things we added

  • #880 Added new design for 24hr v-time-picker
  • #913 Added back explicit props for toolbar and footer on v-app. The logic that was used to do this automatically stopped working and was causing the main v-container to not size properly. If this was the case in your application, simply use the props that apply to your application and it should work now
  • #918 Added the ability to pass HTML to all form components that support hint

Things we fixed

  • Fixed regression of prepended-icon styles on v-text-field
  • Fixed tabindex being applied to v-select autocomplete prop search field, requiring pressing tab twice to move to the next input
  • #846 Fixed a bug where placing a badge on a v-btn would be cut off due to a deprecated overflow still being on the content element
  • #865 Fixed a bug where v-time-picker would not automatically transition to the minutes when selecting an hour on mobile displays
  • #882 Fixed a bug where v-select label with prop single-line was displaying when the field was dirty
  • #883 Fixed a bug with no results with searching in v-data-table
  • #884 Fixed a bug where v-bottom-navigation was not rendering properly on mobile (also cleaned it up a bit, should work flawless on IE11 now)
  • #885 Fixed the margin on v-btn with the block prop causing it to be improperly aligned
  • #889 Fixed a bug where a v-dialog rendered the activator slot when no activator was applied
  • #890 #893 Fixed select-all prop in v-data-table throwing error
  • #891 Fixed a bug where applying the v-tooltip directive to v-btn with the fab prop caused the button to not be positioned correctly
  • #899 Fixed bug where a numeric 0 with the min prop in v-text-field was not being properly evaluated
  • #904 Fixed v-text-field with the suffix prop being the incorrect font-size
  • #908 Add back accidentally removed row/column specific breakpoints on v-layout
  • #911 Fixed a bug where in certain conditions the v-dialog would create two overlays if the value prop was set to true at run time
  • #920 Fixed a bug where the v-text-field count prop did not work properly on IE11
  • #923 Fixed a bug where a v-chip with the closable prop inside of a v-dialog would close the dialog when clicked
  • #922 Fixed a bug where v-stepper would not use the application's primary color for the steps on Safari

Things you fixed

  • #903 Updated v-toolbar to only apply z-index when using the fixed prop, this should resolve toolbars in the content flow from appearing above the primary fixed one. (thanks @jrast)
  • #917 Fixed a bug where the no-data-text generated tile when search results using autocomplete prop on the v-select was clickable (thanks @qw3n)
  • #919 Updated v-data-table tbody styles to properly comply with MD Spec (thanks @arvanoid)


04 Jul 16:43
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v0.13.0 Pre-release

Neko and the Electric boogaloo

Welcome back to another Vuetify release! The dev team has been feverishly at work trying to bring awesome new tools to play with, while improving existing ones.

Before I continue, I'd like to thank all the developers that have made working on Vuetify an absolute pleasure. Of these developers, one individual has been pivotal to some of the features you will see this release. If you come across @nekosaur in gitter or the issue boards, make sure to show him your love. From answering questions to writing code so advanced that I personally think he's from the terminator movie, @nekosaur has been a monster among devs and I am thankful to have him on board.

This release is accompanied by a bunch of new goodies including support for documentation versioning, so if you're not ready to upgrade, you can still access information for previous releases. This will only be applicable for 0.12 and on. We have also added a new Sandbox area that will let you experiment with the various layouts supported in Vuetify. Lastly, a new FAQ section is being fleshed out to help with common questions and gotchas.

As some of you may have already experienced, thanks to @dohomi, we have moved our hosting solution from Digital Ocean to Zeit now. This change has helped us streamline features such as Current development docs and allowing more than just myself to deploy. Also a big shoutout to our newest sponsor, Cloudflare.

This release has taken so long particularly due to the entire theme overhaul. One of the biggest concerns with starting a new application was setting up the dark/light theme elements. It was daunting and very confusing at times. Now, defining your theme on v-app will define the default colors for all theme supporting components within the framework, while still allowing you to manually specify the theme for components that you want to.

One of the overdue tasks for the project has been unit testing. @nekosaur has setup the initial structure that will be used going forward as we start to develop tests for all components. Due to the massive size of the framework, this will be rolled in over time. If your favorite component does not have tests yet and you are tired of waiting, feel free to submit a PR.

Along with the new components, v-system-bar, speed-dial, the addition of Grid list functionality to the existing grid system and the Floating action button, we have a couple of refactors that should better place these components in line with Material spec and functionality.

