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413 lines (335 loc) · 18.9 KB


2.0.4 (not yet released)

2.0.3 (2024-09-16)

  • added support for WildFly 28 - 33
  • updated the namespace detection for the root namespace to support stability level qualifiers
  • added JDK 21 CI
  • upgraded groovy to 4.0.22

2.0.2 (2023-01-18)

  • reverted jboss-logging -> wildfly-logging change
  • added JDK 17 CI

2.0.1 (2023-01-16)

  • brought back remote protocol

2.0.0 The Road Runner (2023-01-12)

  • switched default protocol to http-remoting (still default in WildFly 10)
  • switched default port to 9990
  • added remote+http and remote+https protocols, deprecated http-remoting and https-remoting
  • dropped creaper.wildfly property
  • dropped remoting protocol support
  • added support for WildFly 25 - WildFly 27
  • updated Batch.whoami to not declare IOException
  • upgraded XMLUnit to 2.9.0 (used only in testsuite)


  • compatibility with WildFly Core 20.0.0.Beta3 (WildFly 28)
  • removed the workaround for WFCORE-526


  • added support for WildFly 21 - WildFly 24


  • aligned server dependencies with WildFly 10+ and JBoss EAP 7.0.0+
  • upgraded Google Guava to 31.1


  • move to JDK 8 as a minimal required JDK version
  • support for AS7 officially removed
    • note: the property creaper.wildfly and protocol remoting with 9999 are still kept as default for now
  • support for WildFly 8 and WildFly 9 officially removed
  • added AddUndertowListener.sslContext
  • added AddModule.moduleRootDir

1.6.2 The Speedy Gonzales Edition (2020-11-05)

  • added support for WildFly 12 - WildFly 20
  • added Elytron commands
  • added Address.profile

1.6.1 The Cheela Edition (2017-05-25)

  • fixed ReloadToSnapshot for managed domain

1.6.0 The Wildfire Edition (2017-04-20)

  • added support for WildFly 11 now that 11.0.0.Alpha1 is released
  • added commands for resource adapter manipulation
  • added SnapshotBackup
  • added ReloadToSnapshot
  • added AddSslServerIdentity.generateSelfSignedCertHost
  • added Address.getLastPairValue
  • added better support for ServerVersion ranges: ServerVersion.upTo, ServerVersion.upToAndIncluding and ServerVersion.inRange(ServerVersionRange); the old method ServerVersion.inRange(ServerVersion, ServerVersion) is now deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • fixed Subtree to also understand urn:wildfly:* XML namespaces
  • updated OnlineManagementClient to log executed operations in JSON format on the TRACE logging level
  • updated RemoveCache to automatically add the allow-resource-service-restart header when required
  • dependency upgrades

1.5.0 The Emiko Edition (2016-09-30)

  • added commands for the infinispan subsystem
  • added commands for the ORB subsystem (jacorb / iiop-openjdk)
  • improved commands for the transactions subsystem
  • added support for double values to Values and ModelNodeResult
  • fixed Operations.removeIfExists in case of a missing host resource
  • management versions 4.2.0 and 5.0.0 are now recognized
  • improved reliability of some tests
  • added Travis CI to the project
  • added settings.xml to the project

1.4.0 The D && !D Edition (2016-07-15)

  • added Administration.shutdownGracefully
  • added ReloadToOriginal
  • added Logging.logger().define
  • added Online/OfflineCommand.NOOP
  • improved the Change*TransactionAttributes offline commands to support older application server versions
  • fixed handling of the reconnect-timeout attribute in AddAuditLogSyslogHandler
  • fixed resource leak in OnlineManagementClient when the client connects to a server which is running in different operating mode than expected
  • improved javadoc of [Domain]Administration.reload*
  • improved the Values class to avoid useless allocations

1.3.0 The Kugelblitz Edition (2016-06-28)

  • added support for HTTP/HTTPS transport (ManagementProtocol.HTTP[S])
  • added support for configuring SSL (OnlineOptions.ssl)
  • added commands for audit logging
  • added commands for security realm SSL configuration
  • added RemoveSocketBinding
  • fixed AddHttpsSecurityRealm for cases when truststore path is not required
  • the OnlineOptions.connectionTimeout method now accepts values <= 0

