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% pander: A Pandoc writer in R


pander is an R package containing helpers to return Pandoc's markdown even automatically from several type of R objects with a general S3 method.

The package is also capable of exporting/converting complex Pandoc documents (reports) in three ways at the moment:

  • create somehow a markdown text file (e.g. with brew, knitr or any scripts of yours, maybe with Pandoc.brew - see just below) and transform that to other formats (like HTML, odt, pdf, docx etc.) with Pandoc.convert -- just like pandoc function in knitr,

  • users might write some reports in a forked version of brew syntax resulting in a pretty Pandoc document (where each R object are automatically transformed to nicely formatted table, list etc.) and also in a bunch of other formats (like HTML, odt, pdf, docx etc.),

    Example: this is cooked with Pandoc.brew based on inst/README.brew and also exported to HTML. Details can be found below or head directly to examples.

  • or users might create a report in a live R session by adding some R objects and paragraphs to a Pandoc reference class object. Details can be found below.

How does pander differ from Sweave, brew, knitr, R2HTML etc.?

  • first of all pander can be used as a helper with any other literate programming solution, so you might want to call pander inside of knitr chunks,
  • but if you stick with pander's literate tool, then no need for calling ascii, xtable, Hmisc, tables etc. or even pander in the R command chunks to transform an R object to HTML, tex etc. as Pandoc.brew automatically results in Pandoc's markdown which can be converted to almost any text document format (like: pdf, HTML, odt, docx, textile, asciidoc, reStructuredText etc.). Conversion can be done automatically after calling pander reporting functions (Pander.brew or Pandoc).
  • based on the above no "traditional" R console output is shown in the resulting document (nor in markdown, nor in exported docs) but all R objects are transformed to tables, list etc. Well, there is an option (show.src) to show the original R commands before the formatted output, and pander˛calls can be also easily tweaked (just file an issue) to return printed R objects - if you would need that in some strange situation - like writing an R tutorial. But I really think that nor R code, nor raw R results have anything to do with an exported report :)
  • of course all warnings, messages and errors are captured while evaluating R expressions just like stdout beside the raw R object. So the resulting report can also include the raw R objects for futher edits if needed,
  • graphs/plots are recognized in blocks of R commands without any special setting or marks around code block and saved to disk in a png file linked in the resulting document. This means if you create a report (e.g. brew a text file) and export it to pdf/docx etc. all the plots/images would be there. There are some parameters to specify the resolution of the image and also the type (e.g. jpg, svg or pdf) besides a wide variety of theme options. About the latter, please check out graphs.brew below.
  • pander˛uses its build in (IMHO quite decent) caching. This means that if evaluation of some R commands take too much time (which can be set by option/parameter), then the results are saved in a file and returned from there on next exact R code's evaluation. This caching algorithm tries to be smart as checks not only the passed R sources, but all variables and functions inside that and saves the hash of those. This is a quite secure way of caching (see details below), but if you would encounter any issues, just switch off the cache. I've not seen any issues :)
  • knitr support is coming too, for details see my TODO list Update: just use knitr to generate markdown and pass that to Pandoc.convert


The stable version of the package can be found on CRAN and can be installed easily in the R console:


On the other hand I welcome everyone to use the most recent version of the package with added features and currently hosted on GitHub. The current build status is: Build Status

It can be installed easily with the nifty function of devtools package:

install_github('pander', 'Rapporter')

Or download the sources in a zip file and build manually. If you're running R on Windows, you need to install Rtools.


pander heavily builds on Pandoc which should be pre-installed before trying to convert your reports to different formats. Although main functions work without Pandoc, e.g. you can generate a markdown formatted report via Pandoc.brew or the custom reference class, but I would really suggest to install that really great piece of software!

The installation process of Pandoc is quite straightforward on most operating systems: just download and run the binary (a few megabytes), and get a full-blown document converted in a few seconds/minutes. On different Linux distributions it might be a bit more complicated (as repositories tend to provide out-dated versions of Pandoc, so you would need cabal-install to install from sources). Please do not forget to restart your R session to update your PATH after installation!

An alternative method (bypassing Pandoc dependency) would be to call the awesome markdown package to transform markdown (as far as I know: exclusively) to HTML.

And as pander and rapport are quite Siamese twins, you would need an up-to-date version of rapport most likely installed from Github. pander now can work independently from rapport.

Now you would only need a few cool packages from CRAN:

  • digest to compute hashes while caching
  • brew for literate programming
  • parser to identify variables in passed R commands
  • evaluate
  • besides R of course!

Helper functions

There are a bunch of helper functions in pander which e.g. return user specified inputs in Pandoc format or applies some extra formatting on those. For a technical documentation, see the HTML help files of the package at

Primitive functions

You could find the Pandoc-related functions starting with pandoc. - for example pandoc.strong would return the passed characters with strong emphasis. E.g.:

> pandoc.strong('FOO')
> pandoc.strong.return('FOO')
[1] "**FOO**"

As it can be seen here pandoc functions generally prints to console and do not return anythingby default (see: ?cat). If you want the opposite (get the Pandoc format as a string): call each function ending in .return - like the second call in the above example. For details please check documentation, e.g. ?pandoc.strong.

