Deploy collectd , collectd exporter and Prometheus for performance monitoring with ansible
Ansible playbooks to deploy collectd and prometheus based monitoring solution
See above list for Sensu
Package | Version | Ports |
Prometheus | 2.0.0 | TCP 9090 |
Collectd | | |
Collectd exporter | 0.3.1 | TCP 25826, 9103 |
Keepalived | 1.3.9 | |
Grafana | | TCP 3000 |
Prometheus Alert Manager | 0.12.0 | TCP 6783 |
To run playbooks first update the group_vars/all with environment specific parameters. Then run the playbooks in the playbooks folder to deploy individual components or all at the same time. Each components can be deployed on their own. There are playbooks to deploy as well as remove as this will help in testing.
Following shows deploying just grafana
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_grafana.yaml
To install all the components one at a time,
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_collectd_exporter.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_prometheus.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_alert_manager.yaml
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_grafana.yaml
To install all components and configure sensu checks and alerts
ansible-playbook playbooks/install_all.yaml
To configure target hosts for collectd client ,
ansible-playbook playbooks/configure_collectd_targets.yaml
- Add https support and LDAP or similar authentication