Validator and Schema Maker? ( for EU4 SaveGame Data Style? Text, and ClauText? ),
Using VisualStudio2017, Windows10, ClauText header files.
# %int %float %string %dateA,B,C?
# %optional %any
# %one_more <> %just_one
# %id %total_id
# %required
$ZERO = 0 # for Event? # define -> $~, USE -> ~
$Event = { # $Event?, %event_test
id = test
$parameter = { input }
$return = { $COMP>EQ = { $parameter.input /./ZERO } }
$Event = { # %event_pos_test
id = pos_test
$parameter = { input } # 3 4 $add = { 3 4 }
$local = { row col }
$assign_from_ut = { $local.row data = { $parameter.input } dir = { /./row } }
$assign_from_ut = { $local.col data = { $parameter.input } dir = { /./col } }
$if = {
cond = { $AND_ALL = { $COMP>EQ = { $local.row 0 } $COMP>EQ = { $local.col 0 }
$COMP<EQ = { $local.row 1 } $COMP<EQ = { $local.col 1 } }
then = {
$return = { TRUE }
$print = { err_msg = { "row, col is not valid" } }
$print = { enter = { \n } }
$return = { FALSE }
provinces%required = { # $가 안 붙으면 파일 체크 데이터?
%int%required%id%one_more = {
# Comparison between UserType and UserType?
pos%required%total_id%event_pos_test = { row = %int col = %int }
country%required = %string
tax%required = %int%event_test
countries%required = {
%string%required%id%one_more = {
# x = { 1 2 3 4 } -> x = { %int%one_more%event_is_plus }
provinces%required = { %required%total_id%one_more%event_test }
# %total_id => it is id(unique value) in /./countries/$/provinces ( $ means all )
core%one_more = %total_id%int%event_test
provinces = {
0 = {
pos = { row = 0 col = 0 }
country = USA
tax = 10
1 = {
pos = { row = 0 col = 1 }
country = USA
tax = 20
countries = {
USA = {
provinces = { 0 1 }
core = 0
core = 1