The full list of primitive Pandoc-related functions are:

  • pandoc.indent
  • pandoc.p
  • pandoc.strong
  • pandoc.emphasis
  • pandoc.strikeout
  • pandoc.verbatim
  • pandoc.image
  • pandoc.footnote
  • pandoc.horizontal.rule
  • pandoc.header
  • pandoc.title


Of course there are more complex functions too. Besides verbatim texts, (image) links or footnotes (among others) there are a helper e.g. for lists:

> l <- list("First list element", paste0(1:5, '. subelement'), "Second element", list('F', 'B', 'I', c('phone', 'pad', 'talics')))
> pandoc.list(l, 'roman')

Which returns:

I. First list element 
    I. 1. subelement 
    II. 2. subelement 
    III. 3. subelement 
    IV. 4. subelement 
    V. 5. subelement  
II. Second element 
    I. F 
    II. B 
    III. I 
        I. phone 
        II. pad 
        III. talics   

<!-- end of list -->


pandoc can return tables in four formats supported by Pandoc, including the pipe tables also used in knitr and PHP Markdown Extra format:

  • The default style is the multiline format as most features (e.g. multi-line cells and alignment) are available in there.
> m <- mtcars[1:2, 1:3]
> pandoc.table(m)

      &nbsp;         mpg   cyl   disp 
------------------- ----- ----- ------
   **Mazda RX4**     21     6    160  

 **Mazda RX4 Wag**   21     6    160  

> pandoc.table(m, style = "simple")

      &nbsp;         mpg   cyl   disp 
------------------- ----- ----- ------
   **Mazda RX4**     21     6    160  
 **Mazda RX4 Wag**   21     6    160  

  • grid format is really handy for emacs users, does support line breaks inside cells, but do not tolerate cell alignment:
> pandoc.table(m, style = "grid")

|       &nbsp;        |  mpg  |  cyl  |  disp  |
|    **Mazda RX4**    |  21   |   6   |  160   |
|  **Mazda RX4 Wag**  |  21   |   6   |  160   |

  • rmarkdown tables can be used directly with knitr since they are understood by the markdown package:
> pandoc.table(m, style = "rmarkdown")

|       &nbsp;        |  mpg  |  cyl  |  disp  |
|    **Mazda RX4**    |  21   |   6   |  160   |
|  **Mazda RX4 Wag**  |  21   |   6   |  160   |

Besides the style parameter there are several other ways to tweak the output like decimal.mark or digits. And of course it's really easy to add a caption:

> pandoc.table(m, style = "grid", caption = "Hello caption!")

|       &nbsp;        |  mpg  |  cyl  |  disp  |
|    **Mazda RX4**    |  21   |   6   |  160   |
|  **Mazda RX4 Wag**  |  21   |   6   |  160   |

Table: Hello caption!

pandoc.table˙can deal with the problem of really wide tables. Ever had an issue in LaTeX or MS Word when tried to print a correlation matrix of 40 variables? Not a problem any more as pandoc.table splits up the table if wider then 80 characters and handles caption too:

> pandoc.table(mtcars[1:2, ], style = "grid", caption = "Hello caption!")

|       &nbsp;        |  mpg  |  cyl  |  disp  |  hp  |  drat  |  wt   |
|    **Mazda RX4**    |  21   |   6   |  160   | 110  |  3.9   | 2.62  |
|  **Mazda RX4 Wag**  |  21   |   6   |  160   | 110  |  3.9   | 2.875 |

Table: Hello caption! (continued below)


|       &nbsp;        |  qsec  |  vs  |  am  |  gear  |  carb  |
|    **Mazda RX4**    | 16.46  |  0   |  1   |   4    |   4    |
|  **Mazda RX4 Wag**  | 17.02  |  0   |  1   |   4    |   4    |

And too wide cells are also split by line breaks. E.g.:

> pandoc.table(data.frame(id=1:2, value=c('FOO', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.')))

 id              value            
---- -----------------------------
 1                FOO             

 2    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
     consectetur adipisicing elit,
         sed do eiusmod tempor    
        incididunt ut labore et   
     dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim 
     ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
     exercitation ullamco laboris 
     nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
      consequat. Duis aute irure  
       dolor in reprehenderit in  
      voluptate velit esse cillum 
        dolore eu fugiat nulla    
       pariatur. Excepteur sint   
        occaecat cupidatat non    
      proident, sunt in culpa qui 
     officia deserunt mollit anim 
            id est laborum.       


