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Your name has to stand out from everything else, because you want it to be remembered. Making it the biggest thing on the page is the easiest thing you can do to make that possible. I've seen soooo many resumes where the name is at the top, but it's just bolded and centered and they expect that to be enough. It's not.
Nobody looks at the objective. Nobody. I personally spoke to a bunch of recruiters from various companies and they all said that they never look at them. Use that space to talk about projects you've done, activities you've done, etc.
Recruiters are looking for a short summary of you. They're reading several resumes a day, and if they see something longer than they typically read, they could pass over yours for something more concise! If you'd like to say more, put a link to a personal website or portfolio for someone to find it. A resume is a summary, not a tome.
I know that lifeguarding in high school was a good gig that helped you gain people skills and attention to detail. But you're in tech. That doesn't matter as much to tech companies. Sorry, buddy. I still think you're great with people.
When you're a first semester freshman, it's okay to have old high school stuff on there, just because it's less likely that you have other things to put on your resume. But as soon as you have a college GPA to work with, a club or two, and some volunteer experiences to replace that, do it.
When an application reviewer (engineer, recruiter, or otherwise) is looking over your resume, don't make it difficult for them to understand who you are and what you know.
For example, if you have online profiles like GitHub, LinkedIn, Twitter, or even your own personal website, put it on your resume. Don't make them have to search long and hard for you online if they want to know more!
If you decide to put relevant coursework on your resume, please, don't just put course numbers. Nobody knows what that means. And nobody is going to go to your university's website to find out exactly what CS229 is. Put down the course titles instead!
And finally, put down your graduation date. So many students I've seen don't put it on there because they are hiding the fact that they're a freshman, or they're "technically a junior if you count the credits." That doesn't matter. Trust me. Just put down your graduation date so that the company knows how much experience you have, and how soon they can potentially pull you in for full-time.
Companies aren't allowed to ask about your religion, marital status, or race/ethnicity, so you shouldn't include that.
In terms of contact information: you don't need your mailing address. That is a thing of the past. Just like my youth. Tech companies email, and maybe call. That's all you need!
Some great things that you might also want to put on there are your personal website (if you have one, which you should), your GitHub profile (if you have one, which you should), and your LinkedIn (if you have one, which you should).
Your cover letter is your written sales pitch. You've got a resume that summarizes everything. Now you have to write out a more complete, professional description of you and what you can offer a given company. Here's a sample cover letter to get you started:
Dear _________,
I hope your day is going well! My name is _________, and I'm a _________ at _________. I am very interested in working for _________ next _________. Your commitment to _________ and _________ that I saw on the website inspired me! The products you build and the values you stand for make _________ seem like an ideal workplace for me. A little about me, I [insert relevant work experience, extracurriculars, and projects here]. I think these experiences would make me a great candidate for you.
Please let me know if there's anything else you need from me. I look forward to hearing from you! I can be reached at _________ and _________
Best regards,
Now, remember, this is just a sample. You can write a cover letter in any format you'd like. But, you should be sure to include the following:
- Who - Who you are. Easy enough.
- Where - Where you're coming from.
- Why - Why you're interested in this company, and show that you researched them.
- What - What you can bring to the table.
- When - When you're available to start, and when they can contact you.
- How - How they can reach you.
When you're internship/job hunting, it's very easy to feel down if you don't hear back from companies, an interview goes poorly, or you start comparing yourself to people. It's a tough field we're going into.
I want to emphasize something: You're brilliant. You're in this field for a reason. When your grades aren't awesome or someone gets something that you wanted, don't feel down on yourself. So many opportunities will come your way if you just keep working hard and refining your skills.
Mark Twain once said, "Comparison is the death of joy." When you start to compare your skills to others, it's hard to not feel as good about your own, or to get a little too competitive about your work. Work hard and don't let others get you down. It's remarkable how significantly that can improve both your work and your interviewing experience!
When you're talking to companies and recruiters at career fairs and hackathons and over the phone, be confident, not arrogant. Be grateful for the opportunity they're giving you, and smile! A great attitude will take you VERY far.
Obviously, your skills are what a company is buying from you when they hire you. So, honing in those skills and presenting them in an effective way is probably the most important thing in getting a gig.
