- Official Docs: Incremental Generators
- .NET 6 inprovement
- API Client with C# Source Generators
- Source Generators Cookbook
- Introducing Source Generators
- FAQ (video)
- Video
Add: ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" OutputItemType="Analyzer"
to the ProjectReference entry
<ProjectReference Include="xxx.csproj" ReferenceOutputAssembly="false" OutputItemType="Analyzer" />
Properties of the Genetator code:
Project configuration (for debug)
- NSwagStudio
- Mapperly (object mapping)
- DevTeam/Pure.DI
- Data Builder Generator (Fluent API)
- SimpleSIMD
- SpreadCheetah (Excel Generator - forward only)
- GraphQL.Tools (from gql -> .NET classes)
- Generator.Equals
- ScenarioTests
- HttpClientCodeGenerator
- Refit: The automatic type-safe REST library
- Source Generator Samples (GitHub)
- Doc & Sample collection
- 101 public repositories
- CSV C# Source Generator samples
- Mapping at build time
Analyzer (which could be migrate to Code Gen):