Beside directly calling pandoc.table's caption parameter, one could also set a caption even before printing the markdown format - just use set.caption function:

> set.caption('Hello caption!')
> pandoc.table(mtcars[1:2, ])

      &nbsp;         mpg   cyl   disp   hp   drat   wt  
------------------- ----- ----- ------ ---- ------ -----
   **Mazda RX4**     21     6    160   110   3.9   2.62 

 **Mazda RX4 Wag**   21     6    160   110   3.9   2.875

Table: Hello caption! (continued below)

      &nbsp;         qsec   vs   am   gear   carb 
------------------- ------ ---- ---- ------ ------
   **Mazda RX4**    16.46   0    1     4      4   

 **Mazda RX4 Wag**  17.02   0    1     4      4   

Of course the set.caption function is not needed to be called directly before pandoc.table and it can be also used by the pander method or inside of Pandoc.brew documents too.

Cell alignment

One can specify the alignment of the cells in a table directly by setting the justify parameter in pandoc.table:

> panderOptions('table.split.table', Inf)
> pandoc.table(head(iris), justify = 'right')

  Sepal.Length   Sepal.Width   Petal.Length   Petal.Width   Species
-------------- ------------- -------------- ------------- ---------
           5.1           3.5            1.4           0.2    setosa

           4.9             3            1.4           0.2    setosa

           4.7           3.2            1.3           0.2    setosa

           4.6           3.1            1.5           0.2    setosa

             5           3.6            1.4           0.2    setosa

           5.4           3.9            1.7           0.4    setosa

Or pre-define the alignment for pandoc.table or the pander S3 method by a helper function:

> set.alignment('left', row.names = 'right')
> pandoc.table(mtcars[1:2,  1:5])

             &nbsp; mpg   cyl   disp   hp   drat  
------------------- ----- ----- ------ ---- ------
      **Mazda RX4** 21    6     160    110  3.9   

  **Mazda RX4 Wag** 21    6     160    110  3.9   

> set.alignment(c('left', 'right', 'center', 'centre'))
> pandoc.table(iris[1:3, 1:4])

Sepal.Length     Sepal.Width  Petal.Length   Petal.Width 
-------------- ------------- -------------- -------------
5.1                      3.5      1.4            0.2     

4.9                        3      1.4            0.2     

4.7                      3.2      1.3            0.2     

Beside using set.alignment helper or passing parameters directly to pandoc.table, you may also set the default alignment styles with panderOptions.

And feel free to use either centre or center to align cells to the middle :)

Highlight cells

And IMHO the most important feature in pander is the ease of highlighting rows, columns or any cells in a table that can be exported to HTML/pdf/MS Word etc. with the help of Pandoc.

This can be achieved by calling pandoc.table directly and passing any (or more) of the following arguments:

  • emphasize.rows
  • emphasize.cols
  • emphasize.cells
  • emphasize.strong.rows
  • emphasize.strong.cols
  • emphasize.strong.cells

emphasize would turn the affected cells to italic, while emphasize.strong would apply a bold style in the cell. Of course a cell can be also italic and strong at the same time.

Arguments ending in rows or cols take a vector (e.g. which columns or rows to emphasize in a table), while the cells argument take either a vector (for one dimensional "tables") or an array-like data structure with two columns holding row and column indexes of cells to be emphasized -- just like what which(..., arr.ind = TRUE) returns.


> t <- mtcars[1:3, 1:5]
> emphasize.cols(1)
> emphasize.rows(1)
> pandoc.table(t)

      &nbsp;         mpg    cyl   disp   hp    drat 
------------------- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------
   **Mazda RX4**     *21*   *6*  *160*  *110* *3.9* 

 **Mazda RX4 Wag**   *21*    6    160    110   3.9  

  **Datsun 710**    *22.8*   4    108    93    3.85 

Of course the these helper functions works with pander method or inside of Pandoc.brew documents too:

> emphasize.strong.cells(which(t > 20, arr.ind = TRUE))
> pander(t)

      &nbsp;          mpg     cyl   disp     hp     drat 
------------------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------
   **Mazda RX4**     **21**    6   **160** **110**  3.9  

 **Mazda RX4 Wag**   **21**    6   **160** **110**  3.9  

  **Datsun 710**    **22.8**   4   **108** **93**   3.85 

> Pandoc.brew(text='
## Title

set.caption('Formatted table')
mtcars[1:2, 1:5]

      &nbsp;         mpg   cyl   disp   hp    drat 
------------------- ----- ----- ------ ----- ------
   **Mazda RX4**    *21*   *6*  *160*  *110* *3.9* 

 **Mazda RX4 Wag**   21     6    160    110   3.9  

Table: Formatted table

Generic pander method

pander or pandoc (call as you wish) can deal with a bunch of R object types as being a pandocized S3 method with a variety of classes.

