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Installation of Agda and Emacs

The instructions below were created by Martin Escardo to help students set up Agda for the Midlands Graduate School in 2019. We have updated the instructions with a few minor modifications. Martin's original installation instructions are available at

This file describes how to install Agda 2.6.1 and Emacs. Please follow the installation instructions for your operating system.

If you experience any issues, please take a look at the Troubleshooting section.


Arch Linux and derivatives such as Manjaro Linux

Simply install Agda 2.6.1 and Emacs by

sudo pacman -Sy agda emacs

and to set up Emacs with Agda mode, run

agda-mode setup
sudo agda-mode compile

Debian and Ubuntu

Start by installing emacs, git, ghc, cabal-install, alex and happy using the package manager:

sudo apt install emacs git ghc cabal-install alex happy

Next, create a directory ualib for the Agda UALib in your home directory:

mkdir ~/ualib

If you want to try spacemacs, there are some config files in the emacs directory along with some tips in the emacs/ file.

Standard Agda installation

This section describes the standard way to install Agda 2.6.1. If this does not work, then please try the instructions using Git.

cd ~/ualib
mkdir agda
cd agda
cabal sandbox init
cabal update
cabal install Agda

That last command above should take quite a long time to finish.

Now continue with Setting up Emacs to work with Agda.

Agda installation using Git

Inside that directory, we download and install Agda 2.6.1:

cd ~/ualib
git clone
cd agda
git checkout release-2.6.1  # (cf. Hint below)
cabal sandbox init
cabal update
cabal install

Hint. These notes depend on release 2.6.1, but just in case you want to see what other Agda releases are available, type the parital command git checkout release- and hit the Tab key a few times.

Setting up Emacs to work with Agda

Finally, we set up Emacs to work with Agda:

cd ~/ualib/agda/.cabal-sandbox/bin/
touch ~/.emacs
cp ~/.emacs ~/.emacs.backup
./agda-mode setup
./agda-mode compile
cp ~/.emacs ~/ualib/
cp ~/.emacs.backup ~/.emacs
cd ~/ualib
echo '#!/bin/bash' > ualib-emacs
echo 'PATH=~/ualib/agda/.cabal-sandbox/bin/:$PATH emacs --no-init-file --load ~/ualib/.emacs \$@' >> ualib-emacs
chmod +x ualib-emacs

Now to get Emacs with Agda mode, start Emacs using:

cd ~/ualib

Finally, you may wish to make the emacs startup script runnable from anywhere. This is optional, but to do so you could make a symbolic link in your personal bin directory so you can simply type ualib-emacs at the command line (from any directory) to launch the configuration of emacs we have just setup.

mkdir -p $HOME/bin
ln -s ~/ualib/ualib-emacs $HOME/bin/ualib-emacs


We will use the Nix Package Manager.

Open a terminal and run

curl | sh

Follow the instructions output by the script. The installation script requires that you have sudo access.

Install alex, happy and emacs using nix-env.

nix-env -iA nixpkgs.haskellPackages.alex nixpkgs.haskellPackages.happy emacs

Next, create a directory ualib for the Agda UALib in your home directory:

mkdir ~/ualib

Standard Agda installation

This section describes the standard way to install Agda 2.6.1. If this does not work, then please try the instructions using Git.

Inside that directory, we download and install Agda 2.6.1 using nix-shell.

nix-shell -p zlib ghc cabal-install
cd ~/ualib
mkdir agda
cd agda
cabal sandbox init
cabal update
ZLIB="$(nix-build --no-out-link "<nixpkgs>" -A zlib)"
LIBRARY_PATH=${ZLIB}/lib cabal install Agda

Close the terminal, open a new one and continue by following the GNU/Linux instructions from Setting up Emacs to work with Agda on.

Agda installation using Git

We download and install Agda 2.6.0 using nix-shell and git:

nix-shell -p zlib ghc cabal-install git
cd ~/ualib
git clone
cd agda
git checkout release-2.6.1    # (cf. Hint below)
cabal sandbox init
cabal update
ZLIB="$(nix-build --no-out-link "<nixpkgs>" -A zlib)"
LIBRARY_PATH=${ZLIB}/lib cabal install

Hint. These notes depend on release 2.6.1, but just in case you want to see what other Agda releases are available, type the parital command git checkout release- and hit the Tab key a few times.

Close the terminal, open a new one and continue by following the GNU/Linux instructions from Setting up Emacs to work with Agda on.


The easiest way is probably to install linux in a virtual machine (for example ubuntu 18.04 in VirtualBox). A web search gives tutorials and videos explaining how to do that. If we find a more direct way, we will include it here.


In this section we describe some problems that have been encountered during compilation, and how to fix them.

During cabal install Agda 2.5.4... appears, rather than Agda 2.6.1

This is not a problem and perfectly fine, albeit confusing.

The command cabal install fails with invalid byte sequence

The full error looks like:

happy: src/full/Agda/Syntax/Parser/Parser.y: hGetContents: invalid argument (invalid byte sequence)

Try prefixing cabal install with LANG=C.UTF-8, i.e.

$ LANG=C.UTF-8 cabal install

Some unicode symbols (e.g. 𝟘 𝟙) appear as weird squares

Try adding

(set-fontset-font "fontset-default" nil
                  (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans"))

to the file ~/ualib/.emacs.

Example Agda section of Emacs config file

;; BEGIN AGDA-config ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; (setq load-path (cons "/.cabal/bin" load-path)) (setenv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH" (let ((current (getenv "LD_LIBRARY_PATH")) (new "/usr/local/lib:/.cabal/lib")) (if current (concat new ":" current) new))) (load-file (let ((coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)) (shell-command-to-string "agda-mode locate"))) (set-fontset-font "fontset-default" nil (font-spec :name "DejaVu Sans")) (setq auto-mode-alist (append '(("\.agda\'" . agda2-mode) ("\\'" . agda2-mode)) auto-mode-alist)) (add-hook 'agda2-mode-hook (lambda () (setq smartparens-mode nil) (setq electric-indent-mode nil) ) ) ;; END AGDA-config ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;