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Reference Manager

Solidworks PDM File reference manager

The Reference Manager was a quick fix to a problem my company had regarding our move from a Windows Filesystem to the Solidworks Managed filesystem PDM. Managing file references is a horrible task, and (at least at the time) there was no way of re-referencing files recently moved into our filesystem.

We had three problems which needed solving:

  • Re-referencing our legacy data
  • Selecting the newest Issues (files without Issue no.s in the filename)
  • Preventing file duplication

How does it manage Filenames?

Managing Issue/Revision numbers

A couple of years ago we moved from standard numeric revision (rev 1,2,3,..) to a custom system with a backwards date (rev 190528 would be the date 19-05-28). I needed to ensure that files priotitized the latest revision files, which ultimately turned out to be quite simple:

From newest at the top, to oldest at the bottom:

  1. [190528]
  2. [181205]
  3. [180414]
  4. [4]
  5. [2]
  6. [1]

As you can see from this list, newer revisions are always numerically larger than older revisions - therefore this is the system it uses to determine the latest revision

Managing Filename Variations

It works with two filename variations:

  1. <filename>.<extension>
  2. <filename>[<issue>].<extension> eg. 'Filename[180924].sldprt'

It looks for files in a specific order:

  1. An exact match of Variation 1
  2. An exact match of Variation 2, with the highest value <issue> as an integer
  3. An exact match of Variation 2, with any value <issue> as an integer

This system implementing this prioritization assumes the following rules:

  • There should only ever be one live copy of a file at a time - this excludes legacy copies
  • All files required for work need to follow Filename Variation 1
  • All files required for work need to have an "Issue" property in their metadata
  • Files not required for work (legacy files) can be any of the other 2 filename variations listed

Known bugs

  • Sometimes the dropdowns in the Table glitch and cannot be clicked or hovered over. I think this is because the program is trying to insert an invalid value from a filename or reference. Haven't fixed this yet
  • After re-referencing, mates within assemblies can sometimes be broken - often due to small changes in different models. Our companies legacy filesystem is a mess however, and certainly doesn't help this.
  • Error in IDE: Cannot open .resx file - not really a bug but still a problem. Right click on the two files in Explorer and make sure that "Unblock" is checked

Improvements I want to make but haven't got round to yet

  • Recursive Re-referencing
    • By this I mean the option of re-referencing referenced assemblies, parts, and drawings. Currently only the selected files are re-referenced.
  • Adaptive Issue no. functionality
    • Allowing the user to customize how their filenames & issue no's are setup - so that it's useful outside of the few companies that might actually use the noted system.

Notes & Requirements

  • Requires a Solidworks PDM License key.
    • You will need to contact your reseller for this.
    • License key should be ~1300 characters long, and generally begins with your company name
  • Built to work with EPDM Version 18 Service pack 2. Should work with any Version 18 Service pack. Might work with Future versions. Probably won't work with older versions.


Solidworks PDM File reference manager







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