Chances are, if you've had a data structures and/or algorithms class, you're already going to do pretty well in the technical interviews. That is, if you can recall the information you learned.
Here's a checklist of things that you should probably be prepared to know in a technical interview:
- Data types
- Basic Bitwise Operations
- String Operations
- Arrays
- Linked Lists
- Singly Linked
- Doubly Linked
- Circular Linked
- Queues
- Stacks
- Heaps
- Trees
- Binary Trees
- Binary Search Trees
- Tries
- Self Balancing Trees
- Traversing Trees
- Breadth First Search - BFS
- Depth First Search - DFS
- Preorder, Inorder, Postorder
- Graphs
- Dijkstra's Algorithm / A* Search
- Hash Maps
- Handling Collisions
- Sorting algorithms
- Insertion
- Selection
- Merge
- Quick
- Time Complexities
This guide isn't for teaching you these skills. But there are several guides, problem sets, and practice systems out there that can help.
General Guides
- Sorting Algorithms
- Big-O Cheat Sheet
- Data Structures and Algorithms Overview
- Algorithm Implementations
- Top 10 Algorithms for coding interviews
Problem Sets
Online Judging Systems
Mock Interviews
- Pramp - free
- Careercup - paid
- Gainlo - paid
- Impact Interview - paid
Here's some books that might also be useful.
- Algorithms, 4th edition, by Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayne
- Introduction to Algorithms, 3rd Edition, by Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, and Clifford Stein (also referred as CLRS)
- Think Complexity, by Allen B. Downey
- Problems on Algorithms, 2nd edition, by Ian Parberry and William Gasarch
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Java
- Cracking the Coding Interview, 6th edition, by Gayle Laakmann McDowell
Typically, for an internship or your first job, questions won't get much more specific unless you're applying for a specific role. For example, if I wanted to be a mobile intern, I might be asked iOS/Android/Windows Phone specific questions, or if I wanted to be a web intern, I might be asked HTML/CSS/JavaScript questions, or if I wanted to be a backend intern, I might be asked about Django or Node or Ruby on Rails. That definitely depends on the company, and what you're both looking for.
Make sure you're able to implement and use the above data structures without the assistance of an IDE. Typically, onsite technical interviews involve coding on paper or a whiteboard, and phone/video interviews usually involve some kind of collaborative text editor. Yes, that means you won't have access to auto-complete, auto-compiling, or the internet to check for errors. So be ready for that!
When you're actively emailing and speaking with recruiters, they're going to ask you a lot of questions that are just checkboxes for what they're looking for in terms of skills.
If you've written anything in a language before, put it on your resume. A lot of companies have parsers that look for specific things that, again, will put a tick on those checkboxes before putting you through to the next round of review. Now, if you've only ever done "Hello, world!" in Python, don't say that you're a Python ninja or whatever. You don't want to be thrown into an interview that will only hurt your self-confidence. Speaking from experience. Trust me.
When a recruiter or engineer is asking you about a certain project you've done, or how you've used a particular language, be as specific as possible. Tell them exactly what you did on that particular project (or internship or what have you). Tell them how much you contributed, what languages you used, how long was the duration of development for that project, what was the outcome of the project, etc. etc.
For example, don't say, "I'm the webmaster for a club website. Next question." Okay, Dwight Schrute. Go back to your beet farm. Instead, say something more like this: "I developed and currently maintain the website for my university's computer science club. I built it from the ground up with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and jQuery on the front-end. It's a static site, so a backend wasn't needed. The website's main function is to promote the club and give members crucial updates about meetings and events, and I update it regularly via a Python script I wrote." Oh my, you enchanting software engineer, you. Let me hire you.
When you're talking to companies about specific things you've done, make sure they know:
- What? - What? - What did you make? What does it do? What impact has it made? What was the hardest part? What could you have done better?
- Why? - Why did you make it? Was it for a hackathon, a school project, an open source contribution, or something else?
- How? - With which technologies did you make this? Did you use a specific API? What parts of it did you work on?
- When? - Did you do this recently or are you still living off of when you peaked in 10th grade?
- Who? - Did you work on this with anyone? Who did what? Who is this for?
