My graduate design to fork a OPS for Robocon compitition or indoor 2D move device, which is a embeded sys on STM32F405, calc and output current position info in the coordinate system created on the start point.
dbug_log: 05/05/2019
modify AS5045 cycle counter to zero.
simplly set PID parament for temperature control. -
dbug_log: 05/04/2019
get sin graph form AS5045 and linen it.
successfully count tonggle freq from AS5045 data and int for position OK.
waitting for PID control for imu device. -
dbug_log: 05/02/2019
modify dmp driver to tow mpu6050.
find that mpu6050 with dmp can't init at a not horizental flat. -
dbug_log: 05/01/2019
find bug @pwm configor, modified and test OK.
midify usart1 rx interrupt to recive instructions.
use mpu6050 dmp driver for one sensor successful. -
dbug_log: 04/30/2019
add tim2 interrupt to provide a time base for imu calc, test OK.
modify Heat_Res from GPIO to PWM drive mode, to get a smoth control, test OK. -
dbug_log: 04/29/2019
successfully read the sensor AS5045's data,
it means all hardware is ready, then fit them togather. -
dbug_log: 04/27/2019
successfully read origin data from MPU6050 imu sensor.
waitting for data-processing and AS5045.