Welcome to NetMart! We are a platform for buying and selling used goods, connecting buyers and sellers in a secure and hassle-free environment.
Our mission is to provide a reliable and easy-to-use platform for people to find and purchase quality used goods, while also helping sellers to reach a wider audience and sell their items quickly and easily.
At NetMart, we believe in sustainability and reducing waste. By buying and selling used goods, we can help reduce the environmental impact of manufacturing new products and contribute to a more sustainable future.
Our platform is designed to be user-friendly and easy to navigate, with advanced search features and filters to help you find exactly what you're looking for. We also provide secure payment and shipping options to ensure that your transactions are safe and secure.
Don't leave your shopping at home! Bring it to NetMart! The one stop shop for all things used electronics! Follow the easy to do steps to get started to sell your used gold here at NetMart:
Sign Up
by using the sign up button in the top right of the home page.- After you have signed up please select if you are going to be please select
. - Use the
search bar
located in the navigation bar to search our database for goods. - You can
the items to see more detail about that item. - Once you have chosen an item if you may list an item to
Sell Your Used Goods Here
button to purchase an item from a seller. - Fill out the respective
confirmation page
- Congratulations you have offically placed your first buy or sell order with NetMart!
Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)
ERDTrello Board
https://trello.com/b/vaJOtJF7/project-3-net-martDeployed Link (Heroku)
https://netmart.herokuapp.com/[:x:] Price History Graph
[:x:] Animations to the Home Page
[:x:] Animations to the Technologies Page
[:x:] Search functionality within seller/shopper dashboard
[:star:] Finish CRUD Functionality to Product Favorites