- Ansible
- Awesome Lists
- Data Science
- Docker
- DynamoDB
- Elasticsearch
- Environment Setups
- Epic Github Repos
- Golang
- Grafana
- Great Blogs
- Knowledge Base
- Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Storage
- Machine Learning
- Monitoring
- MongoDB
- Programming
- Queues
- Self Hosting
- Email Server Setups
- Mailscanner Server Setups
- Serverless
- Sysadmin References
- Web Frameworks
**Deploy Stacks to your Swarm: 🐳 **❤️
- StefanProdan - Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter and Alert Manager
- Mlabouardy - Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor & Slack
Awesome Docker Repos
RaspberryPi ARM Images:
- arm32v6/alpine:edge
- arm32v6/golang:alpine
- arm32v6/haproxy:alpine
- arm32v6/node:alpine
- arm32v6/openjdk:alpine
- arm32v6/postgres:alpine
- arm32v6/python:2.7-alpine3.6
- arm32v6/python:3.6-alpine3.6
- arm32v6/rabbitmq:alpine
- arm32v6/redis:alpine
- arm32v6/ruby:alpine3.6
- arm32v6/tomcat:alpine
- arm32v6/traefik:latest
- arm32v7/debian:lates
- hypriot/rpi-redis
- jixer/rpi-mongo
- alexellis/armhf
- zeiot: rpi-prometheus stack
- larmog
- Rpi MongoDB
- ARM Swarm
Docker Image Repositories
- Docker Hub: arm32v6
- Docker Hub: armv7
- Github: Luvres Armhf
- Apache/PHP7 on Alpine
- Tomcat on Alpine
- Nginx (jwilder)
- Alpine Images (smebberson)
- SameerSbn
- Apache-PHP5
- Apache-PHP-Email
Docker Blogs:
- Whoami used in Traefik Docs
- Sqlite with Docker
- Rails with Postgres and Redis
- Async Tasks with Flask and Redis
- Flask and Postgres
- Elastic Beats on RaspberryPi
Docker Storage
Prometheus / Grafana on Swarm:
- StefanProdan - SwarmProm
- Monitoring with Prometheus
- UschtWill - Prometheus Grafana Elastalert
- Chmod-Org Promethus with Blackbox
- Finestructure: Prometheus Tutorial
- Setup Concourse Environment with Docker
- Getting Started with Concourse and Docker
- Concourse Gated Pipelines
- Concourse Boilerplate
- Modess - PHP with Jenkins
- CI/CD Nodejs Tutorial with Jenkins
- CI/CD Nodejs Tutorial with Jenkins @medium
- Epic CICD workflow with Jenkins, Gitlab, Sonar, Nexus
- Getting Started with Travis-CI (Original Docs)
- Getting Started with Travis-CI (dwyl - nodejs)
- Blog Site with Travis-CI (Python)
- Build Tests with Python on Travis-CI
- Moving app with Travis-CI
DynamoDB Docs
DynamoDB Best Practices
DynamoDB General Info
Elasticsearch Documentation
- General Recommendation
- How Many Shards in my Cluster
- Managing Time-Based Indices Efficiently
- Elasticsearch Best Practices (
- AWS ES - Scaling up my Domain
Elasticsearch Cheetsheets:
Elasticsearch Blogs
- Maximize Elasticsearch Indexing Performance
- Autoritative Guide to ES Performance Tuning
- Full text Search Queries
- Query Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch Tools
- Awesome Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Cheatsheet
- Getting Started: Python application on Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Deployments: The Ultimate Guide
- Prometheus Monitoring Stack with Kubernetes on DO
- Traefik as an Ingress Controller on Minikube
- Traefik Ingress with Kubernetes
- Manual Connect your Kubernetes from Outside
- HTTPS Letsencrypt on k3s
- Kubernetes: Nodeport vs Loadbalancer
- Prometheus Monitoring Pipeline on Kubernetes
- Building a Kubernetes CI/CD Pipeline with Rancher
- Building a Kubernetes CI/CD Pipeline with AWS
- Gitea and Drone CI/CD on k3s
- Serverless with Kubernetes using OpenFaaS and Linkerd2
- Managing Kubernetes with kubectl
- OpenFaas Workshop on k3s
- Kubernetes Hands-On Lab with collabnix
- Create ReadWrite Persistent Volumes on Kubernetes
