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Inverse model for inferring particle exchange rates

The code here is to infering particle respiration rate constants along with particle aggregation and disaggragation rate constants, by using Bayesian inversion method. The data used here are from MedFlux program, and sampled using large volume pumps.


Use with neglogpost.m

This is the original model, with objective functions weighted using data's own standard deviations. Large particle flux divergence is modeled based on Krist et al paper. Martin Curve exponential(b) is optimized. Different from Krist et al paper (function buildPFD_v2.m), we use particle disaggregation rate constant as the loss term of large particles.

What we found here is the respiration rate constant of both Chla and phyeopigment are not well constrained because

  1. too much dependency on their priors.
  2. too large error bars.

b = 0.9690$^{0.33}_{0.25}$;

d1 = 1.1176$^{1.67}_{0.67}$

d2 = 1.0000$^{3.58}_{0.78}$

d3 = 1.0000$^{3.58}_{0.78}$

a = 2.7893$^{4.21}_{1.68}$

d = 64.0167$^{92.86}_{37.89}$

To compare, here are the priors for each parameter

b_prior = 0.84;

d1_prior = 1.00;

d2_prior = 1.00;

d3_prior = 1.00;

a_prior = 3.00;

d_prior = 150;

Due to these issues, values of d2 and d3 are taken from references (Wang et al.,2017), and only d1 (POC) remineralization rate constant is optimized.

Here comes the following model (parameter denotation has conflicit with that in the paper, fix it!!!)


Use with neglogpost_4p.m

In this model, only four parameters are optimized, that are Martin curve exponential (b), POC remineralization rate constant (d1), small particle aggregation rate constant (a), and large particle disaggregation rate constant (b).

b = 0.91$^{+0.08}_{-0.07}$;

d1 = 1.89$^{0.58}_{0.44}$;

a = 4.64$^{1.46}_{1.11}$;

d = 95.78$^{28.16}_{21.76}$;

This is the model that is finally used in the paper.

The following two sets of model code do not have detailed annotations. Please refer to Box_model.m and Box_model_4p.m for information.


Use with neglogpost_log.m buildPFD_v2.m

Due to the huge concentration ranges, lognormal distribution of concentrations are assumed in this model. However, the error bars are huge, and there is not significant change to model versus observation correlation. This model is not used in the paper.


Use with negelogpost_cons_SV.m; PFD_cond_SV.m

Since Armstrong et al., (2009) and Xue et al., (2009) have demonstrated that particles caught using sediment traps are sinking at a constant speed. The code here is to test if a constant sinking speed for large particles can fit the data better. However, the model does not have a unique solution. Sinking speed is positively correlated with particle exchange rates (POC remineralization and disaggregation). This is not hard to understand because fast sinking particles with fast exchange rates have the same effect with slow sinking particles having slow exchange rates.


Sinking = 100 m/d

d1 = 19.1857

d2 = 1.0169

d3 = 1.0001

a = 3.0649

d = 124.0919

Sinking = 200 m/d

d1 = 38.3702

d2 = 1.0823

d3 = 1.0010

a = 2.8700

d = 229.9081

As in the variable sinking speed model, d2 and d3 are not well constrained by the model.


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