A simple clock with a virtual RTC, based on:
- 1 x Arduino Nano
- 4 x MAX7219 8x8 Led Matrix
- 1 x Resistor Light Dependent (optional)
- 1 x passive Buzzer or Speaker (optional)
RLD and Buzzer are optional. A base to learn or to build.
This is not so far original, we can find already so many sketch for a clock.
It is using the library <LEDMatrixDriver.hpp> by Bartosz Bielawski. This library is using SPI hardward and a buffer, that displays data fast as lightnings. (https://github.com/bartoszbielawski/LEDMatrixDriver)
It is displaying digits with sliding effect and many options can be set, like design, font types...
A DS3231 RTC module can be added easily, to preserve time/date settings and to have accurate calendar.
- chronometer
- a RLD (Resistor Light Dependent)
- settings management, for alarms too
- music for the alarm (hope to manage 2 voices for pretty sound)