Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Mars.
We are building this software together and strongly encourage contributions from the community that are within the guidelines set forth below.
Before starting to write code, look for existing tickets (web is building) or create one for your bug, issue, or feature request. This helps the community avoid working on something that might not be of interest or which has already been addressed.
Pull requests should generally be made against the master (default) branch and include relevant tests, if applicable.
Code should compile with the 9 compiler and tests should pass under all Java versions which the driver currently supports. Currently the Mars supports a minimum version of Java 8. Please run 'java -version' to confirm. By default, running the tests requires that you start a database server on localhost, listening on the default port and configured to run . At minimum, please test against the latest release version of the database server.
The results of pull request testing will be appended to the request. If any tests do not pass, or relevant tests are not included, the pull request will not be considered.
If you have questions about using the driver, please reach out on the whaleal Community (building).