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tensorflow/k8s and TFJob



In this module you will learn how tensorflow/k8s can greatly simplify our lives when running TensorFlow on Kubernetes.


As we saw earlier, giving a container access to GPU is not exactly a breeze on Kubernetes: We need to manually mount the drivers from the node into the container.
If you already tried to run a distributed TensorFlow training, you know that it's not easy either. Getting the ClusterSpec right can be painful if you have more than a couple VMs, and it's also quite brittle (we will look more into distributed TensorFlow in module 6 - Distributed TensorFlow).

tensorflow/k8s is a new project in TensorFlow's organization on GitHub that makes all of this much easier.

Installing tensorflow/k8s

Installing tensorflow/k8s with Helm is very easy, just run the following commands:

> helm install ${CHART} -n tf-job --wait --replace --set cloud=azure

If it worked, you should see something like:

NAME:   tf-job
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon Nov 20 14:24:16 2017
NAMESPACE: default

==> v1/ConfigMap
NAME                    DATA  AGE
tf-job-operator-config  1     7s

==> v1beta1/Deployment
tf-job-operator  1        1        1           1          7s

==> v1/Pod(related)
NAME                              READY  STATUS   RESTARTS  AGE
tf-job-operator-3005087210-c3js3  1/1    Running  1         4s

This means that 3 resources were created, a ConfigMap, a Deployment, and a Pod.
We will see in just a moment what each of them do.

Kubernetes Custom Resource Definition

Kubernetes has a concept of Custom Resources (often abbreviated CRD) that allows us to create custom object that we will then be able to use. In the case of tensorflow/k8s, after installation, a new TFJob object will be available in our cluster. This object allows us to describe TensorFlow a training.

TFJob Specifications

Before going further, let's take a look at what the TFJob looks like:

Note: Some of the fields are not described here for brevity.

TFJob Object

Field Type Description
apiVersion string Versioned schema of this representation of an object. In our case, it's
kind string Value representing the REST resource this object represents. In our case it's TFJob
metadata ObjectMeta Standard object's metadata.
spec TFJobSpec The actual specification of our TensorFlow job, defined below.

spec is the most important part, so let's look at it too:

TFJobSpec Object

Field Type Description
ReplicaSpecs TFReplicaSpec array Specification for a set of TensorFlow processes, defined below

Let's go deeper:

TFReplicaSpec Object

Field Type Description
TfReplicaType string What type of replica are we defining? Can be MASTER, WORKER or PS. When not doing distributed TensorFlow, we just use MASTER which happens to be the default value.
Replicas int Number of replicas of TfReplicaType. Again this is useful only for distributed TensorFLow. Default value is 1.
Template PodTemplateSpec Describes the pod that will be created when executing a job. This is the standard Pod description that we have been using everywhere.

As a refresher, here is what a simple TensorFlow training (with GPU) would look like using "vanilla" kubernetes:

apiVersion: batch/v1
kind: Job
  name: example-job
      name: example-job
      restartPolicy: OnFailure
      - name: bin
          path: /usr/lib/nvidia-384/bin
      - name: lib
          path: /usr/lib/nvidia-384
      - name: tensorflow
        image: wbuchwalter/<SAMPLE IMAGE>
        - name: bin
          mountPath: /usr/local/nvidia/bin
        - name: lib
          mountPath: /usr/local/nvidia/lib64

Here is what the same thing looks like using the new TFJob resource:

kind: TFJob
  name: example-tfjob
    - template:
            - image: wbuchwalter/<SAMPLE IMAGE>
              name: tensorflow
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

No need to mount drivers anymore! Note that we are not specifying TfReplicaType or Replicas as the default values are already what we want.

How does this work?

As we saw earlier, when we installed the Helm chart for tensorflow/k8s, 3 resources were created in our cluster:

  • A ConfigMap named tf-job-operator-config
  • A Deployment
  • And a Pod named tf-job-operator

The tf-job-operator pod (simply called the operator, or TFJob operator), is going to monitor your cluster, and every time you create a new resource of type TFJob, the operator will know what to do with it. Specifically, when you create a new TFJob, the operator will create a new Kubernetes Job for it, and automatically mount the drivers if needed (i.e. when you request a GPU).

You may wonder how the operator knows which directory needs to be mounted in the container for the NVIDIA drivers: that's where the ConfigMap comes into play.

In K8s, a ConfigMap is a simple object that contains key-value pairs. This ConfigMap can then be linked with a container to inject some configuration.

When we installed the Helm chart, we specified which cloud provider we are running on by doing --set cloud=azure. This creates a ConfigMap that contains configuration options specific for Azure, including the list of directory to mount.

