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Anil Kumar GOTTAM edited this page Jul 8, 2020 · 2 revisions



Why Spring Cloud?

  1. Spring cloud is not new. But why are people talking about it now?
  2. Who should be looking at spring cloud, if they don't already have it?
  3. What should you consider when looking at Spring Cloud solutions?

Why Azure Spring Cloud?

Azure Spring Cloud abstracts away the complexity of infrastructure management and Spring Cloud middleware management, so you can focus on building your business logic and let Azure take care of dynamic scaling, security patches, compliance standards, and high availability.


(at the time of writing)

Maven, Gradle dependencies version

Spring Boot version Spring Cloud version Azure Spring Cloud version
2.2 Hoxton.SR3 2.2

Azure CLI

az --version
azure-cli spring-cloud
2.4.0 0.2.2