- Kubernetes Clusters with k3s and multipass
- Benjamin Cane
- Michael Herman
- Charles Leifer
- Labouardy
- Mark's Tech Blog
- Setup MongoDB Cluster
- MongoDB Scripts
- MongoDB Monitoring Tools
- Roles with MongoDB
- Queries: Guru99
- Queries: Exploratory
- Queries: Tutorialspoint
- Queries: MongoDB Cheatsheet
- Docker Swarm Monitoring Stack: Telegraf, InfluxDB, Chronograf, Kapacitor github source
- Docker Swarm Monitoring Stack: Prometheus, Grafana, cAdvisor, Node Exporter github source
- Prometheus Grafana Docker
- Prometheus Blog Seros
- Memcached Monitoring
- Nagios with Nagios Graph
- Slack Alerts with Prometheus
- Local Prometheus Stack
- Docker Swarm Promethus Setup #1
- Docker Swarm Promethus Setup #2
- Docker Swarm Promethus Setup #3 (Blackbox)
- Uptime (fzaninotto)
- Learn Ruby: Learn Ruby the Hard Way
- Learn Ruby: Ruby for Beginners
- Learn Ruby: Launch School
- Learn Ruby: Arrays
- Install Ruby Environment on Mac
Ruby on Rails:
- Sysadmin Command References
- Linux Performance Observability Tools
- Troubleshooting High IO Wait
- IO Monitoring in Linux
- IOStat and VMStat for Performance Monitoring
- Debugging Heavy Load
Email Server Setups
- Extratione: Postfix Dovecot MySQL Virtual Users Postfixadmin
- Extratione: Postfix Dovecot MySQL Virtual Users Postfixadmin (Ubuntu 18)
- Linuxsize: Postfix Dovecot MySQL Virtual Users Postfixadmin
- Howtoforge: Postfix, MySQL, Dovecto, Dspam
- Linuxsize: VirtualUsers, MySQL, Postfix, Dovecot
Mailscanner Server Setups
Self Hosting Frameworks:
- Ubuntu OpenVPN Script
- Ubuntu IPSec Script
- DO - Setup OpenVPN on Ubuntu
- Elasticshosts - IPSec VPN
- PPTP/IPSec/OpenVPN Auto Install
Resume Templates
Python Flask:
- Python Flask Upload Example
- Awesome Flask - humiaozuzu
- Awesome Flask Apps - Greyli
- Flask over HTTPS (MG)
- Flask Advanced Patterns
- Flask MVC Boilerplate
- C
- ANSI C Cheat Sheet
- K&R C book (ANSI C)
- Make, Clang (video)
- GDB:
- Let us C
- C++
- C++ Cheat Sheet
- STL Cheat Sheet
- basics
- pointers
- class and object
- functions
- references
- templates
- compilation
- scope & linkage
- namespaces
- functors
- C++ at Google (video)
- Google C++ Style Guide
- Google uses clang-format (there is a command line "style" argument: -style=google)
- Efficiency with Algorithms, Performance with Data Structures (video)
- Review of C++ concepts (video)
- Let us C++
- C++ Primer
- Python
- Python Cheat Sheet
- Python in One Video
- Series on 3.4 (video)
- Statistics for Hackers (video)
- Faster Python (video)
- CPython Walk (video)
- 10 Tips for Pythonic Code (video)
- Beyond PEP 8 -- Best practices for beautiful intelligible code (video)
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python
- Coding Interview Essentials
- Data Structures And Algorithms in Python
- Java
- Go
- Javascript
- Other Language 1
- Other Language 2
- etc
Curated list of websites and resources to find work programming
Please read contribution guidelines before contributing.
- Prepare
- Make CV
- Find work
- Find work by technology
- iOS
- Go
- React
- Python
- Rust
- Haskell
- Find work by country
- Netherlands
- Germany
- Japan
- Freelancing
- Related
- Coding Interview University - Complete computer science study plan to become a software engineer.
- Free self taught CS education - Path to a free self-taught education in Computer Science.
- Everything you need to get the job
- LeetCode problems - Many problems geared for solving actual programming interview questions.
- Learn Anything - Best paths for learning any topic including CS, programming and algorithms.
