Rust components to use/embed with webgme.
As these components used through webassembly and compilation and those toolchains are still heavily developing, the rule of thumb is to always check for the versions and make sure the end result is compatible and supported in the major browsers.
At the time of creation, these were the steps that was taken to setup a development environment (they might change with time and some restrictions will hopefully ease):
- the environment requires linux (or windows subsystem for linux WSL)
- rustup is the required rust toolchain
curl -sSf | sh
- when you have rust you need the latest and add webassembly compile target
rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup update
rustup target add wasm32-unknown-unknown --toolchain nightly
cargo install --git
- finally, for easy building you will need
wasm-pac and
curl -sSf | sh
To build the package content, just run the
script or give the command
npm run build
To use the contents of this package, you just have to import it to your project and
a refer it properly. You have to pay attention the contents of the dist
It will contain the latest build version so during use you do not need to build it.
It will contain two sub-directories one for client-side usage and one for server-side