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Monthly Pixel based Soil Moisture Balance

Bich N Tran edited this page Dec 23, 2019 · 7 revisions


Input Data

Variable Name Shortname Timestep DataType
Precipitation p monthly netCDF
Actual Evapotranspiration et monthly netCDF
Interception i monthly netCDF
Number of Rainy Days nRD monthly netCDF
Reference Evapotranspiration ret monthly netCDF
WaPOR Land Cover Classification lcc yearly netCDF
WA+ Landuse Categories luwa yearly netCDF
Saturated Water Content thetasat static netCDF

Look-up tables

Root depth look-up table (Yang et al., 2016)

WaPOR Land Cover Class Root depth (mm)
Shrubland 370
Grassland 510
Cropland, rainfed 550
Cropland, irrigated or under water management 550
Cropland, fallow 550
Built-up 370
Bare/sparse vegetation 370
Permanent snow/ice 0
Water bodies 0
Temporary water bodies 0
Shrub or herbaceous cover, flooded 0
Tree cover: closed, evergreen needle-leaved 1800
Tree cover: closed, evergreen broad-leaved 3140
Tree cover: closed, deciduous broad-leaved 1070
Tree cover: closed, mixed type 2000
Tree cover: closed, unknown type 2000
Tree cover: open, evergreen needle-leaved 1800
Tree cover: open, evergreen broad-leaved 3140
Tree cover: open, deciduous needle-leaved 1070
Tree cover: open, deciduous broad-leaved 1070
Tree cover: open, mixed type 2000
Tree cover: open, unknown type 2000
Seawater 0

Consumed fraction per land use class

Landuse/Land cover class Consumed fraction (f_consumed)
Natural land use classes 1.00
Rainfed crops 1.00
Irrigated crops 0.80

Intermediate variables

Variable Name Shortname Timestep DataType
Supply qsupply monthly xarray.DataArray
Surface Runoff sro monthly xarray.DataArray
Incremental Surface Runoff sro_incr monthly xarray.DataArray
Percolation perc monthly xarray.DataArray
Incremental Percolation perc_incr monthly xarray.DataArray
Soil moisture storage sm monthly xarray.DataArray

Output Data

Variable Name Shortname Timestep DataType
Rainfall ET etrain monthly netCDF
Incremental ET etincr monthly netCDF



Yang, Y., Donohue, R.J., McVicar, T.R., 2016. Global estimation of effective plant rooting depth: Implications for hydrological modeling. Water Resour. Res. 52, 8260–8276.