Besides simple types (vectors, matrices, tables or data frames) lists might be interesting for you:

> pander(list(a=1, b=2, c=table(mtcars$am), x=list(myname=1,2), 56))

  * **a**: _1_
  * **b**: _2_
  * **c**:

     0   1
    --- ---
    19  13

  * **x**:

      * **myname**: _1_
      * _2_

  * _56_

<!-- end of list -->

A nested list can be seen above with a table and all (optional) list names inside. As a matter of fact pander.list is the default method of pander too, see:

> x <- chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear))
> class(x) <- "I've never heard of!"
> pander(x)
 **WARNING**^[Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect]

  * **statistic**: _20.94_
  * **parameter**: _2_
  * **p.value**: _2.831e-05_
  * **method**: Pearson's Chi-squared test
  * ****: table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear)
  * **observed**:

    &nbsp;   3   4   5
    ------- --- --- ---
     **0**  15   4   0

     **1**   0   8   5

  * **expected**:

    &nbsp;    3     4     5
    ------- ----- ----- -----
     **0**  8.906 7.125 2.969

     **1**  6.094 4.875 2.031

  * **residuals**:

    &nbsp;    3      4      5
    ------- ------ ------ ------
     **0**  2.042  -1.171 -1.723

     **1**  -2.469 1.415  2.083

  * **stdres**:

    &nbsp;    3      4      5
    ------- ------ ------ ------
     **0**  4.395  -2.323 -2.943

     **1**  -4.395 2.323  2.943

<!-- end of list -->

So pander showed a not known class in an (almost) user-friendly way. And we got some warnings too styled with Pandoc footnote! If that document is exported to e.g. HTML or pdf, then the error/warning message could be found on the bottom of the page with a link. Note: there were two warnings in the above call - both captured and returned! Well, this is the feature of Pandoc.brew, see below.

The output of different statistical methods are tried to be prettyfied. Some examples:

> pander(ks.test(runif(50), runif(50)))

 Test statistic   P value   Alternative hypothesis 
---------------- --------- ------------------------
      0.22       _0.1786_         two-sided        

Table: Two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test: `runif(50)` and `runif(50)`

> pander(chisq.test(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear)))

 Test statistic   df       P value     
---------------- ---- -----------------
     20.94        2   _2.831e-05_ * * *

Table: Pearson's Chi-squared test: `table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear)`

 **WARNING**^[Chi-squared approximation may be incorrect]

> pander(t.test(extra ~ group, data = sleep))

 Test statistic   df    P value   Alternative hypothesis 
---------------- ----- --------- ------------------------
     -1.861      17.78 _0.07939_        two.sided        

Table: Welch Two Sample t-test: `extra` by `group`

> ## Dobson (1990) Page 93: Randomized Controlled Trial (examples from: ?glm)
> counts <- c(18,17,15,20,10,20,25,13,12)
> outcome <- gl(3,1,9)
> treatment <- gl(3,3)
> m <- glm(counts ~ outcome + treatment, family=poisson())
> pander(m)

     &nbsp;        Estimate   Std. Error   z value   Pr(>|z|) 
----------------- ---------- ------------ --------- ----------
 **(Intercept)**    3.045       0.1709      17.81   5.427e-71 

  **outcome2**     -0.4543      0.2022     -2.247    0.02465  

  **outcome3**      -0.293      0.1927      -1.52     0.1285  

 **treatment2**   1.338e-15      0.2      6.69e-15      1     

 **treatment3**   1.421e-15      0.2      7.105e-15     1     

Table: Fitting generalized (poisson/log) linear model: counts ~ outcome + treatment

> pander(anova(m))

    &nbsp;       Df   Deviance   Resid. Df   Resid. Dev 
--------------- ---- ---------- ----------- ------------
   **NULL**                          8         10.58    

  **outcome**    2     5.452         6         5.129    

 **treatment**   2   2.665e-15       4         5.129    

Table: Analysis of Deviance Table

> pander(aov(m))

    &nbsp;       Df   Sum Sq    Mean Sq   F value   Pr(>F) 
--------------- ---- --------- --------- --------- --------
  **outcome**    2     92.67     46.33     2.224    0.2242 

 **treatment**   2   8.382e-31 4.191e-31 2.012e-32    1    

 **Residuals**   4     83.33     20.83                     

Table: Analysis of Variance Model

> pander(prcomp(USArrests))

    &nbsp;       PC1     PC2      PC3      PC4   
-------------- ------- -------- -------- --------
  **Murder**   0.0417  -0.04482 0.07989  -0.9949 

 **Assault**   0.9952  -0.05876 -0.06757 0.03894 

 **UrbanPop**  0.04634  0.9769  -0.2005  -0.05817

   **Rape**    0.07516  0.2007   0.9741  0.07233 

Table: Principal Components Analysis

           &nbsp;             PC1     PC2    PC3     PC4  
---------------------------- ------ ------- ------ -------
   **Standard deviation**    83.73   14.21  6.489   2.483 

 **Proportion of Variance**  0.9655 0.02782 0.0058 0.00085

 **Cumulative Proportion**   0.9655 0.9933  0.9991    1   

> pander(density(mtcars$hp))

   &nbsp;      Coordinates   Density values 
------------- ------------- ----------------
  **Min.**       -32.12          5e-06      

