The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity.
YAML is a data serialization format designed for human readability and interaction with scripting languages.
SnakeYAML Engine is a YAML 1.2 processor for the Java Virtual Machine version 8 and higher.
- The Engine will parse/emit basic Java structures (String, List, Map<String, Boolean>). JavaBeans or any other custom instances are explicitly out of scope.
- Since the custom instances are not supported, parsing any YAML document is safe - the YAML input stream is not able to instruct the Engine to call arbitrary Java constructors (unless it is explicitly enabled)
- a complete YAML 1.2 processor. In particular, SnakeYAML can parse (almost) all examples from the specification.
- Integrated tests from YAML Test Suite - Comprehensive Test Suite for YAML
- Unicode support including UTF-8/UTF-16/UTF-32 input/output.
- Low-level API for serializing and deserializing native Java objects.
- All the Schemas are supported. (A good introduction to schemas)
- Relatively sensible error messages (can be switched off to improve performance).
- When you plan to feed the parser with untrusted data please study the settings which allow to restrict incoming data.
- GIT is used to dance with the source code.
- If you find a bug please file a bug report.
- You may discuss SnakeYAML Engine at the mailing list.