SQLite support for the gRPC implementation of the go-whosonfirst-spatial
This package has been deprecated. All its functionality has been moved in to whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-sqlite.
Documentation is incomplete at this time.
> ./bin/server -h
-custom-placetypes string
A JSON-encoded string containing custom placetypes defined using the syntax described in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
Enable wof:placetype values that are not explicitly defined in the whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-placetypes repository.
-host string
... (default "localhost")
Input data is WOF-flavoured GeoJSON. (Pass a value of '0' or 'false' if you need to index non-WOF documents. (default true)
-iterator-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-iterate/v2 URI. Supported schemes are: directory://, featurecollection://, file://, filelist://, geojsonl://, null://, repo://. (default "repo://")
-port int
... (default 8082)
-properties-reader-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-reader.Reader URI. Available options are: [fs:// null:// repo:// sqlite:// stdin://]. If the value is {spatial-database-uri} then the value of the '-spatial-database-uri' implements the reader.Reader interface and will be used.
-spatial-database-uri string
A valid whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial/data.SpatialDatabase URI. options are: [rtree:// sqlite://] (default "rtree://")
For example:
$> ./bin/server -spatial-database-uri 'sqlite://?dsn=modernc:///usr/local/data/yugoslavia.db'
2021/03/26 09:03:05 Listening on localhost:8082
2021/03/26 09:03:05 time to index paths (0) 18.661µs
09:03:05.895116 [server] STATUS finished indexing in 209.866µs
And then in whosonfirst/go-whosonfirst-spatial-grpc:
$> go build -mod vendor -o bin/client cmd/client/main.go
$> ./bin/client \
-latitude 37.615761 \
-longitude -122.389154 \
-sort-uri placetype:// \
-sort-uri name:// \
-sort-uri inception:// \
| jq '.places[] | "\(."name") \(."inception_date") (\(."placetype"))"'
"Earth null (planet)"
"North America null (continent)"
"United States null (country)"
"California null (region)"
"San Mateo null (county)"
"San Francisco International Airport 1948~ (campus)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2000~ (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2006~ (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2011~ (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2014~ (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2017~ (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2019-07-23 (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2020-~05 (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2021-05-25 (building)"
"SFO Terminal Complex 2021-11-09 (building)"
"International Terminal 2006~ (wing)"
"International Terminal 2017~ (wing)"
"International Terminal 2020-~05 (wing)"
"94128 null (postalcode)"
"International Terminal 2000~ (wing)"
"International Terminal 2006~ (wing)"
"International Terminal 2011~ (wing)"
"International Terminal 2014~ (wing)"
"International Terminal 2017~ (wing)"
"International Terminal 2019-07-23 (wing)"
"International Terminal 2020-~05 (wing)"
"International Terminal 2021-05-25 (wing)"
"International Terminal 2021-11-09 (wing)"
"International Terminal Main Hall 2017~ (concourse)"
"International Terminal Main Hall 2019-07-23 (concourse)"
"International Terminal Main Hall 2020-~05 (concourse)"
"International Terminal Main Hall 2021-05-25 (concourse)"
"International Terminal Main Hall 2021-11-09 (concourse)"