 **1st Qu.**      80.69        0.0004068    

 **Median**       193.5         0.001665    

  **Mean**        193.5         0.002214    

 **3rd Qu.**      306.3         0.00409     

  **Max.**        419.1         0.006051    

Table: Kernel density of *mtcars$hp* (bandwidth: 28.04104)

> ## Don't like scientific notation?
> panderOptions('round', 2)
> pander(density(mtcars$hp))

   &nbsp;      Coordinates   Density values 
------------- ------------- ----------------
  **Min.**       -32.12            0        

 **1st Qu.**      80.69            0        

 **Median**       193.5            0        

  **Mean**        193.5            0        

 **3rd Qu.**      306.3            0        

  **Max.**        419.1           0.01      

Table: Kernel density of *mtcars$hp* (bandwidth: 28.04104)

And of course tables are formatted (e.g. auto add of line breaks and splitting up tables) nicely:

> set.caption('Foo Bar')
> pander(data.frame(id=1:2, value=c('FOO', 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.')))

 id              value            
---- -----------------------------
 1                FOO             

 2    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, 
     consectetur adipisicing elit,
         sed do eiusmod tempor    
        incididunt ut labore et   
     dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim 
     ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
     exercitation ullamco laboris 
     nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
      consequat. Duis aute irure  
       dolor in reprehenderit in  
      voluptate velit esse cillum 
        dolore eu fugiat nulla    
       pariatur. Excepteur sint   
        occaecat cupidatat non    
      proident, sunt in culpa qui 
     officia deserunt mollit anim 
            id est laborum.       

Table: Foo Bar


The list of currently supported R classes:

> methods(pander)
 [1] pander.anova*      pander.aov*        pander.cast_df*    pander.character*
 [5]* pander.default*    pander.density*    pander.evals*
 [9] pander.factor*     pander.glm*        pander.htest*      pander.image*
[13] pander.list*       pander.lm*         pander.logical*    pander.matrix*
[17] pander.NULL*       pander.numeric*    pander.option      pander.POSIXct*
[21] pander.POSIXt*     pander.prcomp*     pander.rapport*    pander.return
[25] pander.table*

   Non-visible functions are asterisked

Brew to Pandoc

Everyone knows and possibly uses brew but if you would need some smack, the following links really worth visiting:

In short: a brew document is a simple text file with some special tags. Pandoc.brew uses only two of them (as building on a personalized version of Jeff's really great brew function):

  • <\% ... \%> (without the backslash) stand for running R calls
  • <\%= ... \%> (without the backslash) does pretty the same but applies pander to the returning R object (instead of cat like the original brew function does). So putting there any R object would return is a nice Pandoc's markdown format with all possible messages etc.

This latter tries to be smart in some ways:

  • a block (R commands between the tags) could return values in any part of the block
  • plots and images are grabbed in the document, rendered to a png file and pander method would result in a Pandoc markdown formatted image link (so the image would be shown/included in the exported document).
  • all warnings/messages and errors are recorded in the blocks and returned in the document as a footnote
  • all heavy R commands (e.g. those taking more then 0.1 sec to evaluate) are cached so rebrewing a report would not result in a coffee break.

Besides this, the custom brew function can do more and also less compared to the original brew package. First of all the internal caching mechanism (and other, from pander package POV needless features) of brew is removed for some extra profits:

  • multiple R expressions can be passed between <\%= ... \%> tags,
  • the text of the file and also the evaluated R objects are (invisibly) returned in a structured list, which can be really useful while post-processing the results of brew (just try: str(Pandoc.brew(text='Pi equals to <\%=pi\%>.\nAnd here are some random data:\n<\%=runif(10)\%>')) - without the backslash in front of the percent signs).

This document was generated by Pandoc.brew based on inst/README.brew so the above examples were generated automatically - which could be handy while writing some nifty statistical reports :)

Pandoc.brew(system.file('README.brew', package='pander'))

Pandoc.brew could cook a file (default) or work with a character vector provided in the text argument. The output is set to stdout by default, it could be tweaked to write result to a text file and run Pandoc on that to create a HTML, odt, docx or other document.

To export a brewed file to other then Pandoc's markdown, please use the convert parameter. For example (please disregard the backslash in front of the percent sign):

text <- paste('# Header', '', 'What a lovely list:\n<\%=as.list(runif(10))\%>', 'A wide table:\n<\%=mtcars[1:3, ]\%>', 'And a nice chart:\n\n<\%=plot(1:10)\%>', sep = '\n')
Pandoc.brew(text = text, output = tempfile(), convert = 'html')
Pandoc.brew(text = text, output = tempfile(), convert = 'pdf')

Of course a text file could work as input (by default) the above example uses text parameter as a reproducible example. For example brewing this README with all R chunks and converted to html, please run:

Pandoc.brew(system.file('README.brew', package='pander'), output = tempfile(), convert = 'html')

And there are some package bundled examples too.


