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DAGuerreotype: DAG Learning on the Permutahedron


Installation instructions

The script installs everything, assuming to be in an environment with python>=3.9 with dev packages installed.

Preliminary commands to install from scratch on ubuntu, including creating a DGE environment:

sudo apt install python3.9
sudo apt install python3.9-venv
sudo apt-get install python3.9-dev
python3.9 -m venv ~/envs/DGE
source ~/envs/DGE/bin/activate
# install torch with gpu capability with cuda 11.6
pip install torch torchvision torchaudio --extra-index-url  
chmod +x
./ executes the following steps:

Running instructions

The main script for running DAGuerreotype is By default the following runs a bi-level optimization of SparseMAP + linear edge estimator on the Sachs dataset:

python -m daguerreo.run_model

For joint optimization add the joint argument

python -m daguerreo.run_model --joint

Use the --structure option to change structure estimator, e.g.,

python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure tk_sp_max
python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure rnd_rank

To use the LARS edge estimator (important: must set --sparsifier to none)

python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure tk_sp_max --equations lars --sparsifier none --nogpu
python -m daguerreo.run_model --structure sp_map --equations lars --sparsifier none --nogpu

For synthetic data (by default 10-nodes ER graph with linear Gaussian noise model) use the following

python -m daguerreo.run_model --joint --dataset synthetic
python -m daguerreo.run_model --dataset synthetic --graph_type BP --sem_type gumbel --num_nodes 50 --num_samples 2000 --noise_scale 0.3 --s0 1

To initialize the score vector of the order learners to the marginal variances use --init_theta variances (default is a vector of all 0s).

You can also add the following options:

  • --wand to track and log results with WandB;
  • --nogpu to force training on cpu;
  • --standardize to standardize the data before learning (otherwise it is only 0-centered).

To replicate the results on Sachs and Syntren reported in the paper, run

Hyper-parameter Tuning

To carry out a Bayesian Optimization of the hyper-parameters using optuna as described in Appendix D of the paper, run e.g.,

python -m daguerreo.hpo --dataset=synthetic --num_nodes=20 --project=hpo --joint --wandb --structure=$s --equations=$e --sparsifier=$p

Available Modules

Structure Estimators

Implemented structure learners are defined in daguerreo/

  1. daguerreo.structures.SparseMapSVStructure: SparseMAP operator for learning orderings on the Permutahedron
  2. daguerreo.structures.TopKSparseMaxSVStructure: Top-K SparseMax operator for learning orderings on the Permutahedron
  3. daguerreo.structures.FixedVectorStructure: module for using a fix ordering (random or true ordering)

They all return complete DAGs (later pruned by a sparsifier). New structures should extend daguerreo.structures.Structure.

Edge Estimators

Implemented edge estimators are defined in daguerreo/

  1. daguerreo.equations.LinearEquations: differentiable linear layer X -> X W
  2. daguerreo.equations.NonlinearEquations: differentiable one-hidden-layer network with leaky ReLU activation
  3. daguerreo.equations.LARSAlgorithm: non-differentiable regressor as described in Beware of the Simulated DAG! Causal Discovery Benchmarks May Be Easy To Game

New estimators should extend daguerreo.equations.Equations.

Edge Sparsifiers

Implemented edge sparsifiers are defined in daguerreo/

  1. daguerreo.sparsifiers.BernoulliSTEL0Sparsifier: L0 pruner parametrized by a Bernouilli per edge and using the Straight-Through Estimator
  2. daguerreo.sparsifiers.NoSparsifier: dummy module when no sparsifier is wanted/needed

New sparsifiers should extend daguerreo.sparsifiers.Sparsifier.


  title={DAG Learning via Sparse Relaxations},
  author={Zantedeschi, Valentina and Franceschi, Luca and Kaddour, Jean and Kusner, Matt and Niculae, Vlad},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},