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Setting up

sudo service postgresql stop # just in case
nvm use # see
npm install
npx lerna bootstrap


cd platform
cp .env.local .env
npm test
npm start

Running npm start will:

  1. Start local ganache-cli
  2. Start local IPFS node
  3. Start local Graph node
  4. Deploy contracts
  5. Deploy the subgraph

After this it will be possible to:

  1. Create a test-VirtualFloor programmatically by running npm run test:local:create-vf
  2. Query the graph using GraphQL

Finally run the reference-app:

cd ../app
npm run serve

To stop all services run npm stop from within ./platform and wait for all containers to be halted.

Installing @doubledice/platform as a library

Always import from:

  • @doubledice/platform/lib/contracts: TypeScript bindings for the contracts
  • @doubledice/platform/lib/graph: TypeScript bindings for the Graph entities

🚫 npm install

To add a package, do not npm install it into the subproject-specific directory. Instead, to install e.g. rimraf into platform subproject, from the top-level:

npx lerna add rimraf platform

MetaMask setup

Import hardhat seed phrase:

test test test test test test test test test test test junk

Connect to network on http://localhost:8545

Reset MetaMask account every time after restarting local network.

Creating an room/virtual-floor

ℹ️ For now it is called a room in the FE, and a virtual floor (VF) in most of the code. At some point these 2 terms will be merged.

The data inputted by the user in the front-end (FE) is classified into essential and non-essential:

  • Essential data is the minimal set of data required by the smart-contract to be able to manage the life-cycle of a VF, and this data is stored on-chain.
  • Non-essential data e.g. event title, opponent title, etc. is intended for human consumption in the user-interface (UI), but is not required to be stored on-chain. Nevertheless, we “pipe” this data through the contract when a virtual-floor is created, for the following reasons:
    1. We want to maintain the Graph as the single source of truth about our system. Since the Graph takes its input from EVM events emitted by the DD contract, we can expose the non-essential data to the Graph indexer by emitting it on the VirtualFloorCreation event along with the essential data. How this is achieved is explained further on.
    2. The createVirtualFloor contract is final. The essential data is validated by the smart-contract, but we need the non-essential data to be validated as well. We do not want to be managing the validation of non-essential data on-chain, as this will be dynamic (e.g. the list of categories and subcategories). Therefore the DD validator validates the data off-chain and stamps it with a signature, and the contract simply verifies that signature.

Initially, the way in which non-essential data was being piped to the Graph was that when the user enters the data, the data was validated via a call to the validation-server, which then also uploaded to IPFS, and what was sent to createVirtualFloor was the IPFS content hash metadataHash. That hash was then emitted on the VirtualFloorCreation event and picked up by the Graph indexer, which then retrieved the (valid) data from IPFS and inserted it into the index along with the rest of the essential data. Once the data has been indexed, it was then possible to query it from the frontend.

However this implementation has been replaced with a more straightforward implementation by which the metadata is passed directly to the createVirtualFloor function directly through the metadata struct parameter. The createVirtualFloor function does not save that metadata on chain, but simply emits the entire structure untouched on the VirtualFloorCreation event, which is then picked up by the Graph indexer and handled as described above. The reasons for abandoning the previous implementation are:

  1. Primarily, to avoid needing to have a centralized server and having to manage operational private keys, HSM, etc.
  2. Avoiding the IPFS step results in a system with less moving parts and that is less likely to break.
  3. The room-creation process becomes simpler because the frontend need only make a single createVirtualFloor call to the contract, which either succeeds or fails.

Prior to this architectural change, createVirtualFloor consumed ~80000 gas. After this change, it consumes ~115000. A 35000 gas increase isn’t too bad, when one considers the benefits. (However, the on-chain validation is not 100% complete. See note in _requireValidMetadata) The extra gas is probably being wasted:

  1. as extra intrinsic gas to pay for the extra bytes being passed to the function
  2. as extra gas to emit the data on the VirtualFloorCreation event. The second gas-usage could potentially be eliminated by exploiting the fact that the metadata is already available as an argument to the createVirtualFloor function, and refactoring the handleVirtualFloorCeation handler to be a CallHandler instead of an EventHandler. By doing this, it would be no longer necessary to re-emit the data on the event. But right now (Docker image trufflesuite/ganache-cli:v6.12.2) this cannot be implemented the underlying Ganache blockchain throws error Method trace_filter not supported..
  3. to validate the metadata in _requireValidMetadata. This could potentially be omitted, as explained in the comment in the function.