1.2.0 The Avernus Edition (2016-05-18)

  • improved waiting for server: OnlineOptions.connectionTimeout is now also used when connecting to the server fails
  • changed default boot timeout: 20 seconds for standalone server and 2 minutes for managed domain
  • added CliScript
  • added Address.extension
  • added Administration.shutdown and DomainAdministration.shutdown*

1.1.0 The Wintermute Edition (2016-04-25)

  • added OnlineOptions.bootTimeout
  • added commands for authorization in security realms
  • added commands for configuring JDBC in the transactions subsystem
  • updated GroovyXmlTransform to understand new XML element <host-excludes>
  • removed debugging code in the Administration class

1.0.0 The Ez|Ra Edition (2016-03-15)

  • removed deprecated features
  • made all the management client dependencies <scope>provided</scope>, so that the user always has to provide a correct version
  • removed the uberjar
  • upgraded Groovy to 2.4.6

Migration from 0.x

  1. upgrade to 0.9.6; it should be 100% backwards compatible (except of correcting some design issues), so that should be seamless
  2. if you use the uberjar, move to a proper dependency management scheme
  3. make sure you don't use any features that are deprecated (use your IDE or the Java compiler to help with that); all the deprecated elements have a javadoc with migration instructions
  4. make sure you provide management client dependencies yourself, because you will no longer get them transitively (see; once you do that, you can remove the dependency exclusions for jboss-as-controller-client, jboss-as-cli and wildfly-patching
  5. upgrade to 1.0.0

0.9.6 The Lindblad Ring Edition (2016-02-24)

  • if OnlineOptions.forHost wasn't called and OnlineOptions.defaultHost is therefore null, operations against addresses /core-service=... are now performed as-is instead of throwing an exception
  • OfflineOptions.defaultHost and .forHost make no sense because an offline client always works with a single file, so they are now deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • updated GroovyXmlTransform to understand new XML elements added in WildFly
  • offline commands for security now check the configuration file version
  • fixes in commands for security realms

0.9.5 The Heptapod B Edition (2016-02-17)

  • ManagementVersion renamed to ServerVersion, OnlineManagementClient.serverVersion() renamed to version() and OnlineCommandContext.serverVersion renamed to version; the old names are still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal (this is a fix of a critical design flaw that required constant updates to the ManagementVersion enum to be able to work with new server versions)
  • added OfflineManagementClient.version() and OfflineCommandContext.version (server version discovery in offline finally implemented; this now requires that all XML files used with OfflineManegementClient are AS7/WildFly server configuration files, which is technically a breaking change, even though it was always the intent and the number of affected users should be low)
  • added commands for the security subsystem
  • added commands for security realms
  • added commands for the transactions subsystem
  • added commands for managing deployments
  • added Address.deployment
  • management version 1.8.0 is now recognized
  • upgraded Guava to 19.0, see
  • the test suite now uses the WildFly 10 final release

0.9.4 The Rorschach Edition (2016-02-03)

  • management version 4.1.0 is now recognized
  • added more commands for messaging (both HornetQ and ActiveMQ Artemis)
  • OfflineOptions.default[Profile|Host] are now final (should always have been, but it's a breaking change technically)
  • added

0.9.3 The Dilemma Prison Edition (2016-01-15)

  • added commands for the logging subsystem (see entrypoint class Logging)
  • added AddMariaDb[XA]DataSource
  • added OnlineManagementClient.allowFailures to avoid exceptions when operations are executed from commands and failures are expected (e.g. Operations.exists or Operations.removeIfExists)
  • setting a truststore is no longer mandatory in AddHttpsSecurityRealm
  • the Add[XA]DataSource commands now reload the server if required when replaceExisting() is used
  • fixed Administration.reload when the server is in restart-required
  • fixed a failure when Operations.batch was passed an empty Batch
  • added a workaround for WFCORE-1082 to AddModule
  • ManagementProtocol.REMOTING and HTTP_REMOTE renamed to REMOTE and HTTP_REMOTING; the old names are still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • the test suite now uses latest WildFly 10 pre-release (was blocked by wrong patching test)

