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WIBARAB Transcription Repository

This git repository hosts the transcription data of the project What is Bedouin-Type Arabic? (ERC Advanced Grant 101020127) (October 2021 to September 2026).

Principal Investigator: Stephan Procházka (University of Vienna)
Cooperation Partner: Charly Mörth (Austrian Academy of Sciences)

See for more information

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If you want to use any material in this repository please contact PI Stephan Procházka (University of Vienna).

This will change at the end of the project.

Directory Structure

Directory Content Remarks
001_src Original sources Source documents (e.g. raw transcriptions)
080_scripts_generic Conversion Scripts mostly the ELAN2TEI conversion script (implemented in Python) which generates the initial TEI data prior to tokenization based on the ELAN transcription documents in 122_elan
082_scripts_xsl XSLT scripts XSLT scripts
103_tei_w TEI-XML with tokens This is where ELAN2TEI puts its output. Re-running TEI2ELAN will overwrite all content in this directory, so do not do any manual changes here but copy the file to 010_manannot beforehand.
010_manannot manually annotated TEI-XML Tokenized TEI documents from 103_tei_w which are manually annotated.
802_tei_odd TEI customization (ODD) This is the source of truth for the SHAWI Schema and the HTML documentation generated from it.
130_vert_plain NoSketch Engine Verticals NoSketch Engine text verticals
803_RNG-schematron Schemas derived from the ODD in 802_tei_odd
804_xsd Schemas derived from the ODD in 802_tei_odd
850_docs Documentation Further data documentation, esp. the HTML documentation of the ODD

The directories css, html, js and xsl are used by the TEI Enricher.

Other data locations

  • Master files of the audio recordings are stored on the project's network share at the University of Vienna
  • the metadata spreadsheet is hosted on Sharepoint.

General Workflow

NB The workflow will be described in due manner but will be very similar to the one described in the SHAWI Data Processing and Curation Document

The following steps happen before data is ingested into this repository:

  • fieldwork (recording audio etc.) – The recordings so far cover only material collected in previous campaigns
  • campaign metadata is added in the "sources" document in the WIBARAB featuredb repository
  • collecting metadata: – This is collected at curated in [the metadata spreadsheet].

Workflow steps reflected in the data in this repository:

  • Transcription and translation – Curators segment the audio recordings into sensible sets of "utterances" and transcribe and translate them using ELAN. When transcription has finished, the curator adds the ELAN document(s) to 122_elan and pushes the changes to git.
  • Tokenization This push triggers the ELAN2TEI conversion workflow which takes all *.eaf files in 122_ELAN and transforms them into tokenized standalone TEI documents, storing them under 103_tei_w. Additionally, a TEI Corpus file is generated which includes corpus level metadata and controlled vocabularies.
  • Annotation After transformation to TEI, curators annotate the texts using the TEI_enricher and store the results under 010_manannot.
  • Conversion to NoSke Verticals During the tokenization process, a NoSke-compatible vertical is created which incorporates the annotations found in ``010_manannot` .
  • Deployment The data is automatically deployed to an instance of the NoSketchEngine corpus query engine.