A basic and simple tool for code auto completion, fine-tuned from the pytorch pre-trained GPT-2 variants offered by the awesome 🤗 transformers library.
- Write with Python or Java.
Here provides three ways of quick-start. Before that,
Now there are two fine-tuned models uploded to 🤗transformers models library. They can be used easily as long as you pip install transformers
from transformers import AutoTokenizer,AutoModelWithLMHead
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("congcongwang/gpt2_medium_fine_tuned_coder")
model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("congcongwang/gpt2_medium_fine_tuned_coder")
# or
# tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("congcongwang/distilgpt2_fine_tuned_coder")
# model = AutoModelWithLMHead.from_pretrained("congcongwang/distilgpt2_fine_tuned_coder")
context="def factorial"
lang="python" # can be java as well.
if use_cuda:
input_ids = tokenizer.encode("<python> " + context,
return_tensors='pt') if lang == "python" else tokenizer.encode(
"<java> " + context, return_tensors='pt')
outputs = model.generate(input_ids=input_ids.to("cuda") if use_cuda else input_ids,
decoded = tokenizer.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
git clone https://github.com/wangcongcong123/auto_coding.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Download the fine-tuned models, here are two versions provided.
- Unzip the model and move it to
(create it first) - Run the interact:
python interact.py
git clone <this repository>
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Preparing the dataset
- Start fine-tuning model:
python train.py --model_select distilgpt2
- After fine-tuning, the model will be saved to
which is exactly the fine-tuned version as provided in Ready-to-go Interaction.
* For more params setting of training, python train.py -h
Good Python generation examples by fine-tuned GPT2-medium
-------------Example 1--------------------------------------
Context code: def factorial
def factorial(n):
return 1 if n == 1 else n * factorial(n - 1)
--------------Example 2-------------------------------------
Context code: def sum_of_series(num_of_terms:int, power: int)
def sum_of_series(num_of_terms:int, power: int) -> float:
"""Calculate Sum of Series.
>>> sum_of_series(1, 1, 10)
>>> sum_of_series(1, 10, 100)
sum = (num_of_terms / 2) * power
return sum
--------------Example 3-------------------------------------
Context code: def quick_sort(collection)
def quick_sort(collection):
>>> quick_sort([0, 5, 3, 2, 2])
[0, 2, 2, 3, 5]
>>> quick_sort([])
>>> quick_sort([-2, -5, -45])
[-45, -5, -2]
length = len(collection)
if length <= 1:
return collection
# Use the last element as the first pivot
pivot = collection.pop()
# Put elements greater than pivot in greater list
# Put elements lesser than pivot in lesser list
greater, lesser = [], []
for element in collection:
if element > pivot:
Good Java generation examples by fine-tuned GPT2-medium
--------------Example 1-------------------------------------
Context code: Scanner input= new Scanner(System.in)
Scanner input= new Scanner(System.in)
System.out.println("Enter the Octal number: ");
// Take octal number as input from user in a string
String oct = input.next();
--------------Example 2-------------------------------------
Context code: private static int CountCharacters(String str)
private static int CountCharacters(String str) {
return str.replaceAll("\\s", "").length();
* Although some generated examples look good, it needs to take a grain of salt to judge the model's actual performance. The model may simply "remembers" existing code in the training set well.
- Expand the dataset (and construct the dataset more carefeully) and increase context window. Try larger generative models like GPT-2 large or even GPT-3 variants as proposed recently if the computational resources are allowed.
- Remove overlapping between training examples and dev examples for contamination studies. That says, to what extent the model memorizes examples rigidly or at surface heuristics level during training.
- Try some adversarial examples (more complicated for model's reasoning capability testing purpose) to test the robustness of the model.
- Integrate this into real-life use case such as a code editor - Sublime Text, where a threshold of joint probability may need to be studied for code snippet recommendations.
- Try some ideas of location-aware code generation. For example, if a human coder is sitting writing a comment, the autocoder should be aware of the coder's context (left and right if available) to help complete the corresponding content.
- Model size and inference efficiency is a problem in real-life use cases.
- Do research in this problem domain to grab a general idea of what work has done in the literature for this particular problem.
- For mutli-GPU training, it only works when torch==1.4.0. It will be not working when torch==1.5.0. No idea so far how to fix this issue.