csproj is a simple tool to change properties of multiple C# projects
dotnet tool install -g csproj
Set the target framework for the project
csproj targetframework [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-p, --project Project File Path. Can be a directory or a single project file. If not provided, the current
directory is used
-r, --recursive Recursive search for csproj files
-f, --filter Filter project files by name. Wildcards like * and ? are supported
-b, --backup Create a backup of the project file
-t, --target The target framework to upgrade to
-o, --old The old target framework to upgrade from
Example: upgrade all csproj files in the current directory and subdirectories from netcoreapp3.1 to net9.0 recursively and create a backup of the original files:
csproj targetframework --recursive --backup --old netcoreapp3.1 --target net9.0
Example: upgrade all csproj files in the current directory from netcoreapp3.1 to net9.0 which have the word "Web" in their name:
csproj targetframework --filter "Web*" --old netcoreapp3.1 --target net9.0
Set the nullable context for the project
csproj nullable [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-p, --project Project File Path. Can be a directory or a single project file. If not provided, the current
directory is used
-r, --recursive Recursive search for csproj files
-f, --filter Filter project files by name. Wildcards like * and ? are supported
-b, --backup Create a backup of the project file
-n, --nullability The nullability to upgrade to