- Algorithms - Solved algorithms and data structures problems in many languages.
- 30 Seconds of Interviews
- Awesome CV - Great LaTeX template.
- Deedy Resume
- HN: Who is Hiring - Search & filter through monthly
HN: Who is hiring?
postings. - Otta - Discover the most relevant roles for you at all of London's best startups.
- - Jobs aggregator which collects data from Hacker News, Github, Stackoverflow.
- Who is Hiring
- Angel List
- LinkedIn Jobs
- Stack Overflow Jobs
- Glassdoor
- Hired
- Unicorn Hunt
- Relocate me
- Landing Jobs
- Remote OK
- Indeed
- Loom - Connecting companies and top freelancers.
- Product Hunt Jobs
- Remote - Remote jobs for anyone, anywhere.
- Go Remote
- We Work Remotely
- Hiring Without Whiteboards
- Key Values - Find engineering teams that share your values.
- Future Jobs - The best machine learning, AI, and data science jobs, in one place.
- CalmJobs - Work with companies who values work-life balance.
- Xpo Jobs
- FOSS Jobs - Free & Open Source Jobs.
- co-hire - Simple way for technical people to speak directly with technology companies.
- EntryLvl - Browse through entry level job opportunities and find your match. (HN)
- Y Combinator's list of most active hiring companies on Work at a Startup
- NoiceJobs: Senior Remote Jobs (HN)
- Remoteleaf - Receive hand-picked remote jobs delivered straight to your inbox.
- Swift Jobs
- Xcode Jobs
- iOS Jobs
- iOS Indeed Jobs
- SO iOS Jobs
- LinkedIn iOS Jobs
- iOS Dev Jobs - Has newsletter too.
- Py Jobs - Search and post Python jobs all over the globe.
- Free Python Job Board
- Companies using Rust
- This week in Rust - Weekly Rust newsletter that has Jobs section.
- Haskell companies - Curated list of companies using Haskell in industry.
- The Remote Freelancer - List of community-curated resources to find topical remote freelance & contract work.
- CS career questions EU wiki
- Few notes about web developer's interviews
- Finding work wiki
- Remote work wiki
- Search the last 'Who is hiring?' thread
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Free Certifications
Provider | Description | Link | Expiration |
Certiprof | Free “Scrum Foundations Professional Certificate (SFPC)” certification. Available in en, pt-br & es. Use the code “COVID19Support” | Link | Unknown |
Six Sigma Online | Free Six Sigma White Belt Training & Certification. | Link | Unknown |
OHSC | Free Project Management course and certificate by Oxford Home Study Centre (OHSC). | Link | Unlimited |
Msicertified | Free Project Management Essentials Certified (PMEC) training & certification. | Link | Unlimited |
6sigmastudy | Free Six Sigma Yellow Belt course & certification. | Link | Unlimited |
ScrumStudy | Free “Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC™)” training course & certification | Link | Unlimited |
SkillFront | Free Certified Associate In Scrum Fundamentals™ (CASF™) | Link | Unlimited |
Provider | Description | Link | Expiration |
Fundamentals of Digital Marketing free course & certificate by Google. | Link | Unlimited | |
Microsoft | Microsoft Advertising certification and training. | Link | Unlimited |
SMstudy | 4 free marketing related fundamental certifications by SMstudy. | Link | Unlimited |
DMAC | Free Facebook & Instagram Marketing course and certification by DMAC (Digital Marketing Academy of Canada). | Link | Limited Time |
Hootsuite | [Students only] Free Hootsuite Platform Certification (worth $99) and Social Marketing Certification (worth $199) through Hootsuite's Student Program. | Link | Unlimited |
HubSpot Academy | Free marketing & sales courses with certification. | Link | Unlimited |
SEMrush | Free Online Digital Marketing Courses and Exams. | Link | Unlimited |
Provider | Description | Link | Expiration |
Salesforce | Free Salesforce courses with career learning paths and superbadges. Also, free half-day Salesforce Certification preparation webinar, offering $70 discount coupon for any $200 exam for all attendees. | Link | Unlimited |
Revenera | Revenera Certification free of charge to approved members of the legal community. | Link | Unlimited |
Kahoot! | Kahoot! Certified for schools, free program designed to help teachers become the ultimate Kahoot! superheroes. | Link | Unlimited |
Explain Everything | Free Explain Everything course and certification. | Link | Unlimited |
SkillFront | Free SkillFront Entrepreneur Program™: Foundations Of Business And Entrepreneurship™ | Link | Unlimited |
CertiProf | Free Remote Work and Virtual Collaboration - RWVCPC | Link | Unknown |
Slack | Free Slack Skill Learning Paths and Badges (issued by - these are not certifications but badges for skill specialists) | Link | Unknown |
Reuters | Reuters Training Course: Introduction to Digital Journalism | Link | Unknown |
OpenSAP | openSAP is SAP's free learning platform for everyone interested in learning about SAP's latest innovations and how to |
🔑Outreach is the key difference in getting a job in 3 months vs. 8 months, which equates to roughly $21,000 in salary! (Source: Recently hired graduate data).
