实现n位二进制大整数的加法运算。输入a, b和输出s都是二进制位的串。要求算法的时间复杂度满足$work=O(n), span=O(log n)$。
- 检测0+0=0的情况,此时需返回空串而非单元素序列。
- 通过map2将两个bit序列不进位相加,转化为carry序列:由于产生STOP与GEN均代表该位的bit和为0,产生PROP代表bit和为1,保存这个表示不进位和的中间序列。
- 根据中间序列的carry情况,判断每一位是否需进位:如果为GEN则该位一定由进位导致下一位+1,为STOP则一定不进位,为PROP时情况与上一位相同。易知此操作具有结合律。
- 保存3中所述进位序列(直接由GEN与STOP保存),通过scan实现错位保存(每个位置的scan结果由其之前序列的情况决定),即得到进位序列。
- 通过map2将进位序列与中间序列合并,显然当某位进位序列为ZERO时结果为中间序列该位所代表的bit和,为GEN时取反。
- 根据scan的最后一个返回值判断最高位是否进位,并返回最终结果。
- 将两数长度补为一致(高位补0),并补上y的符号位0。
- 用tabulate将减数y按位翻转(0-1互换),所得结果加1得到含符号位的-y。
- -y与x相加,舍去高于x位数的符号位,得到非负结果。
- 判断所得结果是否为0,若是则返回空串,否则直接返回该结果。
- 处理乘数长度为0的情况,注意此时需返回空串而非单元素序列。
- 处理乘数长度为1的情况,若为0则返回空串,为1则无需计算直接返回另一乘数。
- 其他情况:
- 先将乘数分别平均切成比例相同的两段,令$x = (p2^{m} + q), y = (r2^{m}+s)$
- 计算如下: $$xy=(p2^{m} + q)(r2^{m}+s)=pr2^{2m}+(pq+rs)2^{m}+qs$$ $$\because pq+rs=(p+q)(r+s)-pr-qs$$ $$\therefore xy = pr2^{2m}+((p+q)(r+s)-pr-qs)*2^{m}+qs\tag{1}$$
- 并行递归,分别计算出$(p+q)(r+s), pr, q*s$
- 由$(1)$式,可根据三个递归结果计算出$x*y$
Task 4.1 (35%). Implement the addition function
++ : bignum * bignum -> bignum
in the functorMkBigNumAdd
. For full credit, on input with$m$ and$n$ bits, yoursolution must have$\mathcal {O} (m+n)$ work and$\mathcal {O}(\lg {(m+n)})$ span. Our solution has under 40 lines with comments. -
Answer 4.1
fun x ++ y = case (length x, length y) (* notice that given 0 ++ 0, we need to return empty() instead of singleton(ZERO) *) of (0, 0) => empty() | (_, _) => let (* add two bignum without carry to generate the mid(raw) seq *) (* W = S = O(1) *) fun bitaddtocarry (x : bit, y : bit) : carry = case (x, y) of (ZERO, ZERO) => STOP | (ONE, ONE) => GEN | ((ONE, ZERO) | (ZERO, ONE)) => PROP val diff = length x - length y (* in this seq, STOP/GEN means ZERO, PROP means ONE *) (* call bitaddtocarry max{m, n} times. W = O(m+n), S = O(1) *) val rawseq = if diff > 0 then map2 bitaddtocarry x (append(y, tabulate (fn _ => ZERO) diff)) else if diff < 0 then map2 bitaddtocarry y (append(x, tabulate (fn _ => ZERO) (~diff))) else map2 bitaddtocarry x y (* If the last is STOP/GEN, it must gives ZERO/ONE for the next one. * But if it's PROP, the carry status will remain as the previous one is. * W = S = O(1) *) fun bitcarry (c1, c2) : carry = case c2 of PROP => c1 | (GEN | STOP) => c2 (* in this seq, GEN/STOP means whether to add a ONE or not, determined by previous ones *) (* since length = max{m, n} = O(m+n), scan costs W = O(m+n), S = O(lg(m+n)) *) val (carryseq, most) = scan bitcarry STOP rawseq (* * rawseq saves the infomation of 0/1 * carryseq saves the infomation of whether to carry * use scan to transplace forwards for one bit. * STOP means this bit is what saved in the rawseq. * GEN means this bit need to be flipped from what is in the rawseq. *) (* W = S = O(1) *) fun bitgrow (c1 : carry, c2 : carry) : bit = case (c1, c2) of (c1, GEN) => if c1 = PROP then ZERO else ONE | (c1, STOP) => if c1 = PROP then ONE else ZERO (* map2 has such cost: W = O(m+n) * O(1) = O(m+n), S = O(1) *) val resseq = map2 bitgrow rawseq carryseq in (* check whether to carry ONE to the most place. W = O(m+n), S = O(1) *) if most = GEN then append(resseq, singleton(ONE)) else resseq (* final costs are: * Work = O(m+n) + O(1) = O(m+n) * Span = O(lg(m+n)) + O(1) = O(lg(m+n)) *) end
