- Bitcoin: Network of bitcoin users creating and validating transactions
- Bitcoin Core: Implementation of bitcoin that encompasses all of the software behind bitcoin. This is where all the developer tools environments exist.
- Debug Console: Tool that allows you to interact with data on the bitcoin blockchain
- Connect to the Network
- Validate the Blockchain
- Send and Receive Bitcoin
- Bitcoin Mainnet: Primary Network where live transactions take place
- Bitcoin Testnet: Alternative Bitcoin blockchain that provides a test environment for applications
- Bitcoin Regnet: Alternative test network (regression test mode) for testing bitcoin applications
The difference is, on the Regnet, developers can almost instantaneously generate blocks on demand for testing. They can create private coins with no real-world value. Testnet is a public test environment with transactions that are broadcasted throughout the network, the Regnet is completely private and transactions are only seen on your local computer. Transactions do not go through validation and there are no peers whose transactions you’ll interact with. This lack of transactions means that the size is very small in comparison to the Testnet. Since there are no peers and no validation, blocks aren’t going through the same transaction lifecycle on the Regnet as they do in other networks. On the Regnet, we can generate any number of blocks instantaneously, reducing the block time to zero.