The package comes bundled with some examples for Pandoc.brew to let users check out its features pretty fast. These are:

To brew these examples on your machine try to run the followings.:

Pandoc.brew(system.file('examples/minimal.brew', package='pander'))
Pandoc.brew(system.file('examples/minimal.brew', package='pander'), output = tempfile(), convert = 'html')

Pandoc.brew(system.file('examples/short-code-long-report.brew', package='pander'))
Pandoc.brew(system.file('examples/short-code-long-report.brew', package='pander'), output = tempfile(), convert = 'html')

Pandoc.brew(system.file('examples/graphs.brew', package='pander'))
Pandoc.brew(system.file('examples/graphs.brew', package='pander'), output = tempfile(), convert = 'html')

For easy access I have uploaded some exported documents of the above examples:

Please check out pdf, docx, odt and other formats (changing the above convert option) on your machine too and do not forget to give some feedback!

Live report generation

pander package has a special reference class called Pandoc which could collect some blocks in a live R session and export the whole document to Pandoc/pdf/HTML etc.

Without any serious comments, please check out the below (self-commenting) example:

## Initialize a new Pandoc object
myReport <- Pandoc$new()

## Add author, title and date of document
myReport$author <- 'Gergely Daróczi'
myReport$title  <- 'Demo'

## Or it could be done while initializing
myReport <- Pandoc$new('Gergely Daróczi', 'Demo')

## Add some free text
myReport$add.paragraph('Hello there, this is a really short tutorial!')

## Add maybe a header for later stuff
myReport$add.paragraph('# Showing some raw R objects below')

## Adding a short matrix

## Or a table with even
myReport$add.paragraph('Hello table:')
myReport$add(table(mtcars$am, mtcars$gear))

## Or a "large" data frame which barely fits on a page

## And a simple linear model with Anova tables
ml <- with(lm(mpg ~ hp + wt), data = mtcars)

## And do some principal component analysis at last

## Sorry, I did not show how Pandoc deals with plots:

## Want to see the report? Just print it:

## Exporting to pdf (default)

## Or to docx in tempdir():
myReport$format <- 'docx'

## You do not want to see the generated report after generation?
myReport$export(open = FALSE)

Pander options

pander comes with some globally adjustable options which would have an effect on the result of your reports. You can query and update these options with panderOptions():

  • digits: numeric (default: 2) passed to format

  • decimal.mark: string (default: .) passed to format

  • big.mark: string (default: ``) passed to format

  • round: numeric (default: Inf) passed to round

  • keep.trailing.zeros: boolean (default: FALSE) show or remove trailing zeros in numbers (e.g. in numeric vectors or in columns of tables with numeric values)

  • date: string (default: '%Y/%m/%d %X') passed to format when printing dates (POSIXct or POSIXt)

  • 'atx' or 'setext' passed to pandoc.header

  • 'bullet' (default), 'ordered' or 'roman' passed to pandoc.list. Please not that this has no effect on pander methods.

  • 'multiline', 'grid' or 'simple' passed to pandoc.table

  • table.split.table: numeric passed to pandoc.table and also affects pander methods. This option tells pander where to split too wide tables. The default value (80) suggests the conventional number of characters used in a line, feel free to change (e.g. to Inf to disable this feature) if you are not using a VT100 terminal any more :)

  • table.split.cells: numeric (default: 30) passed to pandoc.table and also affects pander methods. This option tells pander where to split too wide cells with line breaks. Set Inf to disable.

  • table.caption.prefix: string (default: Table: ) passed to pandoc.table to be used as caption prefix. Be sure about what you are doing if changing to other than Table: or :.

  • table.continues: string (default: Table continues below) passed to pandoc.table to be used as caption for long (split) without a use defined caption

  • table.continues.affix: string (default: (continued below)) passed to pandoc.table to be used as an affix concatenated to the user defined caption for long (split) tables

  • table.alignment.default: string (default: centre) that defines the default alignment of cells. Can be left, right or centre that latter can be also spelled as center

  • table.alignment.rownames: string (default: centre) that defines the alignment of rownames in tables. Can be left, right or centre that latter can be also spelled as center

  • evals.messages: boolean (default: TRUE) passed to evals' pander method specifying if messages should be rendered

  • p.wrap: a string (default:'_') to wrap vector elements passed to p function

  • p.sep: a string (default: ', ') with the main separator passed to p function

  • p.copula: a string (default: 'and') a string with ending separator passed to p function

  • graph.nomargin: boolean (default: TRUE) if trying to keep plots' margins at minimal

  • graph.fontfamily: string (default: 'sans') specifying the font family to be used in images. Please note, that using a custom font on Windows requires grDevices:::windowsFonts first.

  • graph.fontcolor: string (default: 'black') specifying the default font color

  • graph.fontsize: numeric (default: 12) specifying the base font size in pixels. Main title is rendered with 1.2 and labels with 0.8 multiplier.