Task 4.2 (15%). Implement the subtraction function
-- : bignum * bignum -> bignum
in the functor MkBigNumSubtract in MkBigNumSubtract.sml, where$x$ $--$ $y$ computes the number obtained by subtracting$y$ from$x$ . We will assume that$x≥y$ ; that is, the resulting number will alwaysbe non-negative. You should also assume for this problem that$++$ has been implemented correctly. Forfull credit, if$x$ has n bits, your solution must have$\mathcal {O} (n)$ work and$\mathcal {O}(\lg {(n)})$ span. Our solution has fewerthan 20 lines with comments. -
Answer 4.2
fun x -- y = let (* A simple function to reverse ONE and ZERO, with W = S = O(1) *) fun reversebit (b : bit) : bit = if b = ONE then ZERO else ONE (* save the difference of lengths, W = S = O(1) *) val diff = length x - length y (* flip y, with setting it to the same length as x. ZERO on sign bit means positive, ONE means negative *) (* append n elements altogether, W = O(n), S = O(1) *) val reversed = append (tabulate (fn i => reversebit (nth y i)) (length y), tabulate (fn _ => ONE) (diff+1)) (* by adding a ONE, we get the negative y, with W = W_++ = O(n+1), S = S_++ = O(lg(n+1)) *) val negated = reversed ++ singleton(ONE) in (* add x and negative y. throw the sign bit *) (* notice the assumption `x > y`, so that we won't worry about getting 0 as a result *) (* add between length n and length n+1, with W = O(2n+1), S = O(lg(2n+1)) *) tabulate (fn i => nth (x ++ negated) i) (length x) (* finally we get: * Work = O(n) + O(n+1) + O(2n+1) + O(1) = O(n) * Span = O(lg(2n+1)) + O(lg(n+1)) + O(1) = O(lgn) *) end
Task 4.3 (30%). Implement the function
** : bignum * bignum -> bignum
in MkBigNumMultiply.sml. For full credit, if the larger number has n bits, your solution must satisfy$W_{∗∗}(n) = 3W_{∗∗}(\frac {n}{2}) + \mathcal {O}(n)$ and have$\mathcal {O}(\lg^2 {n})$ span. You should use the following function in the Primitives structure:val par3 : (unit -> ’a) * (unit -> ’b) * (unit -> ’c) -> ’a * ’b * ’c
to indicate three-way parallelism in your implementation of$**$ . You should assume for this problem that$++$ and$--$ have been implemented correctly, and meet their work and span requirements. Our solutionhas 40 lines with comments. -
Answer 4.3
fun x ** y = case (length x, length y) (* notice that we need to return empty() when result = 0. *) of (0, _) => empty () | (_, 0) => empty () | (1, _) => if nth x 0 = ZERO then empty() else y | (_, 1) => if nth y 0 = ZERO then empty() else x | (_, _) => let (* judge which one is larger, then setting them to the same length. S = O(1). *) val diff = length x - length y val (larger, smaller) = if diff > 0 then (x, append(y, tabulate (fn _ => ZERO) diff)) else if diff < 0 then (y, append(x, tabulate (fn _ => ZERO) (~diff))) else (x, y) (* showt them into p, q, r, s, with larger = (p*2^m + q), smaller = (r*2^m+s). S = O(1). *) val (q, p) = case showt larger of EMPTY => (empty (), empty()) | ELT bit0 => if bit0 = ZERO then (singleton ZERO, empty()) else (singleton ONE, empty()) | NODE (l, r) => (l, r) val (s, r) = case showt smaller of EMPTY => (empty (), empty()) | ELT bit0 => if bit0 = ZERO then (singleton ZERO, empty()) else (singleton ONE, empty()) | NODE (l, r) => (l, r) (* * @res_a = (p+q) * (r+s) * @res_b = p*r * @res_c = q*s * calculate them in parallel costs W = 3W(n/2), S = S(n/2). * and we have: pq+rs = (@res_a-@res_b-@res_c) *) val (res_a, res_b, res_c) = par3 (fn _ => (p++q) ** (r++s), fn _ => p**r, fn _ => q**s) in (* x*y = (p*2^m + q)*(r*2^m+s) = p*r*2^(2m) + (pq+rs)*2^m + qs = @res_b*2^(2m) + (@res_a-@res_b-@res_c)*2^m + res_c. * obviously m = length q, so the following sentence can calculate x*y correctly. * notice that the square of a number has the length shorter than three times of itself(with (2^n-1)^2 has the length 2n-1 = 2(n-1) + 1 as the most) * append with length q costs O(n), add those `shorter than 3*(length n)` things together costs W = O(3n), which is also W = O(n) * S = O(1). *) (append(tabulate (fn _ => ZERO) (length q * 2), res_b) ++ append(tabulate (fn _ => ZERO) (length q), ((res_a -- res_b) -- res_c)) ++ res_c) (* finally we have: * W(n) = 3W(n/2) + O(n). * S(n) = S(n/2) + O(lgn), which means S(n) = lgn*O(lgn) = O((lgn)^2) *) end
Task 5.1 (15%). Determine the complexity of the following recurrences. Give tight
$\Theta-bounds$ , and justify your steps to argue that your bound is correct. Recall that$f\in\Theta(g)$ if and only if$f\in\mathcal{O}(g)$ and$g\in\mathcal{O}(f)$ . You may use any method (brick method, tree method, or substitution) to show that yourbound is correct, except that you must use the substitution method for problem 3.$T(n) = 3T(\frac {n}{2}) + \Theta(n)$ $T(n) = 2T(\frac {n}{4}) + \Theta(\sqrt {n})$ -
$T(n) = 4T(\frac {n}{4}) + \Theta(\sqrt {n})$ (Prove by substitution.)
Answer 5.1
$T(n) = \Theta(n^{\log_{2}{3} })$ . Using Tree Method.- Obviously the height
$h$ can be calculated from${(\frac{1}{2})}^{h}*n = 1$ , then we have:$$h = \log_{2}{(n)} \tag{1}$$ - Each floor
$i$ has $3^{i}\Theta(\frac {n}{2^i})$, and the sum is shown in the following. $$T(n) = \sum \limits_ {i = 0}^{h}{(3^{i}\Theta(\frac {n}{2^i}))} = \sum \limits_ {i = 0}^{h}{(\Theta(n*(\frac {3}{2})^i))} = \Theta(n*\sum\limits_{i=0}^{h}{(\frac {3}{2})^i)} \tag{2}$$ - With
$(1)$ and$(2)$ , we can get the result: $$T(n) = \Theta(n*{\frac{1*{(1-{(\frac{3}{2})^{h-1} })} }{1-{\frac{3}{2} } } }) = \Theta(n2{((\frac{3}{2})^{h-1}-1) })$$$$\therefore T(n) = \Theta(n*{(\frac{3}{2})^{\log_{2}{n} } }) = \Theta(n*\frac{3^{\log_{2}{n} } }{2^{\log_{2}{n} } }) = \Theta(3^{log_{2}{n} })$$ $$\therefore T(n) = \Theta(3^{\frac{log_{3}{n} }{log_{3}{2} } }) = \Theta(n^{\frac{1}{\log_{3}{2} } }) = \Theta(n^{\log_{2}{3} })$$
- Obviously the height
$T(n) = \Theta(\sqrt{n}*{\log_{4}{n} })$ . Using Tree Method.- Similar to the last problem, we have the height.
