[walkable "1.2.0-SNAPSHOT"]
Walkable is a plugin for Pathom.
{% hint style="info" %} Pathom is a Clojure library designed to provide a collection of helper functions to support Clojure(script) graph parsers using om.next graph syntax.
Don't worry if you don't know how Pathom works yet: Understanding Pathom is not required unless you use advanced features. {% endhint %}
(require '[com.wsscode.pathom.core :as p])
(require '[walkable.sql-query-builder :as sqb])
Depends on which DBMS you're targeting, you'll also need to require a specific namespace:
;; Postgres
(require 'walkable.sql-query-builder.impl.postgres)
;; Sqlite
(require 'walkable.sql-query-builder.impl.sqlite)
but don't require both!
Mysql and other DBMSes don't require such specific namespaces.
First of all, you need to build pathom "parser" with walkable's
(or sqb/async-pull-entities
Walkable comes with two versions: synchronous (for Clojure) and asynchronous (for both Clojure and Clojurescript).
{% mdtabs title="Sync version" %}
(def sync-parser
;; walkable's main worker
;; pathom's entity reader
{% mdtab title="Async version" %}
(def async-parser
;; walkable's main worker
;; pathom's entity reader
{% endmdtabs %}
Then you need to define your floor-plan and compile it
;; both sync and async versions
(require '[walkable.sql-query-builder.floor-plan :as floor-plan])
(def compiled-floor-plan
{:emitter ...
:true-columns ...
:idents ...
:joins ...
... ...}))
Details about the floor-plan is here.
Ready! It's time to benefit:
Sync version:
(require '[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc])
(let [my-query [{:people/all [:person/name]}]
my-db {:dbtype "mysql"
:dbname "clojure_test"
:user "test_user"
:password "test_password"}
my-run-query jdbc/query]
(sync-parser {::sqb/sql-db my-db
::sqb/run-query my-run-query
::sqb/floor-plan compiled-floor-plan}
where my-run-query
and my-db
is any pair of a function plus a
database instance (even a pair of mock ones!) that work together
like this:
(my-run-query my-db ["select * from fruit where color = ?" "red"])
;; => [{:id 1, :color "red"} {:id 3, :color "red"} ...]
(my-run-query my-db ["select * from fruit"])
;; => [{:id 1, :color "red"} {:id 2, :color "blue"} ...]
Async version, Clojure JVM:
(require '[clojure.java.jdbc :as jdbc])
(require '[clojure.core.async :refer [go promise-chan put! >! <!]])
(let [my-query [{:people/all [:person/name]}]
my-db {:dbtype "mysql"
:dbname "clojure_test"
:user "test_user"
:password "test_password"}
my-run-query (fn [db q]
(let [ch (promise-chan)]
(let [result (jdbc/query db q)]
(put! ch rersult))
(<! (async-parser
{::sqb/sql-db my-db
::sqb/run-query my-run-query
::sqb/floor-plan compiled-floor-plan}
As you can see, my-run-query
and my-db
are similar to those in
sync version, except that my-run-query
doesn't return the result
directly but in a channel.
For Nodejs, you'll need to convert between Javascript and Clojure data structure. The file dev.cljs has examples using sqlite3 node module.
{% hint style="info" %}
Please see the file dev.clj (or its nodejs version dev.cljs) for executable examples. Consult config.edn for SQL migrations for those examples.
{% endhint %}