We can take a look at what is inside our tf-job-operator-config by doing:

kubectl describe configmaps tf-job-operator-config

The output is:

Name:		tf-job-operator-config
Namespace:	default
Labels:		<none>
Annotations:	<none>

grpcServerFilePath: /opt/mlkube/grpc_tensorflow_server/
      - name: lib
        mountPath: /usr/local/nvidia/lib64
        hostPath:  /usr/lib/nvidia-384
      - name: bin
        mountPath: /usr/local/nvidia/bin
        hostPath: /usr/lib/nvidia-384/bin
      - name: libcuda
        mountPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
        hostPath: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

If you want to know more:


Exercise 1: A Simple TFJob

Let's schedule a very simple TensorFlow job using TFJob first.

Note: If you completed the exercise in Module 1 and 2, you can change the image to use the one you pushed instead.

Depending on whether or not your cluster has GPU, choose the correct template:

CPU Only
kind: TFJob
  name: module5-ex1
    - template:
            - image: wbuchwalter/tf-mnist:cpu
              name: tensorflow
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
With GPU

When using GPU, we need to request for one (or multiple), and the image we are using also needs to be based on TensorFlow's GPU image.

kind: TFJob
  name: module5-ex1-gpu
    - template:
            - image: wbuchwalter/tf-mnist:gpu
              name: tensorflow
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Save the template that applies to you in a file, and create the TFJob:

kubectl create -f <template-path>

Let's look at what has been created in our cluster.

First a TFJob was created:

kubectl get tfjob


NAME            KIND

As well as a Job, which was actually created by the operator:

kubectl get job


module5-ex1-master-xs4b-0   1         0            2m

and a Pod:

kubectl get pod


NAME                                READY     STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
module5-ex1-master-xs4b-0-6gpfn                 1/1       Running   0          2m

Note that the Pod might take a few minutes before actually running, the docker image needs to be pulled on the node first.

Once the Pod's status is either Running or Completed we can start looking at it's logs:

kubectl logs <your-pod-name>

This container is pretty verbose, but you should see a TensorFlow training happening:

INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:22.314198: Step 480: Cross entropy = 0.142486
INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:22.370080: Step 480: Validation accuracy = 85.0% (N=100)
INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:22.896383: Step 490: Train accuracy = 98.0%
INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:22.896600: Step 490: Cross entropy = 0.075210
INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:22.945611: Step 490: Validation accuracy = 91.0% (N=100)
INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:23.407756: Step 499: Train accuracy = 94.0%
INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:23.407980: Step 499: Cross entropy = 0.170348
INFO:tensorflow:2017-11-20 20:57:23.457325: Step 499: Validation accuracy = 89.0% (N=100)
INFO:tensorflow:Final test accuracy = 88.4% (N=353)

Once your job is completed, clean it up:

kubectl delete tfjob module5-ex1

That's great and all, but how do we grab our trained model and TensorFlow's summaries?

Well currently we can't. As soon as the training is complete, the container stops and everything inside it, including model and logs are lost.

Thankfully, Kubernetes Volumes can help us here. If you remember, we quickly introduced Volumes in module 2 - Kubernetes, and that's what we already used to mount the drivers from the node into the container.
But Volumes are not just for mounting things from a node, we can also use them to mount a lot of different storage solutions, you can see the full list here.

In our case we are going to use Azure Files, as it is really easy to use with Kubernetes.

Exercise 2: Azure Files to the Rescue

Creating a New File Share and Kubernetes Secret

In the official documentation: Using Azure Files with Kubernetes, follow the steps listed under Create an Azure file share and Create Kubernetes Secret, but be aware of a few details first:

  • It is very important that you create you storage account (hence your resource group) in the same region as your Kubernetes cluster: because Azure File uses the SMB protocol it won't work cross-regions. AKS_PERS_LOCATION should be updated accordingly.
  • While this document specifically refers to AKS, it will work for any K8s cluster
  • Name your file share tensorflow. While the share could be named anything, it will make it easier to follow the examples later on. AKS_PERS_SHARE_NAME should be updated accordingly.

Once you completed all the steps, run:

kubectl get secrets

Which should return:

NAME                  TYPE                                  DATA      AGE
azure-secret          Opaque                                2         4m

Updating our example to use our Azure File Share

Now we need to mount our new file share into our container so the model and the summaries can be persisted.
Turns out mounting an Azure File share into a container is really easy, we simply need to reference our secret in the Volume definition:

  - image: <IMAGE>
    name: tensorflow
      - name: azurefile
        mountPath: <MOUNT_PATH>
  - name: azurefile
      secretName: azure-secret
      shareName: tensorflow
      readOnly: false

Update your template from exercise 1 to mount the Azure File share into your container,and create your new job. Note that by default our container saves everything into /app/tf_files so that's the value you will want to use for MOUNT_PATH.