$$h = \log_{4}{n} \tag{3}$$ - Each floor
$i$ has$2^{i}*\Theta(\sqrt{\frac{n}{4^{i} } }) = \Theta(\sqrt{n})$ , sum up all floors:$$T(n) = \sum \limits_{i=0}^{h}{\Theta(\sqrt{n})} \tag{4}$$ - With
$(1)$ and$(2)$ , we can get the result:$$T(n) = \Theta(\sqrt{n}*\log_{4}{n})$$
- Similar to the last problem, we have the height.
$T(n) = \Theta(n)$ . Using Substitution method.- we need to prove that given a constant
$k_{1}$ , there exists a variable$k_{2_i}$ , while$n \leq T(n) \leq k_{1}n + k_{2_n}\sqrt{n}$ ,$k_{2_n} \leq \sqrt{n}-1$ - (Base case)When
$n = 1$ , we have:$$\exists k_{2_1} \leq 0,1 \leq T(1) = 1 \leq k_{1}*1 + k_{2_1}*1 \tag{5}$$ - (Induction)Assume whenever
$n \leq \frac{k}{4}$ , we have: $$\exists k_{2_n} \leq \sqrt{n}-1, n \leq W(n) \leq k_{1}n + k_{2_n}\sqrt{n} \tag{6}$$ - Which means: $$\forall i <= \frac{k}{2}, \exists k_{2_i} \leq \sqrt{i}-1, i \leq W(i) \leq k_{1}i + k_{2_i}\sqrt{i}, \tag{7}$$ $$\therefore \exists k_{2_{\frac {k}{4} } } \leq \frac{\sqrt{k} }{2} -1, \frac {k}{4} \leq W(\frac {k}{4}) \leq k_{1}\frac{k}{4} + k_{2_{\frac{k}{4} } }\frac{\sqrt{k} }{2}, \tag{8}$$
- Then: $$\because W(k) = 4W(\frac {k}{4}) + \sqrt{k}\Theta(1), \because (8)$$ $$\therefore 4\frac{k}{4} \leq W(k) \leq 4k_{1}\frac{k}{4} + 4k_{2_{\frac{k}{4} } }\frac{\sqrt{k} }{2}+\sqrt{k}$$ $$\therefore k \leq W(k) \leq k_{1}k + (\sqrt{k}-1)\sqrt{k}$$ $$\therefore \exists k_{2_k} = \sqrt{k}-1, k \leq W(k) \leq k_{1}k + k_{2_k}\sqrt{k} \tag{9}$$
- With Induction, we proved:
$$\exists k_{2_n} = \sqrt{n}-1, n \leq W(n) \leq k_{1}n + k_{2_n}\sqrt{n} \tag{10}$$
$$\because n \leq W(n)$$ $$\therefore n \in \mathcal {O}(W(n)) \tag{11}$$ $$\because W(n) \leq k_{1}n + k_{2_n}\sqrt{n} \therefore W(n)\in \mathcal{O}(2n-\sqrt{n})$$$$\therefore W(n) \in \mathcal{O}(n) \tag{12}$$ $$\because (11), (12)$$ $$\therefore W(n) = \Theta(n) \cdots\cdots \square$$
- we need to prove that given a constant