  • graph.grid: boolean (default: TRUE) if a grid should be added to the plot

  • graph.grid.minor: boolean (default: TRUE) if a miner grid should be also rendered

  • graph.grid.color: string (default: 'grey') specifying the color of the rendered grid

  • graph.grid.lty: string (default: 'dashed') specifying the line type of grid

  • graph.boxes: boolean (default: FALSE) if to render a border around of plot (and e.g. around strip)

  • graph.legend.position: string (default: 'right') specifying the position of the legend: 'top', 'right', 'bottom' or 'left'

  • graph.background: string (default: 'white') specifying the plots main background's color

  • graph.panel.background: string (default: 'transparent') specifying the plot's main panel background. Please note, that this option is not supported with base graphics.

  • graph.colors: character vector of default color palette (defaults to a colorblind theme). Please note that this update work with base plots by appending the col argument to the call if not set.

  • graph.color.rnd: boolean (default: FALSE) specifying if the palette should be reordered randomly before rendering each plot to get colorful images

  • graph.axis.angle: numeric (default: 1) specifying the angle of axes' labels. The available options are based on par(les) and sets if the labels should be:

    • 1: parallel to the axis,
    • 2: horizontal,
    • 3: perpendicular to the axis or
    • 4: vertical.
  • graph.symbol: numeric (default: 1) specifying a symbol (see the pch parameter of par)

Besides localization of numeric formats, table/list's and plots' styles there are some technical options too which would effect e.g. caching or the format of rendered image files. You can query/update those with evalsOptions() as the main backend of pander calls is a custom evaluation function called evals.

The list of possible options are:

  • parse: if TRUE the provided txt elements would be merged into one string and parsed to logical chunks. This is useful if you would want to get separate results of your code parts - not just the last returned value, but you are passing the whole script in one string. To manually lock lines to each other (e.g. calling a plot and on next line adding an abline or text to it), use a plus char (+) at the beginning of each line which should be evaluated with the previous one(s). If set to FALSE, evals would not try to parse R code, it would get evaluated in separate runs - as provided. Please see the documentation of evals.
  • cache: caching the result of R calls if set to TRUE
  • cache.mode: cached results could be stored in an environment in current R session or let it be permanent on disk.
  • cache.dir: path to a directory holding cache files if cache.mode set to disk. Default set to .cache in current working directory.
  • cache.time: number of seconds to limit caching based on proc.time. If set to 0, all R commands, if set to Inf, none is cached (despite the cache parameter).
  • cache.copy.images: copy images to new file names if an image is returned from the disk cache? If set to FALSE (default), the cached path would be returned.
  • classes: a vector or list of classes which should be returned. If set to NULL (by default) all R objects will be returned.
  • hooks: list of hooks to be run for given classes in the form of list(class = fn). If you would also specify some parameters of the function, a list should be provided in the form of list(fn, param1, param2=NULL) etc. So the hooks would become list(class1=list(fn, param1, param2=NULL), ...). See example of evals for more details. A default hook can be specified too by setting the class to 'default'. This can be handy if you do not want to define separate methods/functions to each possible class, but automatically apply the default hook to all classes not mentioned in the list. You may also specify only one element in the list like: hooks=list('default' = pander.return). Please note, that nor error/warning messages, nor stdout is captured (so: updated) while running hooks!
  • length: any R object exceeding the specified length will not be returned. The default value (Inf) does not filter out any R objects.
  • output: a character vector of required returned values. This might be useful if you are only interested in the result, and do not want to save/see e.g. messages or printed output. See examples of evals.
  • graph.unify: should evals try to unify the style of (base, lattice and ggplot2) plots? If set to TRUE, some panderOptions() would apply. By default this is disabled not to freak out useRs :)
  • set the file name of saved plots which is %s by default. A simple character string might be provided where %d would be replaced by the index of the generating txt source, %n with an incremented integer in graph.dir with similar file names and %t by some unique random characters. When used in a brew file, %i is also available which would be replaced by the chunk number.
  • graph.dir: path to a directory where to place generated images. If the directory does not exist, evals try to create that. Default set to plots in current working directory.
  • graph.output: set the required file format of saved plots. Currently it could be any of grDevices: png, bmp, jpeg, jpg, tiff, svg or pdf. Set to NA not to save plots at all and tweak that setting with capture.plot() on demand.
  • width: width of generated plot in pixels for even vector formats
  • height: height of generated plot in pixels for even vector formats
  • res: nominal resolution in ppi. The height and width of vector images will be calculated based in this.
  • hi.res: generate high resolution plots also? If set to TRUE, each R code parts resulting an image would be run twice.
  • hi.res.width: width of generated high resolution plot in pixels for even vector formats. The height and res of high resolution image is automatically computed based on the above options to preserve original plot aspect ratio.
  • graph.env: save the environments in which plots were generated to distinct files (based on with env extension?
  • graph.recordplot: save the plot via recordPlot to distinct files (based on with recodplot extension?
  • graph.RDS save the raw R object returned (usually with lattice or ggplot2) while generating the plots to distinct files (based on with RDS extension?


As pander is using a custom caching algorithm, it might be worthwhile to give a short summary of what is going on in the background.