0.9.2 The Sophotech Edition (2015-12-04)

  • added command AddSocketBinding
  • added ReadResourceOption.ATTRIBUTES_ONLY
  • added Add[XA]DataSource.managedConnectionPool

0.9.1 The Great Ship Edition (2015-11-23)

  • added more commands for messaging (both HornetQ and ActiveMQ Artemis)
  • added commands for adding and removing modules
  • OnlineMamagementClient.executeCli now supports the reload operation (only without --xxx options)
  • ServerType renamed to ManagementProtocol and OnlineOptions.serverType renamed to protocol; the old names are still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • intermediate builder methods in the datasource commands now return the correct builder type
  • improved deprecations (all deprecated elements now have both the @Deprecated annotation and the @deprecated javadoc tag)

0.9.0 The Demosthenes Edition (2015-10-26)

  • first opensource release under the WildFly Extras umbrella
  • no changes since 0.8.2

0.8.2 The Webster Edition (2015-09-25)

  • added commands for messaging (both HornetQ and ActiveMQ Artemis)
  • fixed DomainAdministration.start|stopServer

0.8.1 The Grokking Edition (2015-08-05)

  • Online|OfflineCommand.apply now declares throws Exception instead of the arbitrary set of exceptions declared previously
  • moved AS7 dependencies from EAP 6.3 to EAP 6.4
  • the test suite now runs against WildFly 10 by default (it's still possible to run it against all supported AS7 / WildFly versions)
  • fixed links to documentation in datasources commands
  • fixed toString in ConfigurationFileBackup commands
  • minor stylistic improvements

0.8.0 The Hiro Protagonist Edition (2015-07-30)

  • added commands for the Undertow subsystem
  • fixed commands for datasources so that they work on WildFly too
  • added Headers
  • fixed DomainAdministrationOperations.allRunningServers
  • silenced the CLI, so that it only prints messages through a logger
  • heavily refactored the test suite to support running against AS7 and all WildFly versions
    • using JUnit categories to accomodate for special needs of certain tests (manual tests, slow tests, AS7-only or WildFly-only tests)
    • using Maven profiles to allow running against different server versions

0.7.0 The Gömeršaül Edition (2015-05-29)

  • added Operations.headers() and SingleOperation.headers()
  • added Command
  • the connect CLI operation must not be accepted

0.6.2 The BuSab Edition (2015-05-19)

  • WildFly 10.0.0 version is now recognized (though .Final was not released yet)
  • added OnlineOptions.serverType()

0.6.1 The Shabda-Oud Edition (2015-05-06)

  • fixed ordering of autocreated XML elements

0.6.0 The Shrike Edition (2015-04-24)

  • added a detailed Checkstyle ruleset (big change for contributors)
  • added a detailed CodeNarc ruleset for checking Groovy code
  • added support for WildFly:
    • OnlineOptions.localDefault now switches port to 9990 when the system property creaper.wildfly is defined
    • added workaround for WFCORE-623
  • added and expanded commands for datasources, online and offline:
    • AddDataSource, AddXADataSource
    • RemoveDataSource, RemoveXADataSource
    • DB2: AddDb2DataSource, AddDb2XADataSource
    • MS SQL: AddMssqlDataSource, AddMssqlXADataSource
    • MySQL: AddMysqlDataSource, AddMysqlXADataSource
    • Oracle: AddOracleDataSource, AddOracleXADataSource
    • Postgres Plus: AddPostgresPlusDataSource, AddPostgresPlusXADataSource
    • PostgreSQL: AddPostgreSqlDataSource, AddPostgreSqlXADataSource
    • Sybase: AddSybaseDataSource, AddSybaseXADataSource
  • added AddJdbcDriver and RemoveJdbcDriver
  • added EnableWebNatives and DisableWebNatives
  • added offline commands for adding a web connector and its ssl configuration
  • added RemoveConnector
  • added OnlineManagementClient.serverVersion()
  • [Online|Offline]CommandContext.currentVersion renamed to serverVersion; the old names are still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • added Values.fromMap

