tensorflow projects for recovery-time prediction of COVID-19
This is a deep-learning framework for identificating high-risk COVID-19 patients and estimating how long the patient can be cured。
- Anaconda python 3.7.3 Win10
- Tensorflow 2.0.0 with GPU
- SimpleITK (for processing ct images)
- CV2
- easydict
-download from: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1T45vpRF-JTRHLCVFdT4IZg (password:9zng) -unzip and put the whole checkpoints directory to the root path: tf_covid19_care
#if you have any problem, please feel free to ask questions via sending email to wjcy19870122@sjtu.edu.cn
(1) prepare your data (see the examples/eval_sets.csv for example).
(2) cd trainers and run the file: run_train.bat.
Note: you may need to modify the configs/cfgs.py file:changing cfg.data_set to the directory of your dataset.
(1) cd tests and run the run_test.bat file.
(2) run the compute_metrics.py file to obtain the results.
## Demo (this is planned for building online tool)
``` bash
(1) cd tests and run the demo.py file.
(2) check the results at examples/patient_0000232 (two png files will be generated if run successfully).