All evaluation of provided R commands (while running brew or "live report generation" is done by evals which is caching results (besides returned informative/warning/error messages, anything written to stdout etc. - see below) line-by-line (to be more accurate: by single R commands) instead of caching chunks without any noticeable overhead.

Theoretical background

  • Each passed R chunk is parsed to single commands (expressions).
  • Each parsed expression's part (let it be a function, variable, constant etc.) evaluated (as a name) separately to a list. This list describes the unique structure and the content of the passed R expressions, and has some IMHO really great benefits (see below).
  • A hash if computed to each list element and cached too in pander's local environments. This is useful if you are using large data frames, just imagine: the caching algorithm would have to compute the hash for the same data frame each time it's touched! This way the hash is recomputed only if the R object with the given name is changed.
  • The list is serialized and an SHA-1 hash is computed for that - which is unique and there is no real risk of collision.
  • If evals can find the cached results in an environment of pander's namespace (if cache.mode set to enviroment - see above) or in a file named to the computed hash (if ċache.mode set to disk), then it is returned on the spot. The objects modified/created by the cached code are also updated.
  • Otherwise the call is evaluated and the results and the modified R objects of the environment are optionally saved to cache (e.g. if cache is active, if the proc.time() of the evaluation is higher then it is defined in cache.time etc. - see details in evals' options).

In practice

As pander does not cache based on raw sources of chunks and there is no easy way of enabling/disabling caching on a chunk basis, the users have to live with some great advantages and some minor tricky situations - which latter cannot be solved theoretically in my opinion, but I'd love to hear your feedback.

The caching hash is computed based on the structure and content of the R commands, so let us make some POC example to show the greatest asset:

x <- mtcars$hp
y <- 1e3
evals('sapply(rep(x, y), mean)')

It took a while, huh? :)

Let us have some custom functions and variables:

f <- sapply
g <- rep
h <- mean
X <- mtcars$hp * 1
Y <- 1000

And now try to run something like:

evals('f(g(X, Y), h)')

Yes, it was returned from cache!

About the kickback:

As pander (or rather: evals) does not really deal with what is written in the provided sources but rather checks what is inside that, there might be some tricky situations where you would expect the cache to work, but it would not. Short example: we are computing and saving to a variable something heavy in a chunk (please run these in a clean R session to avoid conflicts):

evals('x <- sapply(rep(mtcars$hp, 1e3), mean)')

It is cached, just run again, you will see.

But if you would create x in your global environment with any value (which has nothing to do with the special environment of the report!) and x was not defined in the report before this call (and you had no x value in your global environment before), then the content of x would result in a new hash for the cache - so caching would not work. E.g.:

x <- 'foobar'
evals('x <- sapply(rep(mtcars$hp, 1e3), mean)')

I really think this is a minor issue (with very special coincidences) which cannot be addressed cleverly - but could be avoided with some cautions (e.g. run Pandoc.brew in a clean R session like with Rscript or littler - if you are really afraid of this issue). And after all: you loose nothing, just the cache would not work for that only line and only once in most of the cases.

Other cases when the hash of a call will not match cached hashes:

  • a number is replaced by a variable holding the number, e.g.: evals('1:5') vs. x <- 1:5;evals('x')
  • a part of an R object is replaced by a variable holding that, e.g.: evals('mean(mtcars$hp)') vs. x <- mtcars$hp;evals('mean(x)')

But the e.g. following do work from cache fine:

x  <- mtcars$hp
xx <- mtcars$hp*1


Sorry, no online documentation here ATM. Please check: ?evals

Or head to the CRAN version of the docs at


I have created some simple LISP functions which would be handy if you are using the best damn IDE for R. These functions and default key-bindings are shipped with the package, feel free to personalize.

As time passed these small functions grew heavier (with my Emacs knowledge) so I ended up with a small library:


I am currently working on pander-mode which is a small minor-mode for Emacs. There are a few (but useful) functions with default keybindings:

  • pander-brew (C-c p b): Run Pandoc.brew on current buffer or region (if mark is active), show results in ess-output and (optionally) copy results to clipboard while setting working directory to tempdir() temporary.
  • pander-brew-export (C-c p B): Run Pandoc.brew on current buffer or region (if mark is active) and export results to specified (auto-complete in minibuffer) format. Also tries to open exported document.
  • pander-eval (C-c p e): Run pander on (automatically evaluated) region or current chunk (if marker is not set), show results (of last returned R object) in *ess-output* and (optionally) copy those to clipboard while setting working directory to tempdir() temporary.

Few options of pander-mode: M-x customize-group pander

  • pander-clipboard: If non-nil then the result of pander-* functions would be copied to clipboard.
  • pander-show-source: If non-nil then the source of R commands would also show up in generated documents while running 'pander-eval'. This would not affect brew functions ATM.

To use this small lib, just type: M-x pander-mode on any document. It might be useful to add a hook to markdown-mode if you find this useful. alpha

This report was generated with R (3.0.2) and pander (0.3.9) in 1.027 sec on x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu platform.


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