0.5.0 The Prime Radiant Edition (2015-04-01)

  • added the Values class as a replacement for the Parameters class, which is still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • added PropertiesFileAuth for working with auth .properties files
  • added online command for removing a basic datasource
  • depends on Guava

0.4.0 The Full of Stars Edition (2015-02-23)

  • WildFly 9.0.0 version is now recognized (though .Final was not released yet)
  • added GroovyXmlTransform for Groovy-based unified standalone/domain XML transformations; the old XmlTransform class is still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • added patching-related operations and commands
  • added online commands for adding basic and XA datasources
  • added ServersRunningStateBackup for backing up/restoring the state of servers in domain
  • BackupRestore renamed to ConfigurationFileBackup; the old name is still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • added SingleOperation to the Operations API
  • added isReloadRequired and isRestartRequired to the Administration API
  • added waitUntilRunning to the Administration API and waitUntilServersRunning to the DomainAdministration API
  • added read-only methods serverGroups, hosts, allRunningServers and allServers to the DomainAdministration API
  • added state-manipulating methods startServer, stopServer and removeServer to the DomainAdministration API
  • added a workaround for WFCORE-526
  • fixed auto-adjusting of standalone operations for domain in batch operations
  • fixed Operations.exists and Operations.removeIfExists in managed domain
  • OfflineOptions.domain[Profile|Host] renamed to default[Profile|Host]; the old names are still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • building with Java 8 is now supported
  • WildFly 8.2.0.Final version is now recognized
  • really removed ManagementClient.wrap(); this should have been done in 0.2.0, but the removal there was only partial
  • no more can't find jboss-cli.xml warnings
  • added ManagementClient.onlineLazy
  • OnlineManagementClient implements Closeable
  • added OnlineManagementClient.reconnect()
  • OnlineManagementClient now has an execute method that takes
  • OnlineManagementClient now checks if it is really connected to a standalone server or a domain controller, as defined by the OnlineOptions
  • the OnlineManagementClient now automatically adjusts operations for domain; this is done by prepending /profile=... to /subsystem=... addresses and /host=... to /core-service=... addresses, other addresses are kept intact
  • OnlineManegementClient exposes the OnlineOptions it was created with; the OnlineOptions are also available from the OnlineCommandContext
  • OfflineManegementClient exposes the OfflineOptions it was created with; the OfflineOptions are also available from the OfflineCommandContext
  • OnlineOptions.domain[Profile|Host] renamed to default[Profile|Host]; the old names are still available, but deprecated and scheduled for removal
  • the Operations API supports parameters for the add operation
  • the Operations API supports writing list-valued attributes
  • added Operations.invoke
  • added Operations.readChildrenNames
  • added Operations.exists
  • added Operations.removeIfExists
  • added [NOT_]INCLUDE_RUNTIME options to ReadResourceOption
  • new Administration API added as a part of the Operations API; currently, it only handles server reload and restart
  • ModelNodeResult has various *value() methods for accessing the result, optionally with a default value if the result is undefined
  • ModelNodeResult can access headers and results of operations in domain
  • ModelNodeResult can access results of batch steps
  • added online commands for adding a web connector and its ssl configuration
  • added domain-only online commands for adding a server group, a server config, and a JVM config
  • constructors of the *CommandContext classes are no longer public; this is technically a breaking change, but shouldn't affect anyone

0.2.0 (2014-09-30)

  • removed ManagementClient.wrap(), replaced by OnlineOptions.standalone|domain().wrap()
  • removed new Operations(ModelControllerClient), no replacement provided
  • OfflineOptions now support custom directory layouts
  • removed dependency on groovy-all, which contains groovy-nio compiled with Java 7; replaced by depending on groovy and groovy-xml

0.1.1 (2014-09-24)

  • removed localAS7 and localWildFly from OnlineOptions, replaced by localDefault

0.1.0 (2014-09-23)

  • initial release