If you have found a bug in doxdox
please consider the following when submitting an issue:
- Search existing GitHub Issues - The bug you are experiencing might have already been reported or even fixed in an unreleased version of
so be sure to review both open and closed issues. - Create a reproducible test case - To make it easier for maintainers to validate the issue please include a gist containing files used to reproduce the issue.
- Include relevant information - Include clear steps to reproduce the issue.
Before submitting a pull request, be sure that the following requirements are meet:
- Additional tests have been added to validate the changes.
- Relevant documentation has been added.
- The build passes.
- There are no
errors using the included.eslintrc
- Use semicolons.
- Soft indent with 4 spaces.
- Always use camelCase.
- Prefer
. 'use strict';
- Prefer strict equals
unless type coercion is needed. - No trailing whitespace.
- Maintain newline at EOF.
By contributing to doxdox
you agree that your contributions fall under the same license, The MIT License (MIT).