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Let's Play! - Iro

CS177 Long Project

Group Members

Name CCSF username Github username
Ilmira Andronico iandroni iandroni
Christopher Black cblack1
Jasmine Farrell jfarrel6 jasmineiris
Evan Morrison emorris7 evmo
Zack Pierce ppierce2 zackerypierce
Tatyana Polyakova tpolyako tatyana12
Robert Mitchell rmitchel squeakyheatr
Ariel Salazar itozann
Greg Stephens
David Wayman dwayman r3dcrosse


  • Coding: Jasmine Farrell, David Wayman, Robert Mitchell
  • Documentation: Ilmira Andronico, Evan Morrison
  • QA testing: Ilmira Andronico


Let’s Play! - Iro is browser-based, interactive, educational game in which the player sorts colors and counts yellow color balls within set amount of time.


  • Coded in Javascript, HTML, and CSS.
  • Game is platform-independent and can be played in any modern web browser.
  • Splash/intro screen, which leads to the 3 instructional pages of the game, which leads to game mode and result pop-up screen
  • Splash/intro screen and instructional pages must be interactive to keep interest for "little" users
  • Game must have background music with on/off option.

Functional Specification

Possible Scenario

To be able to play this game user will have to go online and start index.html file ......... ..................................... After lunching this file, user will see intro page with ENTER button located on the buttom of that screen. By pressing ENTER button, player will move to pages with instructions of the game, then different colored circles will apear on the screen. After pressing P circles will start fading (5 sec) and player would have to count the the yellow colored circles and enter the result in the field below. By pushing GO user can get the correct result with options to "go back to instructions" or "play again". Player can exit the game at any stage by pushing X (closing browser).

Non Goals

"Let's play! -Iro will not provide an option to select different color or different object. Player wil not be able to keep the score of the game.


Primary input will come from user. After counting yellow balls user will have to enter the amount of circles.


This software will compare results from a user and a program and will give the correct answer for a player.

Screen by screen specification

“Let’s play! Iro” software will consist of home screen, 3 instructional pages, game mode and result screen

Home screen

After launching this software splash/intro screen will appear with ENTER button, which will lead to instructional pages.


Users can see insructions of this game on 3 interactive pages. They will be able to interact with words written in dots by moving they kursor.

Game screen

This screen will contain of different colored circles, Result Field where player can enter there count and Go button.

Result screen

User will get a message about result of this game and correct count. This screen will also contain "Go back to instructions" or "Play again" button

Technical Specification

Software “Let’s play! -Iro” will be developed using Java Script, CSS and HTML programming languages. It will consist of home screen, game mode and result screen. Home screen should have the name of the game, colored circled objects and “Next” button that should take player to instructional pages.

The screen will include 10 different colors on color list for user to choose and a timer . After player has chosen color, timer will start and Screen with different colors and objects will appear. First level of the game should have min of 2 - max of 4 different colors, including selected by user color and min of 3 - max 6 different objects. Timer will be set at 10 sec. Each level will add 2 different colors and 2 different objects and 5 sec on the clock.

After timer runs out player will be moved to result screen where she/he can enter hers/his result in field “Enter number of objects in your color”. By clicking “Check” button results will be compared and message “You are correct! Good job!” or “Sorry, try again!” will appear. Button “Play again” can take a player to a game mode screen or “Exit” button will close this game. On the bottom of that screen user can see a list of the players and their scores. Score will increase by 1 after correct result . When player gets 5 correct answers she/he will be moved to a higher level.

User Experience

The design should be very simple and responsive with mobile en the possibility of other ancillary benefits. Being simple the game should also be able to be played in guest mode with some limited functionality so it just works and requires no language skills, account or adult supervision to begin. Without having to do anything, the game should automatically keep track of scores when the same computer revisits the site insuring a more customized, engaging, and intelligent experience regardless. It will work both ways in guest and user mode invisibly and seamlessly for K & Over. Graphical Icons can be used instead of words for easier and simpler navigation and messaging in particular younger audience and different language markets. Instructions can also be shown in either graphical form or an animated video example sample.