These are scripts provided by WhoisXML API, Inc., for clients using WHOIS data feeds to obtain bulk WHOIS data or to set up a WHOIS database.
The contents of the subdirectories and files are:
UsingScriptsOnWindows10.pdf : a brief blog describing how to use all features of all our tools on Windows 10 systems.
whoisxmlapi_download_whois_data: a Python2 script for downloading bulk data from daily and quarterly WHOIS data feeds in various formats. It can be used from command line, but also supports a simple GUI. For all platforms.
whoisxmlapi_whoisdownload_bash: a bash script for downloading bulk data from daily and quarterly WHOIS data feeds.
whoisxmlapi_csv2json: a Python3 script which converts WhoisXML API csv files to json files.
whoisxmlapi_bash_csv_to_mysqldb: bash scripts to create and maintain WHOIS databases in MySQL based on csv files downloaded from WhoisXML API. If you do not insist on bash, check also whoisxmlapi_flexible_csv_to_mysqldb which is in Python 3 and provides extended functionality.
whoisxmlapi_flexible_csv_to_mysqldb: a flexible and portable script in Python to create and maintain WHOIS databases in MySQL based on csv files downloaded from WhoisXML API.
whoisxmlapi_mysqldump_loaders: Python2 and bash scripts to set up a WHOIS database in MySQL, using the data obtained from WhoisXML API quarterly data feeds.
whoismxlapi_percona_loaders: bash scripts for loading binary MySQL dumps of quarterly releases where available
legacy_scripts: miscellaneous legacy scripts not developed anymore, published for compatibility reasons.