- Announcing Rust 1.67.0 Stable 🦀
- rust-analyzer joins the Rust organization!
- quick note 🦀⚙ -- a little Rust WIP from 💩-- contributions welcomed
- Neovim 0.8 is released! → Get it here
- Global Status Goodness!
- This
plugin is a game changer for Rust devs: crates.nvim: manage crates.io dependencies
Some Lua key mapping goodness for your Neovim config:
-- Replace word under cursor in Buffer (case-sensitive)
-- nmap <leader>sr :%s/<C-R><C-W>//gI<left><left><left>
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>sr", ":%s/<C-R><C-W>//gI<left><left><left>", { noremap = false })
-- Replace word under cursor on Line (case-sensitive)
-- nmap <leader>sl :s/<C-R><C-W>//gI<left><left><left>
vim.api.nvim_set_keymap("n", "<leader>sl", ":s/<C-R><C-W>//gI<left><left><left>", { noremap = false })
Neovim Telescope is the superpower you need: https://git.io/telescope999 🔭
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