The URL to ask for login. server will give a challenge, or failed the request.
- Method : POST
- Request
Parameters (sample)
Type Param description example query param_a desc for param a param_a=xxx . param_b desc for param b param_b=yyy path <n-th> n-th obj's id 1234 Notice there must be a "space line" between table and previous/followed section for github markdown viewer.
name description example sid the sessionid got from rsp of url xxx sid=xxx -
name description example X-Auth-Token auth token got from rsp of url xxx X-Auth-Token xxx -
- Content-Type :
- body content
"field0": { // field1 : description for field 1 // type : string, ex : xxx "field1": "xxx", // field2 : description for field 2 // type : array of class_a, { // string member1 // int member2 // } // ex : [{"member1":"xxx","member2":123}, ...] "field2": [ {"member1":"xxx","member2":123}, {"member1":"yyy","member2":456}, ], ... }
- Content-Type :
- Response
name description example cookie2 desc for cookie2 cookie2=xxx -
name description example Location next URL to get challenge Location xxx -
possible response
- success (200 OK)
- response Content-Type :
- response body content
"field0": { // field1 : description for field 1 // type : string, ex : xxx "field1": "xxx", ... }
- response Content-Type :
- fail (400 Bad Request)
- response Content-Type :
- response body content
failed. check parameters.
- response Content-Type :
- success (200 OK)