A smart contract implementation of ERC-7683: Cross Chain Intents Standard, enabling secure cross-chain transactions. This implementation is inspired by and adapted from Candide Labs' CandideWallet contract.
ERC-7683 is a proposed standard for cross-chain intents that aims to unify how different protocols handle cross-chain transactions. Developed collaboratively by Across and Uniswap Labs, the standard:
- Enables sharing of infrastructure, filler networks, and orders across cross-chain bridging and trading systems
- Provides a unified framework for intent-based systems to specify cross-chain actions
- Allows users to express desired outcomes without worrying about the underlying mechanics
- Supports both gasless and onchain cross-chain orders
- Creates a more efficient and competitive market for cross-chain transactions
This implementation builds upon the work of Candide Labs, specifically their CandideWallet smart contract implementation. The base wallet functionality has been extended to support ERC-7683's cross-chain intent standard while maintaining the security features of the original contract.
The project combines:
- Account abstraction capabilities from Candide's wallet implementation
- ERC-7683's cross-chain intent standard
- Custom settlement logic for cross-chain transactions
pnpm install
Create environment file:
cp .env.template .env
pnpm test
pnpm deploy:sepolia # Sepolia testnet
pnpm deploy:optimism # Optimism mainnet
pnpm deploy:op-sepolia # Optimism Sepolia
pnpm prettier # Format code
pnpm compile # Compile contracts
: Smart contract implementationsCandideIntentWallet.sol
: Main contract implementing ERC-7683 and Candide's wallet featuresmocks/
: Test helper contracts
: Contract test suitescripts/
: Deployment and utility scripts
- Node v20.9.0
- PNPM v9.12.2
- Hardhat v2.19.4
- OpenZeppelin v5.0.1
- Ethers v6.10.0
- Account Abstraction Contracts v0.7.0
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