  • Cards
  • Tabs
  • Toolbars

With this release, I believe we only have 1 missing component from the initial spec, Bottom sheets. Thanks to @mfferreira, this component has already been in the works for quite some time and will ship with 0.14. While this is a positive note, one of the downsides to a framework growing in functionality, is that it also grows in size. While this may not concern some developers, to others, this can be a very daunting if you only use a handful of components.

In light of this, I have brought on @SharpSeeEr to help with the developing of a custom package generator. You will soon be able to select only the components you wish to use and get a customized package that only contains your choices.

Thanks again to all of the individuals who support this project. It has grown far past my expectations and I am so humbled by the Vue community. We all look forward to continuing the development of Vuetify, which will not cease once the initial spec is complete. Stay tuned for more information to come.

If you enjoy this project and would like to support the future development of new features and functionality, please consider donating through Paypal or Patreon.

Things we fixed

  • #684 Fixed a bug where v-tab-slider could have an incorrect width if v-tabs existed within a component that was not shown at run time
  • #696 Added better keyboard support to all selection control components
  • #700 Fixed a bug where dialog overlay was not properly adding back scroll to the body
  • #702 Fixed menu position when the auto prop was used on v-select with 3 items or less
  • #711 Fixed a bug where a v-text-field could be partially focused
  • #717 Fixed v-tabs-item position inside a v-tabs with the centered prop
  • #718 #708 Fixed a bug where v-expansion-panel-content and v-list-group would not set its height to 'auto' after transition
  • #722 Fixed a bug where when counter and prepend-icon prop on v-text-field were used, it would cause the counter to be positioned incorrectly
  • #727 Fixed a bug where v-progress-linear's animation would constantly run, even if not enabled. This fixes an issue with higher than normal CPU usage
  • #760 Fixed a bug where a non-focused, non-dirty input with a prefix would overlay the label
  • #763 Fixed the lazy prop on v-dialog
  • #770 Fixed a bug where the screen overlay would not properly show when a v-dialog was instantiated with an initial active state of true
  • #779 Changed how detachable components are moved to account for the order in which Vue renders children (v-menu hidden behind v-dialog)
  • #781 Fixed a bug where if a v-dialog was destroyed, the associated content would still persist in the DOM
  • 88f989b Fixed a bug with searching in data-table when not on the first page
  • #806 Fixed a bug where v-stepper would not work properly inside of v-dialog
  • #824 Fixed media queries targeting only screen (not print)
  • #832 Fixed a bug where v-list-tile had a delay before it was disabled inside of a v-menu
  • #842 Removed native styles for v-text-field in Firefox
  • #851 Fixed a bug where v-select would not properly highlight a numeric 0 when selected
  • v-menu and v-select will now attempt to always keep the menu content on the screen

Things we added

  • Completly overhauled theme system
  • Unit tests
  • v-system bar component
  • v-speed-dial component
  • #545 Added ability to manually set error state for all form components
  • #609 Added support for Material design icons
  • #643 Added back functionality stripped after release due to a documentation bug
  • #656 Added allowed-time functionality to v-time-picker
  • #677 Added ability to pass a custom class to v-menu and v-dialog
  • #705 Added first-day-of-week prop to v-date-picker which allows you to specify the start day of your calendar
  • #706 Added support for left and right (contextual) click positioning of v-menu with the position-x and position-y props
  • #725 Added functionality that will remove the ability for a v-navigation-drawer to appear momentarily when initially rendering a page on mobile
  • #737 #738 Added support for defining the <tr> within the scopedSlots of v-data-table
  • #745 Added mandatory prop to v-btn-toggle which forces an option to be selected
  • #800 Added ability to easily set custom colors on v-progress-linear
  • #803 Added ability to show/hide the v-badge directive
  • #808 Added better i18n support to v-data-table
  • #810 Added proper step functionality to v-slider
  • #814 Added change event for v-select that only occurs when an item is selected
  • #820 Fixed a bug where components that use the overlay were not properly showing that overlay on IE/Edge
  • #821 Updated the experience when using the left and right arrows on v-tabs
  • Added hover prop to v-menu. This will open the v-menu on hover if using the activator slot
  • Added absolute and fixed props to v-menu
  • v-select will no longer apply the incorrect animation when not using the auto prop
  • Added tile prop to v-card. This option removes border-radius
  • Added the ability to set transitions on v-alerts
  • Added better scrolling techniques for v-tabs
  • Added the grid-list prop to v-container
  • Added floating action button functionality to v-btn with the fab prop, replaces floating
  • Added contextual mixin to v-icon allowing contextual props, ie. success and error
  • Numerous IE11 bug fixes for overlay and buttons
  • Overlays will append to the correct element if the implementing component uses the absolute prop
  • v-dialog and v-menu now support the full-width prop, changing them from inline-block to block elements
  • Pickers (v-date-picker and v-time-picker) will no longer automatically save if you are not using the actions prop. Must now be enabled by use of the autosave prop
  • Selection controls (v-switch, v-checkbox and v-radio) no longer implement contextualable mixin. New colorable mixin allows for any color to be used.
  • ba1a481 All form components that support error functionality will no longer clip with an incoming error
  • Adjusted v-tooltip animation and timing to match MD spec
  • v-tabs and v-stepper now uses provide/inject for better peformance
  • All selection controls should now better reflect MD spec
  • Form components underline now matches spec
  • Form component errors prop has changed to error-message for better veelidate integration
  • Moved numerous setTimeouts to requestAnimationFrame where applicable
  • #98 Updated v-checkbox true and false value props to accept more than a...
Read more


