Ping @rishidesai or @narendasan in #submissions-questions on the HackIllinois 2018 Slack with any questions
Create a project on devpost HackIllinois 2018 devpost
- Briefly fill out the description. (All other sections are up to your discretion.)
- Make sure to include a link to your source code in the "try it out" section
- If you are submitting to any particular prizes, make sure to describe why you believe your submission is eligible, and also mark them on your submission.
- Then follow the instructions below to complete your submission depending on whether you contributed to an already existing project or repo or you created a brand new repo to host your work
In addition to the content above, we also would like you to link a GitHub gist with some additional information in your devpost submission.
There are two cases:
You did not complete a PR:
That's totally okay! You do not have to finish a PR to submit to HackIllinois. In your submission gist, please link to any work-in-progress code (a branch, forked repo, etc.) along with the content covered below.
You completed a PR:
Awesome! In your gist, please link to your PR and also make sure you're following the contribution guidelines to the repo you are submitting your pull request to.
In both cases, we'd like you to include the following (in addition to any links) in the submission gist:
- Issue(s) that you chose to work on.
- Explanation of your decision making on approaching the issue
- Discussion of your contribution's current status in the pipeline and what is remaining (if there is anything).
- Credit others contributors (teammates with what each person worked on, mentors, etc.).
- submission gist:
for completed PR: Homebrew/brew#1312
Be prepared to talk about how the specific contribution process for your project played a role in the development of the contribution. If your PR was merged in and you had to make edits in your contribution before it was approved, explain what was changed and why.
If your code is hosted in a new repo, your submission should consist of a devpost submission linking to your public code repository which should include at least four specific files:, LICENSE (there maybe cases where this is not applicable, if so tell us the reason in your devpost submission), and
1. Template
A technical description of what your project is (functionality, purpose - if any, etc.)
Instructions on how to build, install, and use your project
A link to the Contributors Guide
- Add a license to your repository using an OSI approved License
- Enumerate who was on your team, their emails, who implemented what in the project and any mentors or other significant members of the group
4. Template
Create a Contributing Guide
Explain the process of getting code merged into master to make it easier for contributors to submit additions to your project
- Create comprehensive set of issues to represent future features and/or current bugs
- Incorporate tests into your project
- Provide a link to a packaged release
- Proper use of source control (using Pull Requests, relevant commit messages, and use of branching)
- Thought process and inspiration for your project
- Potential uses and benefits of your project
- Issues you faced
- Major decision making, such as the selection of technical frameworks, languages, code structure, etc.
- Your selection of FOSS license in your