Upgrading dependencies

Always exercise caution when upgrading dependencies, especially with packages like @openzeppelin/contracts which have a direct impact on the code itself. But for the bulk-upgrade of dev-tools, you may choose to apply the methodology below.

First of all, ensure you are using the correct node version:

nvm use

Starting from the top-level package, in each package, first run:


to check which packages will upgrade to which version. If this tool is missing, first npm install --global npm-check-updates.

If you are pleased with the majority of suggested upgrades, then npm check-updates --upgrade. This will upgrade the versions in package.json, but will not yet install the upgraded packages.

npm-check-updates will always suggest the latest release, so if there are any packages that you specifically want to not upgrade, for several possible reasons:

  • it suggests to upgrade @openzeppelin/contracts but you do not want to make this upgrade as yet as you have audited the contracts with a specific package version,
  • or upgrading a particular package introduces a bug, so you want to postpone the upgrade until a fix is released then revert the corresponding individual package.json changes. If any upgrade is ommitted on purpose, try and make this decision clear in a comment and/or the log-commit,
  • or it suggests to upgrade @types/node from 16 to 17, but you want to keep it at 16 to match the installed NodeJS version.

At this point you would normally npm install to perform the upgrade, but since we are using lerna, instead in in the top-level project run:

npx lerna boostrap

This should install the new packages, and update the corresponding package-lock.json.

Repeat for all projects, testing after each step.

You can choose commit all changes either in one big step, or on a project-by-project basis, or sometimes even on a package-by-package basis, depending on how likely it is that you will need to revert the upgrade.


During VF-creation, the VF creator specifies the "rake" in the UI. This is referred to in the contract code as the creationFeeRate. Not "creator", but "creation". It is the “net” fee-rate applied to a virtual-floor’s profits. If 100$ are lost in total on a bet, and the creationFeeRate is 15% (0.1500), then (in the simple case) a creation-fee of 15$ will be taken, leaving 85$ to be distributed among winners as profit. In the contract code, this 15$ is referred to as the creationFeeAmount.

There is a contract-wide platformFeeRate setting stored on the contract. During the VF-creation transaction, this global setting is read from the contract and “frozen” into the VF. In this way, VFs that happen to be unresolved at the instant at which the gobal platformFeeRate setting is updated (which will happen very rarely), will be bound with the rate as it was when those VFs were created.

Now, suppose that the VF with 100$ losses has platformFeeRate of 33.33%. Then at resolve-time, 5$ of the 15$ will be transferred to the platformFeeBeneficiary (contract-wide setting). The 5$ is referred to in the contract code as the platformFeeAmount.

The remaining 10$ will go to the VF owner (ownerFeeAmount).

In summary:

creationFeeAmount = 15% × total losses = 15$
platformFeeAmount = 33.33% × creationFeeAmount = 5$
ownerFeeAmount = creationFeeAmount - platformFeeAmount = 10$

Unless the original VF creator has transferred the VF to someone else, the VF owner will be the original VF creator. Otherwise, it will be the new owner to whom the VF creator transferred the VF. In general, whoever owns the VF at the moment of resolution, receives the ownerFeeAmount (the 10$ in our example).

All fee transfers are (both to owner and to platform) happen during the VF-resolution transaction.

ERC-1155 token ids

Two types of entity are represented as tokens on the contract:

  1. Virtual-floors: The user owning a virtual-floor with (32-byte) id VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV00000 will have balance of 1 on the ERC-1155 token with id:
    Since the balance of such type of tokens can be only 1 or 0, these tokens are non-fungible.
  2. Commitments: A user who, within a specific (4-byte) timeslot TTTT, has committed a total of N units of ERC-20 token, to a specific (1-byte) outcome index I of a specific virtual-floor VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV00000, will have a balance of N on the ERC-1155 token with id:

The lower 5 bytes of the virtual-floor id are always 5 zero-bytes. Although the upper 27 bytes may be any non-zero value, a virtual-floor with a lot of zero-bytes will be cheaper to pass as an argument to external contract functions. For this purpose, it is recommended that the non-zero part of a virtual-floor id is limited to 8 bytes, structured as follows:


Such an id could be generated in JavaScript via:

const virtualFloorId = ethers.BigNumber.from(ethers.utils.randomBytes(8)).shl(5 * 8)

The token-ids are purposely non-opaque (i.e. they are not hashes) to make it possible to slice the id back into its V, I and T components.


Blockchain betting system






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  • TypeScript 53.2%
  • Solidity 28.1%
  • Vue 17.5%
  • Other 1.2%