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Travis Risner edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 1 revision

Updates Information

Commentary extracted from the updates channel.

shlbye07/04/2019 Here is a basic time line if decisions that were made, and I will (try to) keep this as updated as possible: 2/5/19 - rough sketches of what the front end ideally would look like were made. 2/12/19 Talked about "hard" requirements, namely what would make a mvp (can be found on the github) 2/27/19 - decided we were using postgres 3/5/19 - decided we were using Django sorry, actually the decision to use postgres was 3/19 5/21/19 - considered using a firefox plugin/api that would take a picture from the browser and put it directly in html also decided each box needs to keep the same QR code throughout lifetime 6/4/19 we need to figure out how to make bootstrap not require the internet

Travis07/05/2019 Decisions made outside of meetings: Location, Row, Bin and Tier will be separate tables. Location will include all possible locations in the warehouse with links to appropriate records in the Row, Bin, and Tier tables. Location will contain a boolean flag to indicate that this record is either in the warehouse or not. The Row, Bin, and Tier relationships are allowed to be null (or blank). This permits other locations in the WARM building to be added without row/bin/tier designators.

Travis07/05/2019 John and I decided to add a temporary table for a pallet of boxes. It can be used in building a pallet of boxes to add to inventory. It might also be used for moving a pallet from one location to another.. This may morph into something else as we work on completing the first round of code. 😎

shlbye07/08/2019 Note that a box either has a product and a location, or no product and no location.

shlbye07/08/2019 We need to figure out how to make it so people don't have to be admin to add a product and product category

Travis07/15/2019 Others can now use the Constraint List, New, Edit, and Delete as an example for writing other table edits.

shlbye07/15/2019 Noice

shlbye07/22/2019 We have decided that we will have it so manual entry will be possible in case some one is on an unruly phone or tablet.

Travis08/31/2019 Hopefully I will get all the variations of the Inventory system merged together so we can all have a common code base again.

Travis09/12/2019 I finally had a chance to met with the folks at WARM yesterday. They have a very old IT infrastructure which has been neglected for far too long. Their goal is to eventually move everything to the cloud. Thus, our target implementation is to put everything is a (hopefully free) cloud service somewhere. We can discuss this more at our next Monday meeting. shlbye pinned a message to this channel. See all the pins.

09/23/2019 shlbye09/23/2019 I will continue to work on the cloud stuff now that I am done with the bootcamp.

Travis02/01/2020 Jeff, I see your pull request. The pytest check failed so I reran the tests. It seemed to go forever so I bailed out and plan to wait until Monday night to review it with you -- if you are able to come.

Jeff02/02/2020 I see the failed run. Looks like the build failed while trying to install plantuml. I pushed another commit to run apt update before trying apt install and it's back to pytest failing on our two known test failures. I referenced the issue numbers in the PR comments.

Travis02/02/2020 Thanks for checking it out. I should have known that the items I have not fixed would cause the test to fail. I will accept your change, probably later this evening.

Travis02/05/2020 Jeff's latest change to the project has been accepted. Please update your local and public repositories when you get a chance. Thanks!

Travis02/07/2020 Several updates have been made to the dev branch of the main repository. This includes another migration file. Please pull down the changes and run migrate to apply the changes to your database schema. If you have made changes locally, a rebase may be in your near future. If you need help with this, please reach out to me (Travis) or John Casssidy.

These changes have made the box and activity management fully functional. In addition there are extensive tests that not only verify that the code works properly, but can be used as examples of how to call the various methods.

There are a couple of Sphinx documentation issues remaining. They will be corrected in a few days.

Travis02/26/2020 As noted in the general channel, John has contributed the remaining code to make building a pallet work. In the meantime, I am trying to finish up the manual box processing.

Travis02/27/2020 Also as noted in the general channel, there is a lot more code in dev to pull down to your repository as of a half hour ago. Although these changes gets us close to MVP, it will require a lot of refactoring to make it maintainable.

Travis03/10/2020 Jeff's PR was accepted and applied to the main repository (dev branch). After applying it to your local repository, please run "pip install -r requirements.txt" to make the change to the installed libraries.

shlbye03/15/2020 Any updates on when the MVP is getting presented?

shlbye03/16/2020 Can anyone hear me? Ok these headphones suck That's ok.

Travis03/29/2020 For those who haven't heard already, I tried several times this past week to reach out to the distribution manager, but he has not got back to me yet. I will try again this week.

Travis03/29/2020 So that a non-developer could see the latest documentation at https://food, I pushed my latest update directly to the master branch of the main repository. Please update your local repository's main branch from it. Also there is a new record in the constraints table that is required by the latest code fixes. The revised table is in the fpiweb/fixtures/constraints.json file. Please add the record named "Future Expiration Year Limit" manually to your database. As an alternative, run the script "" in the main directory. If your system is Windows-based, the record will have to be added manually.

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