oxforR is based on the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) and allows to retrieve their latest data in a R format. The tracker shows governmental responses to COVID-19 through 17 indicators for all countries. For further information, please visit their website and their working paper.
You can install the released version of oxforR from CRAN with:
You can install the current development version of ‘oxforR’ with:
A user needs to enter the ISO code of a country. To have access to this code, the following function provides this information.
oxforr_country() # A list of all countries will be produced
oxforr_country(country = "Canada") # The ISO code for Canada will be produced
oxforr_country("Canada") # The ISO code for Canada will be produced
A user needs to enter the code of the desired indicator. To do so, the following function provides access to all the indicators of interest.
oxforr_indicator() # A list of all indicators will be produced
oxforr_indicator(indicators = "public") # A list with all the variables including "public" will be produced
oxforr_indicator("public") # A list with all the variables including "public" will be produced
Once the user knows all the arguments, s.he can collect the data in a very easy way through this function:
myData <-oxforr_data(country = "CAN",indicator = c("C1","C2"))
myData <-oxforr_data(country = c("CAN","USA"),indicator = c("C1","C2"))