05 Jun 12:38
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v0.12.7 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • #678 and #675 Fixed extra padding and z-index of menu content ae764c5
  • #645 Added abilityto scroll with large dialogs 4a176ba
  • #691 Fixed comparison for select-all prop on v-data-table a2bb948


02 Jun 13:30
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v0.12.6 Pre-release

Git is fun

There were a few issues with merges in git so I decided to get some of these features out. Technically, some could be on a new release, but please bear with me. Enjoy the new goodies

Things we added

  • #657 Added ability to change theme colors for v-data-table select-all and loader
  • v-select and v-menu will now respond to keyboard controls
  • v-dialog will now properly sit outside of the containing element, fixing overflow issues
  • Removed scroll for dialogs (mobile may see a jump, still working on this)
  • Vertical v-stepper's will now set their height to auto after transition, allowing dynamic content

Things we fixed

  • #672 Fixed improper prop mutation
  • #670 Fixed bug with v-divider in v-stepper
  • #673 Fixed a bug where .toolbar--dark was being added for light in v-toolbar
  • #662 Removed padding for hide-details on form inputs

Things you fixed

  • #663 Right sidebars will now properly manipulate the content area (thanks @maurop)


01 Jun 14:58
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v0.12.5 Pre-release

Things we fixed

  • Fixed a bug with v-menu positioning when using offset-y and offset-x props 2bf4e36
  • Fixed a bug where clicking outside of the element when using v-select would not close the menu f605eca


01 Jun 02:18
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v0.12.4 Pre-release

Things we broke

  • Reverted #643 as it broke the v-data-table component


01 Jun 00:29
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v0.12.3 Pre-release

Things we added

  • Added for Patreon contributors. Join them in supporting Vuetify
  • Added back basic autocomplete functionality to select. This is not the autocomplete component/text-field, but will allow searching the v-select items. More updates are coming to this very soon! 09c6c0d

Things we changed

  • Theme colors are being continually worked on. This release fixed numerous consistencies with how components were styled. This may introduce some light required changes on the part of the dev for some components as everything defaults to dark.
  • #611 v-text-field will now pass along the Event for blur and focus fd04aea
  • #617 v-list children should now have the proper font weight 1c107fe
  • Tweaked toggleable mixin initial values 9f7d2e2
  • #633 Removed resize watching by default on v-navigation-drawer. This can be re-enabled by using the enable-resize-watcher prop. f971a7a
  • Added .flexbox helper class for setting display: flex on an element 995eae0

Things we fixed

  • #585 #598 Menu has been updated in how it functions. Instead of staying inline where it is placed, the content portions will be appended to the body. This should eliminate all issues regarding getting stuck inside overflow.
  • #621 Updated v-navigation-drawer styles to account for multiple v-list-tile's inside of a v-list-item when regards to active highlighting 90b858e
  • #597 Fixed a bug where v-btn-toggle would mutate the value prop 32e7abb
  • #635 v-carousel will now watch for changes in the cycle prop 7280a6f
  • #641 v-tabs-slider will now properly re-position when the route is changed programmatically when using the router prop on v-tabs-item c0d19ef

Things you changed

  • #606 Added codepen starter link to README (thyanks @cawa-93)
  • #589 Added logic for setting min/max on v-text-field. When not using the counter prop, will bind min/max as attributes to the input. Fixed #576 (thanks @creativecoder) 686b837
  • Added the current index to the available parameters within the v-data-table scoped slot d585543 (thanks @mtpc)