A command line utility to build react native apps created using WaveMaker product.
The main goal of wm-reactnative-cli is to simplify generation of APK or IPA for WaveMaker developers. wm-reactnative-cli
combines multiple react-native commands into a single command. First, one has to make sure all the required hardware and software are available and installed. Then execute the command with the appropriate values for arguments.
npm install -g @wavemaker/wm-reactnative-cli
- Linux or MAC or Windows
- Node 14.x (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v14.15.1/)
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download)
- Java 11 (https://openjdk.org/install/)
- Yarn (npm install -g yarn)
- Gradle 7 (https://gradle.org/releases/)
- Expo cli 5.4.4 (npm install -g expo-cli@5.4.4)
- Make sure JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_SDK and GRADLE_HOME are set in the environment variables and also in PATH.
Go to System Setting and Select Environment Varialbes.
Select New Variable under System section and add variables and their respective paths.
- use nano ~/.bashrc then add the following at the end of the file (after updating the paths) and save it.
export JAVA_HOME="/usr/lib/jvm/java-11-openjdk-amd64"
export ANDROID_HOME="/usr/lib/android-sdk"
export ANDROID_SDK="/usr/lib/android-sdk"
export ANDROID_SDK_ROOT="/usr/lib/android-sdk"
export GRADLE_HOME="$HOME/gradle/gradle-7.5.1"
wm-reactnative build android <src_dir> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
src_dir | DEFAULT: current working directory. Path to the reactnative expo zip (or) path to the reactnative expo project folder. |
--dest | OPTIONAL: directory where the app has to be copied and built. If it is not specified then .wm-reactnative-cli folder inside the home directory, will contain the build folders |
--auto-eject | OPTIONAL: On setting this flag to true, expo eject will be invoke automatically. |
--aKeyStore | Absolute path of the key store. If keystore is not given then android debug key is used. |
--aStorePassword | Password to key store |
--aKeyAlias | Alias name of the key |
--aKeyPassword | Key Password |
--buildType | DEFAULT: development development or production Use ‘production’ with keystore specified. |
wm-reactnative build android "/path/to/src"
wm-reactnative build android "/path/to/src" \
--dest="/path/to/dest" \
--aKeyStore="/path/to/file.keystore" \
--aStorePassword="store_password" \
--aKeyAlias="key_alias_name" \
--aKeyPassword="key" \
- MAC machine
- Latest XCODE
- CocoaPods (https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html#toc_3)
- Node 14.x (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v12.22.0/)
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download/mac)
- Yarn (npm install -g yarn)
- Expo cli 5.4.4 (npm install -g expo-cli@5.4.4)
- Apple developer or distribution P12 certificates
- Provisioning profile
- Install wm-reactnative-cli (npm install -g @wavemaker/wm-reactnative-cli)
- For development build, development certificate and development provisioning file are required.
- For production build, distribution certificate and distribution provisioning file are required.
NOTE: Before building an app, please make sure that neither iPhone nor iPad is not connected to Mac.
wm-reactnative build ios <src_dir> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
src_dir | DEFAULT: current working directory. Path to the reactnative expo zip (or) path to the reactnative expo project folder. |
--dest | OPTIONAL: directory where the app has to be copied and built. If it is not specified then .wm-reactnative-cli folder inside the home directory, will contain the build folders |
--auto-eject | OPTIONAL: On setting this flag to true, expo eject will be invoke automatically. |
--iCertificate | Absolute path of P12 certificate location |
--iCertificatePassword | Password to unlock the certificate. |
--iProvisioningFile | Absolute path of provisioning file |
--iCodeSigningIdentity | Signing certificate name in keychain access |
--buildType | DEFAULT: development development or production Use ‘production’ with an AppStore distribution certificate. |
wm-reactnative build ios "/path/to/src" \
--iCertificate="/path/to/distribution.p12" \
--iCertificatePassword="unlock_password" \
--iProvisioningFile="/path/to/profile.mobileprovision" \
--iCodeSigningIdentity="certificate name in keychain access" \
- Node 14.x
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download)
- npm 7.20.x
- Yarn (npm install -g yarn)
- Expo cli 5.4.4 (npm install -g expo-cli@5.4.4)
wm-reactnative run expo <preview_url> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
preview_url | app preview url |
--clean | DEFAULT: false if true, existing project directory is removed |
- Node 14.x
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download)
- npm 7.20.x
- Yarn (npm install -g yarn)
- Expo cli 5.4.4 (npm install -g expo-cli@5.4.4)
wm-reactnative run web-preview <preview_url> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
preview_url | app preview url |
--clean | DEFAULT: false if true, existing project directory is removed |
- Linux or MAC or Windows
- Node 14.x (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v14.15.1/)
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download)
- Java 11 (https://openjdk.org/install/)
- Yarn (npm install -g yarn)
- Gradle 7 (https://gradle.org/releases/)
- Expo cli 5.4.4 (npm install -g expo-cli@5.4.4)
- Make sure JAVA_HOME, ANDROID_SDK and GRADLE_HOME are set in the environment variables and also in PATH.
wm-reactnative run android <preview_url> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
preview_url | app preview url |
--clean | DEFAULT: false if true, existing project directory is removed |
- MAC machine
- Latest XCODE
- CocoaPods (https://guides.cocoapods.org/using/getting-started.html#toc_3)
- Node 14.x (https://nodejs.org/en/blog/release/v12.22.0/)
- GIT (https://git-scm.com/download/mac)
- Yarn (npm install -g yarn)
- Expo cli 5.4.4 (npm install -g expo-cli@5.4.4)
wm-reactnative run ios <preview_url> [additional_arguments]
Argument | Description |
preview_url | app preview url |
--clean | DEFAULT: false if true, existing project directory is removed |
- Destination folder path is logged at the start of the build.
- Build log files are present at <destination_folder>/output/logs
- The artifact built is available at <destination_folder>/output/<platform_type>/. The complete path is printed in log also.