sCrypt BLS12-381 Library for Bitcoin Zero-Knowledge Proofs Smart Contract support. The current sCrypt zero-knowledge proof library is based on BN256, the BLS12-381 Library for Bitcoin is the first implementation of BLS12-381 curve pairing verification on Bitcoin. Now you can choose to use BN256 or BLS12-381 to implement zero-knowledge proof applications. Bitcoin is currently the only blockchain that supports zero-knowledge proofs and can choose multiple curves.
For platform-agnostic applications, the choice requires a tradeoff between performance (BN254) and security (BLS12-381). We recommend choosing BLS12-381 as it is more secure, still fast enough to be practical, but slower than BN254.
・ BN254 (254bit, 32byte P):
・ BLS12-381 (381bit, 48byte P):
- The curves
- Twists
- Efficient Pairing
- Coordinate systems
- Montgomery form
- Prerequisites
- How to run locally
- Library
- Verifying Key and Proof data
- Test
Curve BLS12-381 is both pairing-friendly (making it efficient for digital signatures) and effective for constructing zkSnarks. The security target of BLS12-381 is 128 bits.
BLS12-381 deals with two curves,
- the simpler one is over the finite field
$F_q$ , equation is
$y^2 = x^3 + 4$ , call this curve$E(F_q)$ - the other one is defined over an extension of
$F_q$ to$F_{q^2}$ , equation is
$y^2 = x^3 + 4(1 + i)$ , call this curve$E^′(F_{q^2})$ .
A pairing is a bilinear map, it takes as input two points, each from a group of the same order r. these two groups call
BLS12-381 uses a twist, reduces the degree of the extension field by a factor of six. So
Find a u such that
So these are the two groups we will be using:
$G_1 ⊂ E(F_q)$ where$E:y^2 = x^3 + 4$ -
$G_2 ⊂ E(F_{q^2})$ where$E^′:y^2 = x^3 + 4/u^6 = x^3 + 4(1 + i)$
Calculation of a pairing has two parts:
- Miller loop: compute an intermediate function of the two input points
$f(pointG1, pointG2)$ recursively - Final exponentiation: raise
$f$ to a large power c
equation 1:
Both are quite expensive, but there’s a nice hack can reduce the impact of both of them.
verifying equation 2:
Eq.2 can be rewritten as:
Note that, the output file of verification_key.json
from snarkjs/circom, there is a vk_alphabeta_12
item precomputed, but you can't use it for precomputed testcase1.scrypt
contract in debug mode to get precomputed
Finding the inverse of a field element is an expensive operation, so implementations of elliptic curve arithmetic try to avoid it as much as possible.
Affine coordinates are the traditional representation of points with just an
The basic idea is to represent the coordinate using notional fractions, reducing the number of actual division operations needed. To do this, a third coordinate is introduced and use
The Jacobian point
Note that, the easiest way to import the Affine point
A way to calculate modulo that doesn't require division is the so-called Montgomery multiplication. To calculate the modular multiplication operation,
- convert the multiplier into Montgomery form,
- use Montgomery multiplication,
- convert the result from Montgomery form,
- Visual Studio Code(VSC)
- VSC Extension sCrypt IDE search sCrypt in the VSC extensions marketplace
- Node.js require version >= 12
- PC CPU >= 2.6GHz, Memory >= 24GB
- Run
npm install
to install deps - Run testcase from VSCode GUI, select
file, right mouse button click at file edit window, select menuRun sCrypt Test
├─ contracts │ ├─ bls12381.scrypt # bls12-381 library │ ├─ bls12381pairing.scrypt # bls12-381 ZKP lib(Optimized 3-pairs) │ └─ zksnark12381.scrypt # zk-SNARKs verifier contract example └─ tests └─ js ├─ testcase0.scrypttest.js # simple testcase ├─ testcaseAzksnark.scrypttest.js # testcase A ├─ testcaseBzksnark.scrypttest.js # testcase B ├─ testcaseCzksnark.scrypttest.js # testcase C └─ testcaseDzksnark.scrypttest.js # testcase D
static function pairCheck3Point(
PointG1 a0, PointG2 b0,
fe12 millerb1a1,
PointG1 a2, PointG2 b2,
PointG1 a3, PointG2 b3) : bool
parameter(3-pairs and 1 preCompute-pair):
- a0 : A, b0 : B
- millerb1a1 : preCompute miller(α, β)
- a2 : L, b2 : ϒ
- a3 : C, b3 : δ
PointG1 | PointG2 | PointG1 | PointG2 |
a0 | b0 | A | B |
a1 | b1 | α | β |
a2 | b2 | L | ϒ |
a3 | b3 | C | δ |
verifying equation 2:
You can find zkSNARK snarkjs/Circom tutorials by
You need to select the bls12381 curve command line option when executing the snarkjs/Circom command, because the default is the bn128
- when compile circuit
circom ../work_circom/factor.circom --r1cs --wasm --prime bls12381
- when start a new powers of tau ceremony
snarkjs powersoftau new bls12-381 12 pot12_0000.ptau
Then you can confirm that there is a "curve": "bls12381"
item in the output verification_key.json
and proof.json
files instead of "curve": "bn128"
From the proof.json
file obtain the A, B, C parameters, and from the verification_key.json
file obtain the α, β, ϒ, δ parameters, use the ic item and the public inputs from the public.json
file to calculate the L parameter:
testcase B verification_key.json
"protocol": "groth16",
"curve": "bls12381",
"nPublic": 1,
"vk_alpha_1": ["32346008969010......", "760490433841......", "1"],
"vk_beta_2": [["62735191543702......", "379194604638......"],
["94606778762315......", "299061862927......"],
["1", "0"]],
"vk_gamma_2": [["3527010695874......", "305914434424......"],
["1985150602287......", "927553665492......"],
["1", "0"]],
"vk_delta_2": [["1895592553603......", "338057034563......"],
["1793381858589......", "319699776756......"],
["1", "0"]],
"vk_alphabeta_12": [
[["29062082199832......", "29798557291243......"],
["20107026956616......", "32289268603827......"],
["37794026319284......", "20272682142916......"]],
[["11743275386962......", "32259555688411......"],
["30689582621397......", "26992620205415......"],
["75601830939387......", "26615242825680......"]]],
"IC": [
["179858356000600......", "10944984983678......", "1"],
["341669953409364......", "26956794051246......", "1"]]
"pi_a": ["386406607244204......", "3355814159298......", "1"],
"pi_b": [["28933956745182......", "3829761206156......"],
["36211079726457......", "6620758983513......"],
["1", "0"]],
"pi_c": ["302947598381396......", "3994710045276......", "1"],
"protocol": "groth16",
"curve": "bls12381"
Implement a circuit in the Circom language. For example, this simple proves that people know to factor the integer n into two integers without revealing the integers. The circuit has two private inputs named p and q and one public input named n.
// p and q are factorizations of n
pragma circom 2.0.0;
template Factor() {
// Private Inputs:
signal input p;
signal input q;
// Public Inputs:
signal output n;
assert(p > 1);
assert(q > 1);
n <== p * q;
component main = Factor();
Two private inputs p and q, and one public input n.
Testcase | p | q | n |
A | 7 | 13 | 91 |
B | 117 | 112 | 13221 |
C | 2 | 4 | 8 |
D | 353457875866834523 | 95829357230752351385 | 33871641052465802932898657193367175168 |