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wemogy logo Infrastructure Database Layer

Abstraction Layer for multiple Database Technologies.

Currently Supported:

  • Local In Memory Database
  • Azure Cosmos DB
  • MongoDB

Getting started

Local In Memory Database

Install the NuGet package into your project.

dontet add package Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Cosmos

Initialize the Database Client Factory centrally.

var databaseClientFactory = new InMemoryDatabaseClientFactory();

Azure Cosmos DB

Install the NuGet package into your project.

dontet add package Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.InMemory

Initialize the Database Client Factory centrally.

var databaseClientFactory = new CosmosDatabaseClientFactory("<CONNECTION_STRING>", "<DATABASE_NAME>");


Install the NuGet package into your project.

dontet add package Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Mongo

Initialize the Database Client Factory centrally.

var databaseClientFactory = new MongoDatabaseClientFactory("<CONNECTION_STRING>", "<DATABASE_NAME>");

Define and register Repositories

If your Models are stored in a differen class library, install the Core NuGet package into your project.

dontet add package Wemogy.Infrastructure.Database.Core

Define a class that you want to store in a database vie the Repository, and let it inherit from EntityBase.

public class Foo : EntityBase

Each repository needs to implement the IDatabaseRepository<T> interface.

public interface IFooRepository : IDatabaseRepository<Foo>

Register the Database Client Factory and the Repositories centrally at the Dependency Injection Container (for example in Startup.cs).

var databaseClientFactory = new // ...


Checkout the full Documentation to get information about the available classes and extensions.



Initialize & start the cosmos DB emulator

docker compose -f env/cosmos/docker-compose.yaml up


Initialize & start the MongoDB emulator

docker compose -f env/mongo/docker-compose.yaml up