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Unified Space Meetings (USM)

Neeraj Swarnkar edited this page Jan 23, 2024 · 8 revisions


Webex Meeting Center today has three distinct meeting experiences: Personal Meeting Room (PMR), Scheduled Meetings, and Space Meetings. Each of these meeting types has distinct experiences, USM is to consolidate the experiences of Space Meetings with Webex Meetings and meld together the experiences. Get the single meetings experience in the Webex App.

This document explains how to enable USM, how to start an Ad-hoc meeting and also the complete flow for password and captcha support when using Unified Space Meetings is enabled.

Different types of meetings

In Webex, the meetings can be broadly classified as below,

  1. Webex Meetings
    1. Scheduled Webex Meetings - In this, the meeting gets created first and then the meeting information like Meeting ID, passcode & unique meeting link is sent to the invitees
    2. PMR (personal meeting room) (aka instant meeting) - This is a meeting with a static URL which can be attached to a meeting schedule as well as sent out as a message for anyone to join
  2. Space Meetings
    1. Scheduled Space Meetings - In this, the meeting gets created first and then the meeting information like Meeting ID, passcode & meeting link is available to the members of the space in Webex
    2. Ad-hoc Space Meetings - This type of meeting can be started from a team space, where the meeting gets started instantly without any pre-scheduled meeting links. Although these meetings are instant and do not have a meeting ID / URL at the time of starting, Webex creates a meeting ID & URL for it which can be obtained via the Meeting Info API.

This document is about the Ad-hoc space meeting or the Instant space meeting. 

Prerequisites for USM

There is only one primary prerequisite. The Unified meetings should be enabled.

From SDK, default values for enableUnifiedMeetings and enableAdhocMeetings have been set to true.

How to know if Unified Meetings is enabled?

The Web SDK has the following configuration, which should be true if the unified meetings are enabled.


How to enable Unified Meetings if disabled?

Invoke the following function, which would toggle Unified Meetings on / off.

Asynchronous No
Parameters changeState<Boolean (true / false)>
Returns undefined

We can also add the config by toggling the below values

Meetings :{
 experimental: {
      enableUnifiedMeetings: false,
      enableAdhocMeetings: false

How to create an Ad-hoc space meeting?

An Ad-hoc space meeting in SDK can be created with the help of Hydra ID or the Room ID. The Room ID can be obtained using the Room APIs for Webex →

A typical room object would look like below JSON,

        "id": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1JPT00vYzVlNjgxODAtMDkxMy0xMWVkLWFmZjQtYTc5YzYwNWU1MEKl",
        "title": "Ask Web SDK",
        "type": "group",
        "isLocked": false,
        "lastActivity": "2022-08-25T07:30:18.466Z",
        "creatorId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL1BFT1BMRS8zNDRlYTE4My05ZDVkLTRlNzctYWVkMi1jNGYwMDRhZmR6NUV",
        "created": "2022-07-21T16:40:04.760Z",
        "ownerId": "Y2lzY29zcGFyazovL3VzL09SR0FOSVpBVElPTi8xZWI2NWZkZi05NjQzLTQxN2YtOTk3NC1hZDcyY2FlMGVyNHZ",
        "isPublic": false

In this, the id field is the Room ID / Hydra ID. This room ID can be used to create a meeting as mentioned below

Asynchronous Yes
Mandatory Parameters Destination
Returns A promise that gets resolved to give a Meeting object

How to join a running Ad-hoc space meeting?

When an Ad-hoc meeting is already started by someone, Webex creates a meeting for that and an appropriate meeting ID / URL is generated, which then can be shared with others who could join through that meeting information.

From SDK, the meeting information is available in the Meetings object as mentioned below,


These can be tested out from our public Kitchen Sink app.

Password and Captcha Support for USM

Join Meeting by Entering Password/Captcha

If the user is not part of the space where the meeting is created then the user will be prompted for the password. On entering an incorrect password a few times, captcha information is provided along with the appropriate error code.


Password captcha flow

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