Unofficial Cycle bindings for Fela.
npm install --save cycle-fela
# or if you're using yarn
yarn add cycle-fela
Behind the scene, this driver use @cycle/dom
to handle the DOM. docs.
But he does more than that (obviously :P). He creates a rendered for fela and handle a property in the props of your dom element.
The driver looks for the component
prop and use it to create the fela style.
import xs from 'xstream'
import { run } from '@cycle/run'
import { createRenderer } from 'fela'
import { span, hr } from '@cycle/dom'
import { makeFelaDomDriver, createComponent } from 'cycle-fela'
const styleNode = document.createElement('style')
const root = document.createElement('div')
const RedLabel = createComponent(() => ({ color: 'red' }), 'label')
const Container = createComponent(({ mobile = true }) => ({
display: 'flex',
flex: mobile ? '1' : '2',
function main(sources) {
const vdom$ = xs.of(
Container({ mobile: false }, [RedLabel('test'), span('Name:'), hr(), span(`Hello`)]),
return {
DOM: vdom$
run(main, {
DOM: makeFelaDomDriver(
{ customStyleNode: styleNode }
Created with create-cycle-app and then add cycle-fela
Create the driver for fela and DOM. Replace the makeDomDriver
from @cycle/dom
const root = document.createElement('div') = 'app'
const nodeStyle = document.createElement('style')
makeFelaDomDriver('#app-with-style', { customStyleNode: nodeStyle })
makeFelaDomDriver('#app', { renderedOpts: { plugins: [...webPresets] } })
// and pass it to your cycle app :
run(main, { DOM: makeFelaDomDriver('#app') })
It takes 3 parameters :
- selector : domNode || string -- (same as makeDomDriver)
- options : ?Object -- default: { renderedOpts = {}, customStyleNode }
- staticRules : ?Array -- default: []
are the options pass to fela renderer. Config can be found herecustomStyleNode
let you specify a custom DOMNodeStyle to the renderer of fela. By default the driver create one without any id or class
Allow to pass staticRules to fela renderer, each element of the array should be compatible with fela's renderStatic function parameters.
Create a fela component with pre defined style and selector.
const RedLabel = createComponent(() => ({color: 'red'}), 'label')
const Container = createComponent(({mobile = true}) => ({display: 'flex', flex: mobile ? '1' : '2'}))
function main(sources) {
const vdom$ = xs.of(
Container({ mobile: true }, [
h1(`Hello ${name}`),
return { DOM: vdom$ }
const el = document.createElement('div') = 'app-test'
run(main, { DOM: makeFelaDomDriver('#app') })
- style: (props:Object) => Object
- selector: ?string -- default: 'div'
Takes the rules for the fela component. docs
Takes a tag or a tag/selector like h() from snabbdom
- props: ?Object -- default: {}
- children: string | DOMNode | Array
if the function is called with only one parameter which is not an object, then it consider the parameter to be the children.
props passed to the component. Like this props of h() from snabbdom
Children of the component. He can be a string, a DOMNode or an array of DOMNode. Like this children of h() from snabbdom
Copyright © 2017 Castandet William. Licensed under the MIT License, see for more information!