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Issue Triage July 2020

Philippe Le Hegaret edited this page Jun 30, 2020 · 4 revisions
Number Label Title Disposition
#418 Consolidate discipline-related elements
#417 Enable pr-preview
#414 Tighten the Scope for definition of Working Groups
#410 Increasing voter turnout in AC reviews with incentives
#409 Community Groups and Business Groups should be incorporated into the Process
#405 CR Draft boilerplate
#402 "Candidate Recommendation" is no longer an accurate term
#401 Proposes changes to wide/horizontal review
#394 Formalise HRG as mandatory by default
#393 df [meta][director-free] Eliminate role of The Director and redistribute authority from The Team to W3C members & co
#392 Process details that should NOT be owned by W3M/Team/CEO
#391 df Alternatives to "W3C Council" for adjudicating formal objections
#386 singular
#376 Editorial pass
#373 ambiguous statement for proxy in WG/IG
#368 TAG appointed participants announcement by Director
#366 df Setup document management for director-free matters
#360 df Director-less issues
#358 Revising a Recommendation: Substantive Changes or New Features.
#356 2021 Streamlining the Process Document
#354 reg What aspects of Registries should/may/should-not be published together?
#353 reg Where are registries published?
#351 2021 Who publishes Technical Reports?
#347 Streamlining horizontal reviews
#346 2021 Re-envisioning the CRUD/Snapshot split
#342 Decoupling Notes and REC track
#339 Why can AC comments on CR be ignored?
#338 2021 Decisions
#337 2021 Link to document on formal objection processing
#335 reg Registries
#334 Recording of meetings
#333 2021 Undefined: rationale for "short term(s)" for AB/TAG elections
#331 df Please reconsider director-free formal objection handling
#330 reg Survivability of registries
#329 reg Guidance for registry creation
#328 TAG and AB should be able to formally review charters
#327 df W3C Council should be limited to one vote per member organization
#326 Community and Business Groups
#324 2021 Do we need a lighter-weight process for superseding when it's "obvious"?
#322 2021 What are the rules for where/how W3C publications are developed?
#316 df The Elephant in the Director-free Room
#315 df TAG Appointment Committee composition
#314 df Consensus in the TAG Appointment Committee - Formal Objections
#313 df Team-Appointed TAG Chair(s)
#312 df Suspension / Removal for cause
#310 df TAG chair selection timing
#299 Make it clear than any decision can be objected to
#293 df [director-free] Should the Council be all TAG+AB, or smaller and separately elected?
#291 df "W3C Council" may have to hear information in confidence
#290 df How does W3C Council handle membership turnover?
#284 df CEO is part of the AB, and ex-officio participant in Objection Decision Committee
#281 df objecting to chair appointments
#280 df What to do when there's no consensus in the Objection Decision Committee
#279 df What can the Objection Decision Committee actually decide?
#278 df Recusal from FO handling
#277 df CEO recusal while handling FOs
#276 df Generalize FO-handling
#275 df discipline and CEO recusal
#274 Remove reference to stale document
#262 What does the document status "discontinued" mean?
#254 df [director-free] Gratuitous mentions of the Director
#251 First meeting of a WG allowed too soon
#236 Does the process assume all WDs are on the Rec. Track?
#230 df TAG appointment should be via IETF style nomcom
#223 Allow AB to choose its own chair
#182 Define charter review process to require addressing comments as in CR transitions
#168 reg We need a process for handling registries, APIs and other 'enumerations'
#167 define "independent"
#157 Should the process include something about Testing?
#141 provide clearer/common wording for transitions to Obsolete/Superseded status
#137 Concerns about Amended Recommendations
#130 2021 Enumerate the requirements for wide review
#120 Process should say how W3T can update NOTES
#115 We need to consider equal-preference voting
#103 Should the process allow REC->WD transition directly?
#76 Should there be good standing / supermajority criteria in authoritative ballots?
#63 2021 Updates to sections 5.2.2 and
#60 2021 Clarify the voting process
#38 2021 7.1.1 Charter reviews on a public communication channel?
#28 2021 Substantive changes undefined for Charter and Process reviews
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