Once the container starts running, if you go to the Azure Portal, into your storage account, and browse your tensorflow file share, you should see something like that:


This means that when we run a training, all the important data is now stored in Azure File and is still available as long as we don't delete the file share.

Solution for Exercise 2

For brevity, the solution show here is for CPU-only training. If you are using GPU, don't forget to update the image tag as well as adding a GPU request.

kind: TFJob
  name: module5-ex2
    - template:
            - image: wbuchwalter/tf-mnist:cpu
              name: tensorflow
                # By default our classifier saves the summaries in /tmp/tensorflow,
                # so that's where we want to mount our Azure File Share.
                - name: azurefile
                  # The subPath allows us to mount a subdirectory within the azure file share instead of root
                  # this is useful so that we can save the logs for each run in a different subdirectory
                  # instead of overwriting what was done before.
                  subPath: module5-ex2
                  mountPath: /tmp/tensorflow 
            - name: azurefile
                # We reference the secret we created just earlier 
                # so that the account name and key are passed securely and not directly in a template
                secretName: azure-secret
                shareName: tensorflow
                readOnly: false
          restartPolicy: OnFailure

Don't forget to delete the TFJob once it is completed!

Great, but what if I want to check out the training in TensorBoard, do I need to download everything on my machine?

Actually no, you don't. TFJob provides a very handy mechanism to monitor your trainings with TensorBoard easily! We will try that in our third exercise.

Exercise 3: Adding TensorBoard

So far, we have a TensorFlow training running, and it's model and summaries are persisted to an Azure File share.
But having TensorBoard monitoring the training would be pretty useful as well. Turns out TFJob can also help us with that.

When we looked at the TFJob specification at the beginning of this module, we omitted some fields in TFJobSpec descriptions. Here is a still incomplete but more accurate representation with one additional field:

TFJobSpec Object

Field Type Description
ReplicaSpecs TFReplicaSpec array Specification for a set of TensorFlow processes.
TensorBoard TensorBoardSpec Configuration to start a TensorBoard deployment associated to our training job. Defined below.

That's right, TFJobSpec contains an object of type TensorBoadSpec which allows us to describe a TensorBoard instance! Let's look at it:

TensorBoardSpec Object

Field Type Description
LogDir string Location of TensorFlow summaries in the TensorBoard container.
ServiceType ServiceType What kind of service should expose TensorBoard. Usually ClusterIP (Only reachable from within the cluster) or LoadBalancer (Exposes the service externally using a cloud provider’s load balancer. )
Volumes Volume array List of volumes that can be mounted.
VolumeMounts VolumeMount array Pod volumes to mount into the container's filesystem.

Let's add TensorBoard to our job then. Here is how this will work: We will keep the same TensorFlow training job as in exercise 2. This TFJob will write the model and summaries in the Azure File share. We will also set up the configuration for TensorBoard so that it reads the summaries from the same Azure File share:

  • Volumes and VolumeMounts in TensorBoardSpec should be updated adequately.
  • For ServiceType, you should use LoadBalancer, this will create a public IP so it will be easier to access.
  • LogDir will depend on how you configure VolumeMounts, but on your file share, the summaries will be under the training_summaries sub directory.

Solution for Exercise 3

For brevity, the solution show here is for CPU-only training. If you are using GPU, don't forget to update the image tag as well as adding a GPU request.

kind: TFJob
  name: module5-ex3
    - template:
            - name: azurefile
                  secretName: azure-secret
                  shareName: tensorflow
                  readOnly: false
            - image: wbuchwalter/tf-mnist:cpu
              name: tensorflow
                - mountPath: /tmp/tensorflow
                  subPath: module5-ex3 # Again we isolate the logs in a new directory on Azure Files
                  name: azurefile
          restartPolicy: OnFailure
    logDir: /tmp/tensorflow/logs
    serviceType: LoadBalancer # We request a public IP for our TensorBoard instance
      - name: azurefile
            secretName: azure-secret
            shareName: tensorflow
      - mountPath: /tmp/tensorflow/ #This could be any other path. All that maters is that LogDir reflects it.
        subPath: module5-ex3 # This should match the directory our Master is actually writing in
        name: azurefile


If you updated the TFJob template correctly, when doing:

kubectl get services

You should see something like:

NAME                           CLUSTER-IP     EXTERNAL-IP     PORT(S)        AGE
kubernetes                  <none>          443/TCP        14d
module5-ex3-master-7yqt-0    <none>          2222/TCP       5m
module5-ex3-tensorboard-7yqt   80:31770/TCP   5m

Note that provisioning a public IP on Azure can take a few minutes. During this time the EXTERNAL-IP for TensorBoard's service will show as <pending>.

Once the public IP is provisioned, browse it, and you should land on a working TensorBoard instance with live monitoring of the training job running.


Next Step

6 - Distributed TensorFlow