Make sure that you didn't forget to create the controller with
juju bootstrap
command. -
Create machines for openstack, compute and contrail:
Configure machines for memory, cores and disk sizes. The following constraints are given for example as minimal requirments.
juju add-machine --constraints mem=8G cores=2 root-disk=40G --series=xenial #for openstack machine(s) 0 juju add-machine --constraints mem=7G cores=4 root-disk=40G --series=xenial #for compute machine(s) 1,(3) juju add-machine --constraints mem=15G cores=2 root-disk=300G --series=xenial #for contrail machine 2
Deploy openstack services. Here and later the xenial series are used, if you use others you may change it.
Some of applications may need an additional configuration. You can configure it
by using a yaml-formatted file
An example of
:nova-compute: openstack-origin: cloud:xenial-ocata virt-type: qemu enable-resize: True enable-live-migration: True migration-auth-type: ssh
To deploy:
juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-compute --config ./nova-compute-config.yaml
or by passing options/values directly on the command line
juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-cloud-controller --config console-access-protocol=novnc --config openstack-origin=cloud:xenial-ocata
You also use the combination of the above.
Deploy ntp, rabbitmq-server, percona-cluster, openstack-dashboard, nova-cloud-controller, glance, keystone, neutron to OpenStack machines.
NOTE: OpenStack services should be set on different machines or on different containers to prevent haproxy conflicts from applications. You should point machine or container to which you want to deploy the application by
--to <machine number>
option.juju deploy cs:xenial/ntp juju deploy cs:xenial/rabbitmq-server --to lxd:0 juju deploy cs:xenial/percona-cluster mysql --config root-password=<root-password> --config max-connections=1500 --to lxd:0 juju deploy cs:xenial/openstack-dashboard --config openstack-origin=cloud:xenial-ocata --to lxd:0 juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-cloud-controller --config console-access-protocol=novnc --config openstack-origin=cloud:xenial-ocata --config network-manager=Neutron --to lxd:0 juju deploy cs:xenial/neutron-api --config manage-neutron-plugin-legacy-mode=false --config openstack-origin=cloud:xenial-ocata --config neutron-security-groups=true --to lxd:0 juju deploy cs:xenial/glance --config openstack-origin=cloud:xenial-ocata --to lxd:0 juju deploy cs:xenial/keystone --config admin-password=<admin-password> --config admin-role=admin --config openstack-origin=cloud:xenial-ocata --to lxd:0
Deploy and configure nova-compute.
Deploy nova-compute to compute machine or machines.
juju deploy cs:xenial/nova-compute --config ./nova-compute-config.yaml --to 1
If you need additional computes you can add them by
juju add-unit nova-compute --to 3 # Add one more unit
Deploy and configure Contrail services.
Deploy contrail-keystone-auth, contrail-controller, contrail-analyticsdb, contrail-analytics, contrail-openstack, contrail-agent from the directory you have downloaded the charms.
juju deploy --series=xenial $CHARMS_DIRECTORY/contrail-charms/contrail-keystone-auth --to 2 juju deploy --series=xenial $CHARMS_DIRECTORY/contrail-charms/contrail-controller --config auth-mode=rbac --config cassandra-minimum-diskgb=4 --config cassandra-jvm-extra-opts="-Xms1g -Xmx2g" --to 2 juju deploy --series=xenial $CHARMS_DIRECTORY/contrail-charms/contrail-analyticsdb cassandra-minimum-diskgb=4 --config cassandra-jvm-extra-opts="-Xms1g -Xmx2g" --to 2 juju deploy --series=xenial $CHARMS_DIRECTORY/contrail-charms/contrail-analytics --to 2
You need to configure
options to deploy contrail-openstack and contrail-agent services. Use repository address with contrail packages and apt keys for package install sourcesrepo_config_co.yaml
:contrail-openstack: install-sources: "deb http://<repo_ip>/ubuntu xenial main" install-keys: | - | <repo_apt_key>
juju deploy --series=xenial $CHARMS_DIRECTORY/contrail-charms/contrail-openstack --config repo_config_co.yaml
:contrail-agent: install-sources: "deb http://<repo_ip>/ubuntu xenial main" install-keys: | - | <repo_apt_key>
juju deploy --series=xenial $CHARMS_DIRECTORY/contrail-charms/contrail-agent --config repo_config_ca.yaml
Expose applications to be publicly available.
juju expose openstack-dashboard juju expose nova-cloud-controller juju expose neutron-api juju expose glance juju expose keystone
Expose contrail-controller and contrail-analytics if you DO NOT use haproxy.
juju expose contrail-controller juju expose contrail-analytics
Apply SSL if needed
To use SSL with contrail services deploy easyrsa service and add the relations to contrail-controller and contrail-agent services.
juju deploy cs:~containers/xenial/easyrsa --to 0 juju add-relation easyrsa contrail-controller juju add-relation easyrsa contrail-agent
HA configuration (optional).
If you are using several controllers, we suggest the following HA solution using haproxy and keepalived.
Deploy haproxy and keepalived services. Haproxy is deployed on the machines with contrail-controllers. Keepalived is a subordinate charm to haproxy and does not require
option. Haproxy charm must have peering_mode set to active-active. In active-passive mode it creates additional listeners on the same ports as other Contrail services and system doesn't work due to port conflicts.juju deploy cs:xenial/haproxy --to <first contrail-controller machine> --config peering_mode=active-active juju add-unit haproxy --to <another contrail-controller machine> juju deploy cs:~boucherv29/keepalived-19 --config virtual_ip=<vip>
Expose haproxy to be available. Do not expose contrail-controller and contrail-analytics in this case.
juju expose haproxy
Add necessary relations.
juju add-relation haproxy:juju-info keepalived:juju-info juju add-relation contrail-analytics:http-services haproxy juju add-relation contrail-controller:http-services haproxy juju add-relation contrail-controller:https-services haproxy
Configure contrail-controller with vip.
juju set contrail-controller vip=<vip>
Add necessary relations.
juju add-relation keystone:shared-db mysql:shared-db juju add-relation glance:shared-db mysql:shared-db juju add-relation keystone:identity-service glance:identity-service juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:image-service glance:image-service juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:identity-service keystone:identity-service juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:cloud-compute nova-compute:cloud-compute juju add-relation nova-compute:image-service glance:image-service juju add-relation nova-compute:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:shared-db mysql:shared-db juju add-relation nova-cloud-controller:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp juju add-relation openstack-dashboard:identity-service keystone juju add-relation neutron-api:shared-db mysql:shared-db juju add-relation neutron-api:neutron-api nova-cloud-controller:neutron-api juju add-relation neutron-api:identity-service keystone:identity-service juju add-relation neutron-api:amqp rabbitmq-server:amqp juju add-relation contrail-controller ntp juju add-relation nova-compute:juju info ntp:juju info juju add-relation contrail-controller contrail-keystone-auth juju add-relation contrail-keystone-auth keystone juju add-relation contrail-controller contrail-analytics juju add-relation contrail-controller contrail-analyticsdb juju add-relation contrail-analytics contrail-analyticsdb juju add-relation contrail-openstack neutron-api juju add-relation contrail-openstack nova-compute juju add-relation contrail-openstack contrail-controller juju add-relation contrail-agent:juju info nova-compute:juju info juju add-relation contrail-agent contrail-controller