To set yourself up for success in Job Search, do the following immediately:
- Ensure your Your Student Profile is complete with
- Update your technical skills, preferred roles and location preferences.
- Update links to your resume, Github, and LinkedIn
- Indicate interest in Fellows and Public Profiles - do this by answering the questions under "Job Preferences". More details on Public Profiles here.
- Take the Codesignal GCA if you don't have a score of 650+
🔑Your First Month Guide to Success
- Attend the Welcome to the Job Search live session on Week 1 of your Job Search
- Send at least 10 customized outreach emails to at least 10 employer contacts (more on how this works below)
- Apply to 10 jobs every week and log it using Job Tracker
- **Complete the Job Search Onboarding Canvas Course. **This course will teach you everything from how to apply, do outreach, prep for an interview and much more! (Link to course)
- Achieve a 650+ on the CodeSignal GCA, if you haven't already (link to test)
- Green Github 15+ days of the month or complete 10+ code challenges
- **Secure 1 interview in your first 30 days of job searching. **Graduates with 1 interview in the first 30 days are 3x more likely to get a job in 90 days. This interview doesn't have to be at your dream company, in fact, it is better if it isn't. If you only work toward one goal, let it be this!
From working with 1000s of placed Lambda graduates, we know that outreach is the key to landing that first interview. To speed things along, I will be providing email contacts and outreach messages for jobs you apply to. The following tutorial video will run you through how this simple process works:
To take advantage of this, fill out the** **Outreach Request Form with a link to a job description and some quick reasons on why you are a good fit. Our team will send you the email address and a customized 3-email sequence outreach to send. The form should take you <5 minutes to fill out and once you submit it you will get the outreach document within 1-2 business days.
🥗 Food for thought: If you spend 1-2 hours finding 10 job openings you are interested in and 1 hour filling out an Outreach Request Form for each job opportunity, and 20 minutes sending the outreach messages, you will complete your expected weekly outreach goal in under 4 hours! ⏰
Lambda School offers two programs to help you get your foot in the door. Find out what is needed from you and how to qualify for these to increase your chances of landing a job:
📬Hiring Partner Opportunities🕹️Lambda Fellows
These tools will help you find jobs, keep track of your job search and facilitate a faster job search. We highly recommend using Job Tracker to keep track of all applications, outreach and interviews.
- Lambda Careers Site - The place to do your job search. This site helps you track your 10/10/10 goals and offers you jobs to apply to + people to reach out to.
- Your Job Tracker - A tool that helps you keep track of all the jobs you're interested in, applied for, reached out to, and interviewing for.
- Lambda Chrome Extension - A Chrome extension that helps you save jobs from around the internet to your Job Tracker.
- Job Finder** **- Find junior roles that fit your profile information.
- Public Profiles** **- Share your information with hiring partners on our Public Profiles site.
- #job_search_support - A place for you to post questions + get help from career staff
- #job_search - Read only channel where the careers team posts office hours, technical challenges and announcements. If you haven't been added to this group, message @Rachel Cohen.
- #job_search_month - Your graduating class job search onboarding group to get you started in the job search. Example name: #job_search_april
- **#job_search_product_support **- Report bugs or issues with career tools (Job Tracker, Profile, etc)
- **#job_board - **Where alumni, our team and the community posts jobs!
- #job_board_DS - Where alumni, our team and the community posts Data Science specific jobs!
