This Android Project showcases MVVM Pattern Usage in an App. It Uses DB as the Single Source of Data, In case the data is not present it fetches it from the API and populates the UI. The App is written in kotlin and uses Navigation graph for Navigation
It makes use of the following Android SDK components:
- Android Jetpack
- Livedata
- Archietecture Components
- Room ORM
- Espresso
It uses various popular external libraries such as:
- Retrofit - For Api Call
- Glide - For Image Loading
- Pagination
- Dagger2
- Network Bound Resource
The Branch Phase-1 contains the initial version of the App with API call and populating the data. Without Any of the future Enhancements
A special Mention has to be made to Axel Fuhrmann for Taking the time-out to write the Rick & Morth API.