A LowRez game where you control a bee to pollinate flowers across a scrolling world. Built using the DragonRuby GTK framework for the LowRez game jam.
- 64x64 pixel resolution gameplay
- Scrolling world spanning multiple screens
- Player-controlled bee character
- Flower pollination mechanics
- Obstacles and challenges (to be implemented)
- DragonRuby GTK (version 5.29 or later)
- Clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/webmatze/bee-game.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd bee-game
- Run the game using Smaug.
smaug run
- Use arrow keys to control the bee
- Collect pollen from flowers
- Avoid obstacles (coming soon)
- Pollinate as many flowers as possible!
This game is currently in development. Contributions, suggestions, and feedback are welcome!
- Mathias Karstädt mathias.karstaedt@gmail.com
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- DragonRuby GTK team for the awesome game engine
- LowRez game jam for the inspiration