Here are some of our most popular resources to help you with your job search. We recommend reviewing these to get the most out of your job search.
Doing Outreach:
📭How use the Customized Outreach Message and Contact Sourcing Generator
Job Boards:
- List of Recommended Job Boards + Tools
- List of developer Slack groups (great for finding jobs to apply to)
- #job_board on Slack
Data Science specific resources:
Lambda Job Search Important Docs:
Outreach is the key difference in getting a job in 3 months vs. 8 months, which equates to roughly $21,000 in salary! (Source: Recently hired graduate data).
To set yourself up for success in Job Search, do the following immediately:
- Ensure your Your Student Profile is complete with
- Update your technical skills, preferred roles and location preferences.
- Update links to your resume, Github, and LinkedIn
- Indicate interest in Fellows and Public Profiles - do this by answering the questions under "Job Preferences". More details on Public Profiles here.
- Take the Codesignal GCA if you don't have a score of 650+
Your First Month Guide to Success
- Attend the Welcome to the Job Search live session on Week 1 of your Job Search
- Send at least 10 customized outreach emails to at least 10 employer contacts (more on how this works below)
- Apply to 10 jobs every week and log it using Job Tracker
- Complete the Job Search Onboarding Canvas Course. This course will teach you everything from how to apply, do outreach, prep for an interview and much more! (Link to course)
- Achieve a 650+ on the CodeSignal GCA, if you haven't already (link to test)
- Green Github 15+ days of the month or complete 10+ code challenges
- Secure 1 interview in your first 30 days of job searching. Graduates with 1 interview in the first 30 days are 3x more likely to get a job in 90 days. This interview doesn't have to be at your dream company, in fact, it is better if it isn't. If you only work toward one goal, let it be this!
From working with 1000s of placed Lambda graduates, we know that outreach is the key to landing that first interview. To speed things along, I will be providing email contacts and outreach messages for jobs you apply to. The following tutorial video will run you through how this simple process works:
To take advantage of this, fill out the Outreach Request Form with a link to a job description and some quick reasons on why you are a good fit. Our team will send you the email address and a customized 3-email sequence outreach to send. The form should take you <5 minutes to fill out and once you submit it you will get the outreach document within 1-2 business days.
🥗 Food for thought: If you spend 1-2 hours finding 10 job openings you are interested in and 1 hour filling out an Outreach Request Form for each job opportunity, and 20 minutes sending the outreach messages, you will complete your expected weekly outreach goal in under 4 hours! ⏰
Lambda School offers two programs to help you get your foot in the door. Find out what is needed from you and how to qualify for these to increase your chances of landing a job:
These tools will help you find jobs, keep track of your job search and facilitate a faster job search. We highly recommend using Job Tracker to keep track of all applications, outreach and interviews.
- Lambda Careers Site - The place to do your job search. This site helps you track your 10/10/10 goals and offers you jobs to apply to + people to reach out to.
- Your Job Tracker - A tool that helps you keep track of all the jobs you're interested in, applied for, reached out to, and interviewing for.
- Lambda Chrome Extension - A Chrome extension that helps you save jobs from around the internet to your Job Tracker.
- **Job Finder** - Find junior roles that fit your profile information.
- Public Profiles - Share your information with hiring partners on our Public Profiles site.
- #job_search_support - A place for you to post questions + get help from career staff
- #job_search - Read only channel where the careers team posts office hours, technical challenges and announcements. If you haven't been added to this group, message @Rachel Cohen.
- #job_search_month - Your graduating class job search onboarding group to get you started in the job search. Example name: #job_search_april
- #job_search_product_support - Report bugs or issues with career tools (Job Tracker, Profile, etc)
- #job_board - Where alumni, our team and the community posts jobs!
- #job_board_DS - Where alumni, our team and the community posts Data Science specific jobs!
Here are some of our most popular resources to help you with your job search. We recommend reviewing these to get the most out of your job search.
Doing Outreach:
How use the Customized Outreach Message and Contact Sourcing Generator
Job Boards:
- List of Recommended Job Boards + Tools
- List of developer Slack groups (great for finding jobs to apply to)
- #job_board on Slack
Data Science specific resources:
Lambda Job Search Important Docs: