SwiftyCSV is a lightweight CSV library for Swift, designed to simplify the process of working with CSV files.
To get started, obtain a CSV file from your filesystem:
let file = try CSVFile(filePath: "/Users/weiha/Desktop/file.csv")
//or Input content String
let file = CSVFile(rawValue: ".....")
Retrieve a single line from the file:
let line = file.lines[0]
// or
let line = file[0]
Accessing a single field within a line:
let field = line.fields[0]
// or
let field = line[0]
If you want to get the value by column
enum CSVColunm: Int, CSVColumnKey {
case id = 0
case name
case type
case note = 9
let line = file[CSVColunm.note]
Perform actions on each line:
for line in file.lines {
Or modify lines:
for index in file.lines.indices {
file.lines[index].fields.first = "Hello"
For asynchronous operations, use the provided function:
func processCSVLines(asyncing: Bool = false, csvLines: [CSVLine], handel: @escaping (CSVLine) async -> CSVLine) async throws -> [CSVLine]
Async operation may result in out-of-order processing. Use the asyncing
flag to control this behavior.
Example usage:
func doSomething(csvline: CSVLine) async -> CSVLine {
var csvline = csvline
try! await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 10_0000_0000)
csvline.fields[0] = "hello"
return csvline
let convertLines = try await SwiftyCSV.processCSVLines(asyncing: true, csvLines: file.lines) {
await doSomething(csvline: $0)
file.lines = convertLines
Save any modifications made to the CSV file :
try file.save(to: URL(string: "/Users/weiha/Desktop/file.csv")!)
// or
let content = file.rawValue
//other save function//
Performance may degrade with large datasets. Use with caution for big data operations.