PHP low code templating system - small but powerful
... and building a bootstrap 4.3 table dynamically (for every database table)
This sample also includes some style and adds classes dynamically.
- Run the code: /sample_advanced/view.php
- HTML code see: /sample_advanced/my_includes and /sample_advanced/my_controls
// Some config
$config = DSEConfig::instance();
if( $env == DEBUG ) $config->preferMinified( false ); // should use minified version ?
elseif( $env == PROD ) $config->preferMinified( true );
$config->setDirPrefix( 'my_' ); // a folder prefix that you can leave out on new View( ... )
// $config->setControlsFolder('controls/');
// Data
$dbRows = [ // Demo data or load from db
0 => [
'col_1' => 'entry 1.1',
'col_2' => 'entry 1.2'
1 => [
'col_1' => 'entry 2.1',
'col_2' => null
// Build
$page = new WebPage( 'includes/page' );
$layout = $page->newView( 'includes/layout' );
// Add some style dynamically (or do in html)
$page->addStyleInclude( 'includes/styles/add_style.css' ); // just a dummy file with a comment (for demo)
$page->addStyle( 'body { font-size: 15px; }' ); // => page head <style></style>
// the same for js use: addJSInclude() addJS()
// Add some classes dynamically (just for fun)
$layout->h1Classes = "mt-4 mb-3"; // prints class="mt-4 mb-3" cause printClasses() used in my_includes/layout.html
// see layout.html, use View's
$layout->funClasses = "some fun classes"; // just for fun, see how addClasses() is used in my_includes/layout.html
// Add content
$layout->myValue = 'My dynamic content 1';
$layout->myValue2 = 'My dynamic content 2';
// Table (dynamically)
$table = $page->newSimpleControl( 'controls/table/view' );
// Table header
$colNames = ['Column 1', 'Column 2']; // Non-DB-Names for UI, load from somewhere ...
$headCells = $page->newListView();
foreach( $colNames as $name => $value )
$headCell = $page->newView( 'controls/table/head_cell' );
$headCell->content = $value;
$headCells->addView( $headCell );
$table->addSubView( 'headContent', $headCells );
// Table lines
$rows = $page->newListView();
foreach( $dbRows as $id => $dbRow )
$row = $page->newView( 'controls/table/row' );
$cells = $page->newListView();
// Table cells
$i = 0;
foreach( $dbRow as $name => $value )
if( $i == 1 )
$cell = $page->newView( 'controls/table/first_cell' ); // first cell differs, see
$cell = $page->newView( 'controls/table/cell' );
$cell->addSubView( 'content', $value );
$cells->addView( $cell );
$cell->content = $value;
$rows->addView( $row );
$table->addSubView( 'bodyContent', $rows );
$layout->addSubView( 'table', $table );
$page->attachContent( $layout );
echo $page->render();
Copyright (C) Walter A. Jablonowski 2018-2019, MIT License